<br /> All iusw�ice policies rcqiure,ci 6y Lender and renewals of such policies eha11 be subject T.o Lendee's right to
<br /> disapprove such poTicies, ahnll inolude a standard mortgaga clausa, uid shall name I.ender as mortgagee
<br /> and/or as an additional loss pa�yee. Lender ehall haue the right Eo hold thc policies and rencwal oerCifioaice. If
<br /> Lender requires, T3orrowcr shall promptly givo to Lender ell reoeipts o£paid premiums and renewal notices.
<br /> If Rormwor oUtains any fon��of insurauoe oovexage, not atheiwise required by Lender, f'or dtuxu�ge to, or
<br /> clash-i�ction of the Property, such policy sha11 includa a standard mortgage clanse�nd sl�all n�me Lender as
<br /> mortgngee and/ox as an additionnl loss pnyee.
<br /> h�tho evenC of loss, Borrower shall give prompt notice to the insurance carricr and Lcndcr. Lcndcr may
<br /> m�lce proof of loss if noY inade proinpCly Uy Ron ower. Onlesn Lender t�nd Borro�ver olherwise agree in
<br /> writing, any ivsw�ance proceecis, whc�ther or not the underlying insuranee was required by I,ender, shall be
<br /> applied Co xestoxation or repnh•of the Property, if flie restoration or rapair is cconoinically fezsible and
<br /> Lender's security is not lesaened. Dnring suoh rcpair and reaforaLion period, Lender ehfl[1 have the right to
<br /> hold such instiirance procecde �u�til Lender hns had an opportunity T�o inspecC such Property to ensm�e tbe
<br /> wor1c has bocn coulplefed to Lender's satiefaction, provided 1'hat snch nispectic�n hhall Uc under��tken
<br /> proinpCly. Lender may dieburse proceeds for the repairs and rest�ration in a single pnyinent or in fl series of
<br /> progress p�yments as the work is completed. Unlcss an agreement is made in�n•iring or Applicable I.aw
<br /> reqaires interest ta Ue paid on sucl� insurance proceeds, Lendex shall noY be required to pay Bon ower any
<br /> interest or aarnings on such proceeds. Pees for puUlic�tdjusters, or oUier third parties, rat�incci hy BorroWer
<br /> shall not bo paid out of the�insurence procaeds and s1�a11 be tl�e so1e obligtttion of Borrower. If the xestoration
<br /> or repair is not eeonomically FeasiUle or T.ende�'s sc;ciu�ity would be lessened, the insurance proceeds shall be
<br /> applied to tiha sums secared Uy this Securi6y Instruinent, whether or noti tihen due, t�iYh tlie excess, if any,
<br /> p�id to Borrawcr. Si�ch insuranoe prooeeds shAll be applied in the order prcrvidcd Por in See:lion 2.
<br /> If I�orrower aUandons the Proper6y, Lender may file, negotiiaCe and eettla any a�%ailable;insuranne olaim and
<br /> related mflCcere. If Boxxower does not raspond within 30 days to a notioe from Lender thnt the insurance
<br /> cturier hes ofFered to settile a cl�im, then Lendcr may negotiate nnd setHe tha claim. The 30-dey period will
<br /> bagin when 11ie nofice is givc��. In either evenC, or if Lendes ttoquires Ylre I�roperty under Section 22 or
<br /> otherwisc, 13orrower hereby pssigns to Lender(a) Borrowar's rights to any innurancc proceeds in an�mount
<br /> noC to exceed the etnounYs unpaid under the Nate or U�is Sccurity Iiistxmnenl, and(b}any other of
<br /> Borrowee's rigTits (other than the rigl�t to any rcfimd oP unearned premituns paid by Borrower)wider all
<br /> insnrance policies covesing the Property, ineofar ae snch r7ghi�arc;applicable Co the covexage o£flie
<br /> ProperEy. Lander inay�.ise tha insuranco proceeds either to repaix ox restore the Property or to pay a�nountis
<br /> wipnid uuder il�c Nofe or this Seeueity Inatrument, whether or not tl�en due.
<br /> 6, Oeeupancy. 13orrower sli�ll oocupy, eatablish, and use the Propertiy as Borrower's principxl re,vidcncc
<br /> wiEhin 60 days after the e�oution of'tlus Security Iust�u�nent and sl�all contitsue to ooctiip�Lhe Pxoparly ae
<br /> Borrower'e principal residence for at 1east one ycar after the daCe of oocupanoy, unlesa Lender otherwise
<br /> agreas in writing, wl�ich consu��t eliall noe be twreasonably withheld, or unless eactenuating oircmnstances
<br /> e�st wliich are bcyond Borrower's eontrol.
<br /> 7. Preservation, Maintenance and Protection of the Property; Inspections. Borrowershallnotdestroy,
<br /> daii�age or iinpair the Property, allow the Property to deteriorate or commit wastc on tho Pmpc,rly. WlieCher
<br /> or not Borrower is residing in t7�e Property, Iiorrowcr shall maitztain 11i�Propexty in otder to prevent khe
<br /> Proparty fioin deteriorating or decreaFing in value due W its oondition. Uuless iC is detiermined ptu'suAnt to
<br /> S'cctiEm 5 thaf repair or restoxation is not econoinically feasible, Borrower shatl prrnnpt1y rcpttir the Property
<br /> iP damaged to auoid fur(liar ciaterioration or damage. ,IF insurance or condeinna[ion proceeds ere paid in
<br /> comiection wiUi damage to, or khe talcing of, thc Properly, Borrower sha11 be responeible for rapalring ar
<br /> restoxing tl�e Property only if Lender hna xeleased proceeds Por such'pm'poses. Lender may disburae procecds
<br /> . _..__...._. Zaooa�zn
<br /> NEBRA3KA-Blnqle Femily-Fannie M aelFfedtlle M ac UNI FORM MSTRUM ENT Fbrm 3028 1101
<br /> VM P�y VM PB(NE)(1'I Obl
<br /> Walters Kluw er Financial ScrNcos Pago 7 oi 17
<br />