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12/24/2012 9:52:06 AM
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201210949 <br /> BORItOW�+R COV}?NANTS tl�at Rorrower is lawFiilly seised of the eafafe 1�croUy conveyed and hae(1ie right to <br /> granf and oonvey the Properry and that fhe L'roperty is Lmencumbered, except for eneuinbrancac of record. <br /> Borrower waii<tinto and will defend geaerally the title to tl�c Property againsE all claims and demands, aubjecf Co <br /> uiy encutnbrancec of record <br /> 'fH1S SRC'.UR1TY INSTRUMENT combines unifornz covenanis for national usc and non-uniform covenante with <br /> linvCed variations by jurisdicfiou fo constitute a wnioun security ina�tliment ooveruig real property. <br /> Uniform Covenants. 13orrower and Lender covenaut�nd ngree as follows: <br /> 1. Payment of Principal, Interest, Escrow Items, Prepayment Charges, and Late Charges. Borrower <br /> shall pay when due the principal of, uid interest on, the debt evidenoed Uy hhe Note and any prepaymenG <br /> ohnrges mid Iate chaxges due undec the Notes, Borrow�t�shal1 also pay funds for �scrow Items pursunnt to <br /> Seetion 3. Pnyments due under the Note and this Seourity InaCriunent shttll bc made in U.S. currency. <br /> However, if any clleck or other instrument received by Lendor As payment under Ihe Note ar this Security <br /> I�isCrLuneut is reCmned w Leiider unpaid, Lcndcr may require tl�at any m all subsequent payments clue under <br /> the Note and this Security Instrument be m�de in one or more of the followiiig forms, ns selected by Leuder: <br /> (a) c�sl�; (b)money ordet; (c) certified cheok, buil�check, trettsurer's cheok or oashier'e chee;k, providcd any <br /> Fuch check is drawn upon an institution whoee doposits are nisw�ed by a federal agency, inetrnmentality, or <br /> entity; or(d)L�lectronio Funds Transfer. <br /> Payi��c-nis aro decmcd reccivcd Uy T�nder•when received at Uie location designated in the Note or at such <br /> athex looation ns may be designated by Lender in accordancc with tho notico provisions in Section 15. <br /> Lencler may retucn eny pa�yment or partinl paynnent if the payn�en[or partial payvianCs are insuffieient to <br /> bring the Loau current. Lender may accept viy payineut or parlial payment insufficient to bring the Loen <br /> current, without waivcr of any righte hcroundcr or prcjtiulice to its rights to refuse euch paymant or partiial <br /> pnymente in the firture, bnt Lender is not obligated to apply auch pnymenus aC Che ume snch paymcnts are <br /> acoepted. If e�ch Periodic Payment is applied as of its seheduled due dete, than Lender need not pay interesC <br /> on unapplicd funds. Lcndar may hold such unttpplied fimds tiu�ti1 Rorrower makes paymenCs to bring the <br /> Lo�n ourxent If Boi�rower does not do so within n renaonal�le period ot tiuie, Leuder s1Ta11 ciChcr ap�aly such <br /> funds or return Yhem Eo Borrower. Ii'not applied eat•lier, such fimds will be Applied to the oucst�nding <br /> principal Ualance under the Note inunediately prior to ffireclostu'e, No off'set or claiin which Borrower inight <br /> have now or in the future against Lender sh�ll relieve Borrower from u��king paymenks duo uuder tho Notc <br /> and this SecuriEy Tnetrument or performing Y1ie covenanYs and ngree�nents secared by this Seouridy <br /> Insii�wnent. <br /> 2. Application of Payments or Proceeds. Rxcept as otliarwise descriUed in This Section 2, all paymentis <br /> accept�ed and ap�lied by Lender she11 be applied in the following order of priority� (a) iziterest duc undor tho <br /> Note; (b)principal due under�the Note; (c) a�nomxEs due under Section 3. Such paymenYs shall be npplied to <br /> each Periodic Pay�nent in the order in wliich it becama due. Any re�naining amomlts shall be applied frst to <br /> lale chatges, second to nny oCher aixionnts clue tmdes� this Secmity Ine6riiment, nnd Chen lo reduoe the <br /> principal Ualnnce of Yhe Note. <br /> If Lender receivea a pa,yment fi•om Boxxower for a delinquei�it Pexiodio Payment which inchides a su'P["icient <br /> amaunt to p�y nny laYe cherge due, the payment m�y be�pplied Yo the delinquent payment and the late <br /> chaiga. If'more tilian one Periodic Pa�yment is outst�iding, Lender may apply viy paymenti received fl'om <br /> Sorrower to thc rcpayinent of thc Pcriodic Yaymeiits if, and to{he oxte��t that, each payment can be paid in <br /> fiill. To the extent that any excess exists afrer the pqyment is epplied to the full payinent of one ar more <br /> Periodio Paymants, such excess inay be applied to aaiy late charges clue. Voluntaiq prepayments shall be <br /> applied first to any�rq�ayinont uhargcs and thcn a� dcscribcd in tho Notc;. <br /> 24�03152 <br /> NEBftASKA-Single Famlly-FAnnlo MeelFredtlie M ao UNIFORM INSTRUM ENT Form 3028 110� <br /> V M F� VM P6(N E)(11051 <br /> W altere Kluw er Financi�7 Servloea Page 4 nf 17 <br />
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