<br /> All insuranpe polioies required by L ender tuid renev�als of such policies shall Ue sLih,jcct to Lcndcr's right to
<br /> disappxove such policies, sha11 include a standard mortgagc clause, nnd shzill n�me Lender aa morEg�gee
<br /> and/or as an additional 1oxs payco. Lender shall have the xight to hold the policies and renewal eertlficates. If
<br /> Le��der rcquires, Borrower shall proz�tly give to Landar all receipCs ofpaid premiums aud renowal nolioes.
<br /> IP Borrower obtaiszs any korin of insm�ance coverage, not othcrwisc rcquired by Lender, for damage to, or
<br /> destruction ot; the Property, such pc�licy shall iixchide a etAndard mortgage clause a�id shall na�na Lender as
<br /> inortgagee and/or as zui adclition�l loas payee.
<br /> In tlia event of Ioss Rorrower shall give prompt notice to the insurance carrier and Le�ider. Lender may
<br /> mulce proof of loss if noC made pronipfly by Borrowar. Uiiless Lender a�id}3orrowcr otherwise ageee in
<br /> writing, �ny insurance proceeds, whethar or not Uie underlying insurancc was required'by Lender, shtill be
<br /> �pplied to restoratiozl or repair of 4he Property, i£the restoration or repair is economioally feasiUle aud
<br /> i,ander's securlty is noC lessened. During sttch repair and restoration period, Lcnder shall have Che right to
<br /> hold suoh insurnnce proceeds un1i1 Lender l�as llad au npporCunity to inspect such ProperCy to ensm�e the
<br /> work hAs been completed to Lendnr's aalisfacCion, provided that such inspeotion ehall be miderta1re�i
<br /> promptly. l,ender mxy disbi�rse proceede fur the repairs and resCoration in a siriglo payinenC or in a series oP
<br /> progress payments t�s the work is completed. Unless an agrcemcnt is naa�{e in writing or Applicable Law
<br /> requires interest Eo be paid on sucl�insurance proceeds, I,ender shall not be required to pay Borrower a�ry
<br /> inEeresY ox eanvngs on sue7i proceeds. Fees Por piiblic adjusters, or other iliird pa��fres, retainui by Borrower
<br /> shz11 not Ue paid out of G�e insiirance proceeds and sha11 be the sole ob7igation of Borrowrn'. If the restorntion
<br /> or repair is nnti economically fensible ox Lender's secua'ity would be lcasc^�ted, t'hc insiu�auce proceeds shall be
<br /> applied to tlie sums sectu'ed by this Secua'ity Instrument, whethar or not theu due, wittt the excese, if aziy,
<br /> paid Co Borrower. Snch ineurance pr��cccde ahall be applied in the orde��provided£or in�ection 2,
<br /> If Borrower aUzndons flie Property, Lci�dc� �n1y file, negotinke nnd setHe any available insur�uice clalm and
<br /> ralated matters. ,If Borrower does not responcl within 30 days to a notice finm Lender that tho insurance
<br /> carrier has offered to aettle a olaiin, then Lender may negotixte�nd settlo tho olaiin. The 30-day period will
<br /> begin when the notice is given,. G� eithcr cvout, or if Lender aoquires the Property under Seetiou 22 or
<br /> otherwise, Rorrower l�croby assigna to Lencler(a)Borrower's rights to viy instuaaice proceeds in an eunount
<br /> not to cxceed Che atnoimis unpaid under tho Nota or this Sectiuity Insh ument, and(b) any o4her of
<br /> Borrower's rights (other than tlie right to any refiind of unearncd premi�tms paid by Borrower)imder all
<br /> insw�ance po1,'ro'rce cnvering 11ie Property, insofer as auch rights ara ai�plicable Co t1�e covere�ge of U�e
<br /> Properfy. Lenrler may use the insurance prooeeds either to ropxir or restorc tl�c Pr�perty or Co p�y amounts
<br /> unpaid undar the Notie or this SeoLu ity Inetrument, whether or nof then due.
<br /> 6. OCCUpanCy. Borrower s1�a11 occupy, cstahlish, and use LFie Properfy as Borrower's principnl residence
<br /> within 60 days after the execution oP[lus 9ecurity TnstrumenY and ahall continue tio occupy Uie Property as
<br /> Boxxower'a principal residenca f'or at least one yaar after tlle date of occupancy, unlcss Lendcr othcrwise
<br /> agrees in writing, wl�ich conse�lt ehall n�t Uc unrcasonably wiCl�held, or unless extenu�ting circumstances
<br /> exist which are boyond Borrower's eontrol.
<br /> 7, Preservation, Maintenance and Protection of the Property; Inspections. Borrower sl�all not destroy,
<br /> da�nage or impttir tho Property, nllow the Property to deteriorAte or ooimnit wasta on tha Property. Whether
<br /> or not Borrower is residing in the ProperYy, Borrower shall maintain Uie Property in c�rder to preve��f fUe
<br /> Property from deterioraYiug or decreasing in va.lae due to its condition. Unlese it is deCerntined pm'sunnt to
<br /> Section 5 fliat repair or restoration is nuti eoonoinically feasi6le, Borrowar sha11 promptly reptur the Piroperly
<br /> if damagcd tio avoid fiirCher deCeiiorntion or damage. If uisurance or condemnatiion proceeds are paid in
<br /> ¢oimection with demtige to, or Yhe taking of, 11ie Propexty, B��7 ower shall l�c rc;sppnsil�le Por rcpairing or
<br /> restioring Uia Prop€rty on1y if l,ondor has relcascd proceecls for such ptu�oses, Leuder may disbLuse proceeds
<br /> znaoataz
<br /> NEBNASKA-Sln�le Famlly-Fennie M ee7FredAic M ac UNIFOPod IN STRUM MT Form 3028 1101
<br /> VM P(� VM PG(NE)(1105)
<br /> Wniters Kluwar FlnanNnl SmNir,as Pege' of 17
<br />