<br /> l�ny applic�6ion oPpayinenCs, ivsurazico procoeds, or Mrscellaneous Proceads to principal due undex Che Note
<br /> shall not axtend or poetpone the due date, or chnnge Che nmounf, of thc Poriodic Payments.
<br /> 3. Pttnde for�serow TYoms. Botrower shall p�y to Lender on fhe day Yeriodic Paymenta are clue tuider tl�e
<br /> Note, until the Note is paid in full, a suui(Che "Funds")to provide far payn7ene of aii�ounta dLic for: (a)uxes
<br /> and asscssment5 aud other items which c�n attain priority over this Sactu'ity Inetrument ns a lien or
<br /> encmnbr�nce on tbe Property; (b) lcaschold paymcirts or growid rents on tlie Proparty, if any; (o)premiums
<br /> for auy and�11 insurarice required by Leuder under Seofion 5; �nd(d) Mortgage Insuranea prein'rwns, if any,
<br /> or any sums payable by Borrower Co Lender in lieu of khe�ayment of Mor�gago Insm ance premiums in
<br /> accordance with tlie provisions o£Seotiion 10. Thesa iYsms are called "Esorow Items." At origit�ution or at
<br /> an,y tiine during tlic fec7��of tho L oan, Lcnde��may require tl�at Conuntuutiy Asaociation Dues, Fees, and
<br /> Assessmants, if any, be escrowed by Borrower, and such dues, feea end assessinenta sliall Us ai�L�scrow
<br /> Item. t3orrower shall prvinptly furnislti to l.ender all notices of amounCs to be paid under this Seotion,
<br /> Borrower shall pay Lender lkie FuncL4 for L+acrow Ilems unless Lcnd�r waives Borrower's obligaCion to pny
<br /> Yhe Funda for any or all Esorow Iteme. Leuder m�y�waive Borrower's abligauon to pay to I,ender Funds for
<br /> any or all Escrow Iteins at auy tiine. Any such waiver may only be in writing. In fhe event of euch waive�,
<br /> Rorrowe� sha11 pay directly, when and where�ayable, Uie amounts due k'or eny Escrow Items for which
<br /> paymcut of l�Lmds l�as been waivcd Uy l,ender and, if 1.ender reqiiires, shall fiunish to Lender receipts
<br /> evidencing enoh paymen�'wiCl�in stieh irmc period as Lcndcr may rcquire. Ron�ower's oUligatiion Co lvalce
<br /> euch payments and to providareoeiptis shall£or all purposes be deemed Co be a covonant and agrec�nent
<br /> conYained in tlus Secm�ity Instnunent, as the phrase"covenanY a�id �•eement" is used in Seotion 9. If
<br /> Botrowcr is ob1igated to pay Hscrow [tems directly, pursuv�t fo a waiver, and Borrower faila to pay Y1ie
<br /> �mount due for atr�scrow Item, Lender n�ay exeroise iCs rights imcier Seotion 9 and pay such amount and
<br /> Borrower shall then ba obligated under Section 9 to repay to Lender auy such nmount. Lend�r may revoke
<br /> the waiver aa to zny or a11 Fscrow Items at any time by a notice given iu accordauce with Seation 15 and,
<br /> upon suoh revoeaCion, Borro�ver ahall pay to I,ender all Funds, and in such ai��ounfis, that are tl�en required
<br /> under this Sectiari 3.
<br /> Lender may, a[any time, wlleet and hold PimcLs in an amonnt(a) auPficien6� fo�perinit'L�n�dcr Lo al�ply ffio
<br /> Funds at the time specified under RESPA, and(b) not to exceed the meximnm amount a lender enn require
<br /> under RESPA. Lender aha11 estimake flie ainowit of Fuuds due on tha basis oP etureirt dnta�nd reasonable
<br /> estimates of e�aenditures of ftiture Escrow Items or othexwise in acoordnnoe with Applicable Law.
<br /> 'I'he runds sh�ll Ue helcl in nn ineutution whose deposits �z•e insured Uy a federal agenoy, instnunenl��lity, or
<br /> eiitiCy(including L,ender, if Lender is an instituYion whose deposits ara so insured) or in auy Pederal Iiome
<br /> Loan Bauk. Londa' shall apply Yh�Puiids to pay the Escrow Ifrnns no later fl�an tlio kime specified mider
<br /> RLSPA. Lender ahall not ch�rge Boxrower for holding nnd applying Che Fnnda, nnnu211y analyzing tilie
<br /> escrow account, or varifying the Eecrow Items, unless Lender p¢ys Borrower interest on the Funds and
<br /> ApplicaUle L�w pennits Lender to mzlce such a charge. Unless an agreementi is made in writiug or
<br /> ApplicaUle Law rccµiires iutorcati to Uc paid on thc Funds, Lendor shall not Ue required to pay Rorrower any
<br /> 'v2l'eres[or eEu�ninge on[he I�unds. Borrower aud Lender oau ngree in writing however, that interost s7�all bc
<br /> paid ou Yhe Punds. Lender shall give to Borrower, without charge, an annual accounting of the Punds ps
<br /> required by RSSPA.
<br /> If there is a 9wplus of Puude held in e9crow, as defined under ItESPA, Lender sha11 accouut to Borrower Por
<br /> tltc excese fimds in accordance wiHi RI3SYA. If Ll�cro is a ehorCago of b'imdti hcld in cacrow, ae dcfined uncicr
<br /> I2CSPA, Lender shall notify Borrower as required by RESPA, nnd Borrower shnll p1y to Lender the vnount
<br /> necessary Yo malce up tlie shortage iix accordaxice with It�SPA, but in no more Cha�i 12 monChly payments. If
<br /> t1�ere is a deficioncy�of Funds hcld in eacrow, as defrned under RNSYA, [,e�tder•shall notify Rorrower ae
<br /> .__.. ___... _ _.__ ____..__
<br /> _._ _..._ __ _
<br /> zaooaizo
<br /> NEBPP,SKA-Single Famiry-Fannie DdaelFreddle Pdac UNIFORIvi I�STRUA4 ENT - Form 3028 1l01
<br /> VM P(� VM PB(NE).f71�5)
<br /> Wolters ICluwor Flnanalal Sofvloes Page 6 oF 77
<br />