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201210891 <br /> BORROWER COVENANTS th�t Borrower ls l�wfully seiaed of the eatate hereby conveyed�nd has the righC Co <br /> gaut znd coiarey Uie Property and that tihe Pro�erty is miencmnbered, excapt for enciimbrances of record. <br /> Borrowcr warraiit� nnd wil] dofcnd genorally thc title to the Property against all claims aud deinands, subject to <br /> any encuuibrances oPrecord. <br /> L'HIS SECURITY 1NS'I'ROMENI' combines unifonn covenanta for national usa and non-uniform covenaaits with <br /> limited varittfions by jurisdiction Eo conFtitute a uniform swurity insirumcnt covering real property. <br /> Uniform CoVenants. Borrower and L,e�ider covenant and agree ae follows; <br /> 1. Payment of Principal, Interest, Escrow Items, Prepayment Charges, and Late Charges. Borrower <br /> shall pay whcn duc the pr'v�ci�al oP, and interesE on, the debC evidoneeci by the Noto and any prepayment <br /> charges ttnd late ohFu�ges due under the Note. Bouower shall also pay fiuicls for�scrow Items ptu'suanf to <br /> 3ection 3. Yxymmits duc imdc;r the NoCo au�d thie Sccurity Inslr�uncnt shall bc mada ii� U.S. currenc}�. <br /> However, if any cheok or other instrumenE received by Lender pe payment under ttie Note or N�is Security <br /> Insh�iment is xeturned to Leiider uupaid, Lendar ixk�y reqLura that any or all subsequent pnyments due under <br /> the NoCe aud this Security Hista�anent Ue made in one or more of the following Forms, as selected by Le�ider: <br /> (a) caeh; (b)money order, (c) certified cl�ecic, bailk checl<, trea5urer's check or cashier's check, provided any <br /> such checic is dratam upoii an iusCituCion whose de�osihs are inanred by a Pederal agency, instmmeirtttlity, or <br /> entiry; or (ci)L�Iech�onio Pnnde TxAnsfer. <br /> Payments sire deemed received Uy Lender wheu received at the locatiion designn[ed in the Note or at such <br /> oYher location as mny be designated by Lender in accordance wiUi Uia notica provisions ai Section 15. <br /> Lendar mag return vry payinent or par6al paymenk if thc payment or partial payments are ins�x£ficie��t to <br /> briub thc Loan currcmE. Lcnder ma�acoepl�ny payn�ent or p��Cial pa5n��enl insirf[icievit Co bring Lh�e Loan <br /> oiirrenl, withoul w�iver of any righte hereunder or prejudice to its rights to refuse sueh payinent ox p�u•tial <br /> payments in the fi�ture, but Lender is not obligated to apply suoh�ayments aC tha time s�ich pa}nnents are <br /> accepted. If each Periodic Payment is applied as of its scheduled due date, tl�en Lender need noC pay inkerest <br /> on unapplied funds. l.ender may T�old sti�h unapplied funds untiil Borrowcr malccs payments fo in ing the <br /> Loan cun'cnt. If Borrower does not cio sa wilhin a reasonnble period of time, Lencier shall eilher ap�ly such <br /> fimds or rehuu theul to Borrawer. If not al�plied earlier, such funds will be applied Eo the outetanc&ng <br /> principal balanca under flie Note iimnediately�rior to foreclosure. No offset ar claim which Borrower migUt <br /> have now or in tlie Fuhue againse Lender ehall relieve Borrower Pi-om making pa�ments due tiu�der the Note <br /> aud Yhis Security Iustruinent ar perfoxmin�the cove��ants and sgreeme��ts seoured Uy thia Secw�ity <br /> Instrument. <br /> 2. Application of Payments or Proeeeds. U�xcepC as othexwise deacribed in Chia Seecion 2, all payments <br /> accepted and lpplied by I,ender sh�ll be applied in the following orde�•of priority: (a) uiterest due under the <br /> Note; (b)pxincipnl due under the Note; (c) amounts due under Seotion 3. Such paymenta shall be applied to <br /> each Periodic Payment in the order in which It becaine due. Any remaining amotiurts shall 6e appliecl first to <br /> late charges, second to auy otliee amounts dtiw nr�dcr this Security Instruu�ent, and tlicn to rcducc thc <br /> principal balance of Cho Nohe. <br /> If Lcndc�r rcc civea a payinenC frona Borrower for n deluiquent Periodic Peyment wliich inoludes a sufficient <br /> n�nount to pay any late ehargo due, the paymeut may be applied to the cialincpzent payinent aud tha late <br /> ��charge�. If mora than one Pariodic I'ayment is outstanding, l�ender may ayp1y any payment received from <br /> 13orrowci�to thc rcpayinait oP the Periodic PaymenSs i�P, and Co fhe exten[that�, �ch payment can be paid in <br /> fu1L To Che extent that any excess exists after Uie p�yment is applied to the full pnyment oP one or more <br /> Periodic Pn}nneuYs, such excess mey be a�plied io any 1�1e charges due. Voluntaiy prepayments shall Ue <br /> applied first to aaiy prepayment charges avd tihen as descriUed in t1�e Note. <br /> ----.__.____..---`----`--.___�._ _..._—..._.__.. <br /> zaoos�zo <br /> NEBftASKA-Single Famlly-f-annie M aelFred�la M ec UNIFORM INS'fRUM EJ'I Form 3028 1701 <br /> VM P� V M PB(NE)(11061� <br /> Wolters Kluwer Financiel Services Pa9e 4 0�17 <br />