<br /> Any epplioation of payments, inauranoe proceede, ar Miscellaneous Proceeds fo principll due under the Noto
<br /> shall noC extend or postpona tlia dua date, or cliange the amount, of the Periodio Pa}nnenta.
<br /> 3, rm�ds for�scrow ICems. Borrower shall pay to Lender ou the day Periodic Payments nre due luider the
<br /> N�to, until thc Notc is p�.id ia fiill, a tium(tha "H'uiids")to provide fr�r payine�rt of a�nounts dua for: (a)ta�es
<br /> �nd essessments and other items which oan alt�in priority over tiFris Seonrity I��is6rument ns a lien or
<br /> anewnUra�ice on tha Property; {U) leasahold payinents or grouud rauts on Yha Property, if any; (c)premimns
<br /> for any and a11 insurance reqaircd by Lcndcr undcr Soction 5; and(d)Mortgage h�sw aix�prenriums, if any,
<br /> or 1ny sums payable l�y Borrower Co Lendet n�lieu of Lhe pn}nnent of Morfgage Insur2nce preiniums in
<br /> aocordanee with the provisions of Section 10. These iYems are callecl"Hscrow Items." At origination or nt
<br /> nny time during the term of the Loau, Lender may require tliat Couununity Association Dues, Fees, and
<br /> Assossmente, if any, Ue escrowed by Borrowor, and such dues, fees atici araessmenCa shall 6e zn L;scrow
<br /> Ifem, Burrower shall prompCly fiu�nisk to Lencier all notices o£AmounYs to be pflid under this Section.
<br /> Borrower shnll pny Leuder the Fwids f'or Escrow Items iuiless Levder waives Borro�ver's obligation to pay
<br /> tiha Fwicle for any or all Escrow[teilus. Lender may waive Borrowcn''e oblibetion to pay to Lender H imdr for
<br /> any or all H;scrow Itcros at any 6iv�e. Any suoh waiver tnay only be in writing. In the event of such waiver,
<br /> Bon�ower shall p�y directly, when and where payable, the amotuiCs due 1or any Eecrow Iteins t'or wUich
<br /> payment of Ftuids lxas been waived by l.ender and, �f Lendcr requires, shall ftu�nish W L,ondcr receipts
<br /> evidencing sucl�pxymcnt witUin such timo petiod as Lender may requ�l•e. Borrower's obligation to mak€
<br /> s�ich payn�cnts and to provide receipts shall for nll purposes be deemed to ba a coven�ant aud agraeinent
<br /> contained in[hia Seourity Inshument, ns the phrase "covenuit aud agreemenE" is used in Section 9. If
<br /> Boirower is obligaYed to pay Escrow Itains directly, pm•snant to a w�iver, and Rorrowe��fails to pay the
<br /> amount dua for an L�scrow Item, Le�lder may exarcisc itn rights uudrn� Sectiou 9 and�ay sueh aznounC azid
<br /> I�orrower sha11 then Uo oUligatcd �mder Sectiun 9 ta repay to Lender atry suoh umount. Lender may revoke
<br /> the waiver as Co nny or all Escrow Items ak any flme by a notica givan ui accoidance with Section 15 uid,
<br /> upon such revocation, Borrower sliall pay to T,ender all F'unds, and in nuch amoimtti, that 2rc then required
<br /> undcr this Scction 3.
<br /> Lc�idcr may, at au�y ume, colleot nnd hold Funds in an �unount(a�) sufficient to permit Lender to apply the
<br /> P'unds at Ehe time specified under RESPA, and(b) not to exceed the inaxiimm�aznoLuit a lender can requu�e
<br /> ❑nder RLSPA. Lender sha11 estimate the aanowit of Funds due on thc basis of currcnt data and reasonable
<br /> csEimates of oxpenditures oP fu[ure�scrow Iten�s ox otherwise in accordance with Applicable Law.
<br /> The Funds sliall Uo held in an inst'iluEion whose deposiCs are iusured by a federal agency, inshumeutality, ar
<br /> enEi[y(inclucling Lender, if Leuder is an instihrtion whose deposits ue so iusuced)or in any Federul Home
<br /> Lo�n Bank. Lender shall apply}1ie Ftuids to pay fhe Fscrow Items no latc;r than t1�e timc spocificd undcr
<br /> RESPA. ],ender ehall not d�arge B�rrower for holding�nci 1pplying�tlie P'un�ds, azinually aaplyzing the
<br /> escrow aocoiuiC, ar verifying the Escrow Items, unlesa Lendar pays Borrower interest on Che Fwids and
<br /> Applicnble Law permits Lander to malce suoh a charge. Utdess an agraement iy made iii weiting or
<br /> ApplicaUla Law reqnices interesf t�Uc paici on the PLmds, Lencler shall not 6e required to pay Borrower any
<br /> intcrest or camii�gs on lhe Funds. Borxower nnd Lender can agree in writing, howaver, that inYeresC shall Ua
<br /> paid on the Punds. Lencler sliall give to Borrowar, wiUiout charge, aai amival accountiug of the Fwxls as
<br /> required by RESPA.
<br /> IP there is a surplus oF ruuds held in escrow, as defined wider RL�SPA, Lender ahall accoLint to Boirower for
<br /> the excess f'ands in accordzuce witlx RFSPA. If t�hare is a shortage of b'unds hold in oecrow, ae deGned under
<br /> RRSPA, l�ender shEill nofify Borrower ae required by RCSPA, and Borrower sha11 pay to Lender Che amwnt
<br /> necess�ry Lo matce u� the shortage in acoordance with It�SPA, but iu no more tihan 12 monthly payments. If
<br /> Yhere is a deficiency of Funds held in esorow, as defincd imdcr It�SPA, Lendrn' shall nolify Borrower as
<br /> 2h003152
<br /> N�3iRA5KA-Single Fam Ily-Fnnnle M eelFreddle M uc UNIFdRM IN6TRUM F.NT Porm 2020 1701
<br /> VM P(N VM P9WE)(1106)
<br /> Wolters Kluwer financial Services Pege G of 17
<br />