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201210891 <br /> s�ntences shnll not a�yly to the presence, use, or storage on the Property of nmall�quantiNes of Iiarazdotits <br /> SuUstances t1�at are genexally recognized to be ap�ropriate to normel residevtial uses �nd to mainCenance of <br /> � til�o Properfy(including, but not limited to, hazardons substances in consmner prroducts). <br /> Rorrower shall promptly give I.,euder wxitGan notice of(a) any investigation, claim, demnnd, lawsuit or other <br /> acrion by any governn�cntal or regulatory agancy or private party involving tha Property and a�ry Hazasdous <br /> Subsfanoe or Environmental Law of wlvoh Boirower has lctual knowledgq (b) any}?nvu•onmental <br /> Condition, including hut not limited to, nny spilling, lealdng, disohaige, release or Chreai of relcasc of any <br /> Hazardous SuUst�uice, znd(c) any condition caused Uy the presence, use or relense oP�II�zardous Substance <br /> whioh adversely affects the value of Ehe Property. If Borrowar learns, or is noCifiecl by any govertunentttil or <br /> regulltory authority, or ar�q privato�arty, tliat airy removal or otl�or re�nediatiou of auy ITa9ardous Substaucc <br /> affecting fha Pxoperty is necessary, Borrower sl�all promptly take all necesscuy remedial ections in <br /> accordancc with Envircmti�cntal Lttw. Nothing]�crein�hall oreaYe any obligation on I.ender for au <br /> Enviromnental Cleanup. <br /> Non-UniPorm CoVenants. Borrower a�id Lender covennnt�nd agree as follows; <br /> 22. Acceleration; Remedies. Lender ehall give noLice Co Borrower pr9or to acceleration following <br /> Bm��rower's hrencli of any covenant or ngreement in tl�is Secw•ity InstrnmenC(i�nt not prior In <br /> ncceleratiou nuder Soction 18 mIIces Applicable Law providce oYherwise). The notice el�all epecify: (n) <br /> tho defnnit; (b) �lic actiov required to c�u•e the deY;ndt; (c) a date, not less thnu 30 df�ys tbom the date <br /> the nuHce is given M Rorrower, by which the ciefaalU rnusC he cured; and (d} that Tailnre to eare Che <br /> defaulC on or before the dflce specified in the notice may residf in ncceleration of tlie emus secm�ed by <br /> tliis Secnrity Inst�•mnent and snle of the Property. Thc noCico sh�ll flirCher inforin Bm�irower of the <br /> right to rev�stnte ufter acceleration xnd the right Eo�bring a eonrC act3on to �ssert khe non-existence of a <br /> default or any other defense oP Borrower Co acceleration ancl snle. If the defnnit is not cnred mi or <br /> before tlie date specified i�a tlic uoYicc, Lendcr at its option may reqnirc immedintc pnpmcnt in fnll of <br /> all smns secntrod by tl�is Sectu�ty Instrnment withunt fnrther demand �uid m;�y involce tlie puwer of Yxle <br /> and s�uy otlier reivedies permitted by Applieable Law. Lender shall be entitled Co collecC all expenaes <br /> incarred in pw�suing ihe rerriedie�provided in tLis Section 22, inclnding, 6nC not lintited to, I'0fl80I1R�IC <br /> afCorneys' Pees and cosls of title evidence. <br /> Tf the power oP sale is inwlccd, Trnstce shall record a��otice oT defaalY in each connty in which:my <br /> pnrC of tl�e Property is luoated amd sh;Jl mxil eopies oF snch notice in tlie�na�mor proscelberl liy <br /> ApplicaUle Law to 13orrower and to tLe other pereone prescriUed by Appllcable Law. After the timc <br /> reqnired by Applicnblo Lnw, Traetco sl�all give public notice of snle to the persoA�s �md in tlre mamaer <br /> prescribed by Applic:�ble Law. Trustee, withonC demaud mi 13m��nwer, sliall sell i,'he�YroperCy aC pnblic <br /> aucCion to the higliesC l�idder at tlie lime and place and imder the terms designated in the notice of salo <br /> in one m� more pnrcels ancl in nu,y ordcr Trnstcc detcrmincs. Trastcc may posCpm�e sale of'nll or auy <br /> pnrccl oF the Property by public t�mio�mcenient at f.he time and place uY nny previously scl�edulecl sale. <br /> Lendor or its desig�i�e ntay purchase the,Yroper6y nC any eale. <br /> Upmi iroccipt of pnymenk of the price bid, 1'ru5tee si�all del9ver to Che purchaser'I'rnsCee's deed <br /> co�xveying tlie ProperCy. 17ie reciC�ls iu Che Trnstee's deecl ehall Ue prima fncie evidonce of tl�e tr•nth of <br /> Che sl:ltements mnde tLerein. Truetcc al�nll a�ply the proaceds of tlic snle in the following order: (n) to <br /> all coets�n[1 exponses of'oxeraising tlie power of sale, an[t the snle, inchiding the pt[yment of the <br /> Trustee's 1'ees actuall,y incw•red zu�d reasovable flCtor�teys' Fees ne pei�nitted by Applicable Law; (It) Co <br /> aR anms secm'ed by tlus Secm�tty Inetramevt; �nd �c) any cxeces to thc��craon w•pereons]cgally <br /> entitled to it. <br /> 24003128 <br /> NEBRASKA-Single Ft�mily-Fannie MaelFreddio hlac UWPoRM INSTRUM ENT Porm 3028 7/01 <br /> VMP� � VMP6(NEI(1706) <br /> Wollets ICluwor Financial Services PaAe T4 of 1% <br />