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201210949 <br /> contiinue to pay fo Londcr tho an�oimt of the separate1y desi�gziated payments�liat were due when the <br /> iusuranoe coverage oeased to be in effeot. Lencler wi11 aecepf, use and retain those paymc�its xs a <br /> non-refundable loss reserve in lieu of Mortgnge Insurnnce. Such loss reseroe shall be non-refundlUle, <br /> notwithstuiding the fact that the Loan is ultimately paid in full, u�d Lender shall not be required to pay <br /> &�rrower any interest or aarnn2gs nn �uch loss rescrvo. Lendcr can no longar req�ure lose reserve payments <br /> if Mortgage Instiranoe wverage(in the amount nnd for Ihe perioci ChaC Lender requires)prwided by an <br /> insurar selecteci by Lender again bacoines auailable, is oUtained, and Londer requires sepnrntely desigu2ted <br /> payinents to�vaid the peemiums for Mortgage Insw�ance. lf l.ender required Mortgage li�sw'wca as a <br /> condiCion oP n�alting Lho Lozm anci Borrower wa�required to malcc ecpai atoly dcsign�ted payments toward thc <br /> premiums fox MorYgage Insurnnce, Borrower sliall pay the prenuums required lo n�ninkain Mortgage <br /> Iusm�auce in effect, or to provide a noii-refuudable loss reseive, nutil I,eiuler's requirement for Mortgage <br /> insurancc ouds in aocordancc with any wriftcn agrpcment betwccn Ben�rowor and Lendcr providit�g for such <br /> henninalion or unfil tennination is xeqtiired by Applicable L�w. Nothing in this Secuon 10�affects <br /> Borrower's obligation to pay interest at the rate provided in tUe Nota. <br /> Martgage Insuranoe reimburses Lendar (or any entiCy tliak pw•chases tha Note) for eerCain losses it may incur <br /> if'Borrower does nof repay the T.,oan Eis agreed. 13arrower is not a party to the Mortgage Ineurance. <br /> Nlortgaga insurers evaluate Uxea�tote�l rislc on all snch insurance in force ftom lime to kime, and may enter <br /> into agroementm with oUier parties that share or n�odify Cheir risk, or recluoe losaes. These agreemenka are on <br /> terms and conditions that nre aatis£nctory to the mortgege inaurer and the other party(or paa�ties)to tl�ese <br /> agreements. Thase egreements iney reqtiiira tlie martgzge instarer to maka payinents using any somce of fimds <br /> that t1�e mortgage insm�er may haue auail�le(��hich may include hmds ol�tained from Mortgagc Insuranee <br /> �7TCi:�"11UtllS�. <br /> As a result of t1i�ae agreeme�7ts, Loncicr, any purchascr of the Notq anothex ineurcr, atry rcinsurer, u7y ofher <br /> cntity, or any afGliafe of a�iy of tlie Foregoiug, mny receive(direotly or indireotly) amounts that derive fi�om <br /> (or might Ue characterized aa) a portion of Borrawer's�ayinents for Mortgaga Insurance, in excha��ge for <br /> sharin�;or modifyui�;t�he morfgage insurer's risk, or reducing losses, If such agrccmcnt providcs that an <br /> affiliate oF Lcnder takes t�shnre of[he insurer's risk in exohnnge for a share oE the premimns pnid to the <br /> insurer, the arr�uige�nent is often tenned"captive reinsurance." Furtl�er: <br /> (aj Any snch ngree�nents will uot affect the rmmmts that Rorrower has agreed to pay fuw Mortgage <br /> Insiu•unce, or any other terms oF Yhe Lomn. Sacl� ttgreemenCS will not increaeo C}ie amounf � <br /> 13orrower will owe for Mortgage visnrance, mid Ohey will not eutitle Bm�irower to any refmid. <br /> (b) Any such agreements wlll uoC afPecE fhe rig}iCs Borrower l�as-iF any-witlt respect[o the <br /> Mortgnge Iusnrnnce mider the IIomaowueis Protection Act of 1998 or nny othcr Ixw. These rights <br /> mny inclttdo tltc rig1�C to receive cert��ui disolosares, to reqnest nnd obtain cancellati,on of U�e <br /> Mm•tgxge Insurance, to have Ct�e Mm�Cgage Insm•ance teiv�inated an[o�nalicallg, mtd/or ta receive <br /> a refimd of auy Ma�t�nge Insnrancc preminms that�vcrc micarncd at tl�c Cimc o[such <br /> canccllntion or termin;ttiou. <br /> 1 1, Assignment of M iscellaneous Proeeeds; ForPeiture. A11 Miscellaneous Proceede are hereby assigncci to <br /> and shall Ue paid to T,ender. <br /> If the ProperCy is clTmaged, suoh Miscellaneous Proceeds s1�a11 bo zpplied to�restoration or ropair of The <br /> Property, if[l1e restoration nr rcpair is economically Peaaible and Lendar's security is not leseeueci. Diu•in� <br /> Fuch rep�ir and restoxation�eriod, Lender shell heve the right to hold such Miscellaneaus Proceeds mitil <br /> Lendel•hes had an opportunity to inspeci such Property to en�ure the worlc has been completed to I.enc9er's <br /> 24003152 <br /> NCORASKA-Sin!31e Pam ily�Fannie M ae7Pretltlle bl ac UNIPORh1 INST2UM ENT Form 3020 7101 <br /> VM P p9 VM Pe(NE)(1105J <br /> Wolters Kluw er Flnanclal Servlces Page b ot 7] <br />