<br /> satisfaction, pcovided YhaC such inspection shall bo imdertaken pxomptly. Lender inay pay for the rcpaire
<br /> .and restora4ion in a single disliurscment or in a aeries of progress payinents as the worlc ie c;onipleted.
<br /> Unless au agrccmeiit ie made in writing or Applieable I,aw reqLiirce iiit��rest 4o Ue paid on such
<br /> Miscellaneous Prooeeds, Leuder shall not be requircd to pay Borrower any interest or earnings on sucl�
<br /> Miscellaneoue Proceeds. If tl�e restoration or repnir ia not econoinically feasiUle or Lcndci'� security would
<br /> ba lessened, the Misccllaneous Proceeds sha11 be al�plied to tl�e surns secured Uy Y1us Security Instrmnent,
<br /> whethcr or nof lhen due, with fhe excess, if any, paid fo Boxrowex. Such Miacellflneous Proceeds sha11 be�
<br /> applied in the order provided for in Scction 2.
<br /> Li U�e evenC aP a Cot�l taldng, destiructiion, or loss in value oP hl�ie Property, Yhe Miacellanaous Proceeds ehtill
<br /> Uc applied to the sums secured by tUis Sceiu•ity Histtument, wheYher or voC then due, with 4he excess, if any,
<br /> paid to Bon ower.
<br /> fli Yhe event of a partial talting, destrucrion, or lose in vahta oP the ProperCq in wtrich the fair market vatue of
<br /> tlie Pi�operty iinniediately before the pu'tial talfing, dcs�ruc�ion, ot loes in value is equal to or gre�ater Uian the
<br /> am��unl of Che snms sectued l�y tlus Secnrity Inslnunent immediately before the parrial talting, desttvetion, or
<br /> loss in value, unless Borrow�r avd Lender otherwise agree ui writing, Hie sunas secured by Chis Security
<br /> I�istirtunent ehall bo rediicecl by the tunount o�f the Miecellaneous Proceeds multiplied by Yl�e fol1owing
<br /> fraction: (a) 11�e Co[al amount of khe stuns securod iminedialely before the par{ial t�ldng deshltchion, ar loss
<br /> in v�hie dividetl by(b)the fair marl<ct value of the Property iimnediataly before YUe par[inl t�lting,
<br /> destruction, or lass in valuo. Any balance shall be paid tio Borrowcr.
<br /> In tlze event of a partial talcing, destruction, or loss in value of'the Froperty in which Clie fnir mnrket value of
<br /> the Property immediataly bcfore 11�e partinl t�king, ciestruction, or loss in value is less t1�an the ainount of the
<br /> smns securcd iinmediately l�efare tha paa'tial talting, dcshuction, or loss in value, unlesa Borrowor aud
<br /> Londen�otherwise agree in writiug, t1�e Mi�ocllaneous Proceeds shall be applied to the nuuis seoi�red by this
<br /> Seourity Instrtmient whethcr or nof Lhe sums are Yhen dtte.
<br /> If the Property is aUxndoi7cd Uy Borrower, or if, after notice by I.endcr tio Borrowex tllnt the Opposing Party
<br /> (as defined iu the nexC sentence) offers to inalee u� award to ecltle�ol�im for daitk��ges, Borrower fails to
<br /> rcepond to Lendet wiYhui 30 days aRer thc datc Che nouce is given, Lander is authorized to�collect�nd apply
<br /> the Misoellatieous Proceeds eithcr tio restoration or repeir of'the Properry or to tUe sums secured by this
<br /> Security Instrumeut, whether or noC then due. "Oppoaiug P�xLy" me�ns tlie Uiird party that owos Borrower
<br /> Miscellaneous Pioceeds ox flie party against whom Boxrower has a right of aoPion in rcgard Io Miscellttneous
<br /> Proceeds.
<br /> Borrowea• shall ba ln defanli if atry acCinn or proceec&ng, wlietlier civil or criminal, is be,gun that, in Lander's
<br /> judgineirt, eonid result in forPei6ure of the Property or other makcrial iavpaisn�ent of Lender's inte�est in Uie�
<br /> Property or rights nnder this Secm'ity InsLrLimont. Borrower c�n oure such a dePault and, if accoleration has
<br /> oecurred, reinstate as provided in Sc;ction 19, by c�uaing the action or prncecding to be disiniased with a
<br /> ruling tihat, in Lender'N judgnient, precludes 'Porfeitm'e of t]ie l�rnperty or other materinl impairment of
<br /> Lender's intc�'esE in tlie Pt•operty or rights under#1ii9 Security Instrument. The proceeds of eny award or
<br /> claim for da�nages that ara atWibntable to thc impairment o£Lender's inSereat in the 1'r�perty are hereby
<br /> assigned and shall Ue paid to Lcndon
<br /> All Misoellmieoias Proceeds tliat ere not applied Co restorfltion or repair of The Property ehall be applied in the
<br /> arder provided for in Section 2,
<br /> 24003152
<br /> NEerzASKA-Single Famlly-Fannle Maa7Froddie Mec UNIFORM INSTRUMENT Form 3028 1101
<br /> VMP� � VMPB(NEI(17051
<br /> Wolters Kluw.er Flnanr.lal9arvine� Pago 10 of 77
<br />