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201210891 <br /> required Uy RESPA, and Borrower shall pay lo Lender the aznowit necessasy to make up the deficiency in <br /> accordance with,R FSYA, but in no more thail 12 monthly pa}nneuts. <br /> Upon paSnneut in full of ull sums secm�ed by t1ii� Security Ilistrmne�iE, I,ender shall promptly xeiiznd to <br /> Borrowcr any Fund�held by Lender. <br /> 4, Charges; Liens. Borrowcr sl�all pay all taxcs, asscssincnts, charga,, fri�cs, aud impoeitious atiributablo to <br /> tiho Property wlveh ctu�allain prioriCy over Chis Security InslrumenC, leasehold payn�enCs or ground rentis on <br /> the Property, if nny, and Coirununity Aeaocinkion Dues, P ees, and Aesessments, if any. To the extent thnt <br /> these iteme are Escirow Iteme, Borrower shall pay Yhem in tha mam�er provided in Section 3. <br /> Boxrowe�-shall promptly discharge any lien wluch has priority over this Security Insuvment unless <br /> Rorrower: (a) agrees in w�iting to thc paymcnt of tho obligation secured by tiho lion in a inanner acoeplable <br /> to Lender, Uut only so long as Borrower is perforuvng suoh�greement (b) eonteste the lien in good faith by, <br /> ox defends ngninst enforcemeut oP the lien in, legal proceedings which in Lender's opinion operate to prevent <br /> Yha enforceinent of flie lien wl�ile�fl�ose proceedings aro pending, buY only unti7 ti2ich proowdings are <br /> concluded; or(c) secures finm the holder e�f$�e lien aii agreeinenl snCisPnetory la Lendex eubotdinnting the <br /> lien to iliia Seom�iLy Iustrunlent. If Lendex determines Hiat any t�ert of the Property ie subject to a lien wluch <br /> enn nttnin priority over this Security InsUvment, Lender may give Borrower a notice ide�itifying Ehe lien. <br /> Wifhui 10 days of the daTe on which tl�at notice is given, Rorrower shall satisfy tl�a lien or falm onc o�more <br /> of tl�e actions set forth above iii this Section 4. <br /> Le�ider may ree�uire Br�rrowcr to pay a onUfii��o charge for a rcal estato tax vc7ification azid/nr rcporCin�; <br /> setvice ttsed by Leuder in oonneotion wilh tilus Loan. <br /> 5. Property InsuYanee. Borrower shallleeep the improvements now existing orherenfter ereoted on the <br /> Property inswed against loss by fire, hazards included witlrin tha term"extended coverTga," aaid�ry oeher <br /> h�zards including, but not lin�ited Eo, earthqual<es and floofty, for whiclt l.endec requu'es insui�anca. 'fhis <br /> iveuranee ehall be inainlaineci in lhe�mounts (including dedi�eLible levels) anci for tl�o periodF lhat Lender <br /> requires. What Leuder requirea pursuant to the preoeding sentences cnn ch�nge during the term o£the Loan. <br /> The ii�surance carrier providing the ivsmance ehall be chosen by Borrower subject to Lender's right to <br /> disapprove Bon�ower's choice, which right sliall not Ue exercised unreasonaUly. Lznder may require <br /> Borrower to pay, in oonnection wiih this Loan, aithor: (2) a onatiine chnrge for flood zone detemunation, <br /> oertitication uid tracking seivices; or (U)a one-tiine charge For flood zone determinntion and certifieation <br /> scrviccs and subscqucnt cliargac caal�timo reinappii�gs or similar chan�;es occur whieh reasouably mighf <br /> affeot such deCermination ox oextification. Botrower shall also he responsible for the paymcnt of anp fces <br /> imposed by Yhe Federal Einergency Mauageuient Agancq in connection v✓itk the review of�ury flood zone <br /> dctcrmin�}ion restiilting from an objection by k3orrower, <br /> [f Rorrowar faila to maintain any of the coverages clescribed above, L,ender intty obtaiu instuance eovernge, <br /> at Lendor's option and Borrowcr's expensa.Lender is undur no obligatron to ptucl�ase any particul�.r type or <br /> amount of aoverage. Therefor€, snoh eovexage shell cover Lender, 6ut mighl� or might not protcct Borrower, <br /> Borrower's equity in tha Proparty, or Yha contents of the Property, against nny risk, haznrd or liebility nnd <br /> inig1�t provida greater or lesser coverage Lhan was previously in effect. Bbrrower aclmowleclges thet tlie cost <br /> oP fhe insurarzce wverage so obfained n�ight signifclntly excoal Ll�e cost of insw�ance that Borrowe� cotitld <br /> have obYniued. Any amounts disbursed by Lender under this Secfion 5 ehall b�con�a aclditioiial dehC of <br /> T3orrower secured Uy t1�is Secu�ity Instruinent. These amounts ehall bear interest et the Note rate from the <br /> daEc of disburecii�cnt and shall bo�ayablc, with sucl�intorost, upon nofioe�Rom Lender to Rorrower <br /> requesting payment. <br /> 24003728 <br /> NEBItA3KA-Single Femlly-Fannle h1aefFredtlle NI ec UNIFORPA 1NSl"RUh7 EN7 Porni 3020 17�7 <br /> VM P n VM P6(NE)(11051 <br /> Wolters Kluwer Finnncial Services Page B of 17 <br />