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201210891 <br /> 23, Reconveyance. Upon payment of all smns secmed by this Security Ilistrwnent, Lender skall request <br /> "I'rustce to rcconvcy t7ie Property and ehall stiirrcndcr this Sccurity Instrumeut and all notes�evidencing debf <br /> secured by[his Sernirity Instrimient to Trustee. Trnstee shall neconvey Che Pro�crCy witho�it warrantq to th� <br /> person or I�ersons legally eutiYled to it. Such person ar persons she11 pny nny reoordation coses. I ender m�y <br /> clxarge such person m persons a fee fc�r reconveying khe Properky, Uut only if t1�e fee is pttid to a third paxty <br /> (eauh as 11�e Trustee)for seivices rendexed and tho chaz�gii7g of the fco is perinitted tiuider Applicable Law. <br /> 2�1. Sub84itute Trustee. i ender, at its option, may from tiine to time reinove Trustiee and appoint a successor <br /> h'usieo to any Tri�tee ap�ointed hereunder by an insh��ni�cnt rccordai in the cowity iu which this Security <br /> Instrument is reoarded. Without conveyance of the Proper[y, the eucoeasor Erqstcc shall suoceed to all t1�e <br /> title, power and duties conferrecl upon Trustee herein And by ApplicnUle Law. <br /> 25. Request for Notices. Borrower requests thaC copies of the notice of defaulti�nd sale be sent to Borrower's <br /> aiidress which is thc Properly Adcirc;.as. <br /> 24003i20 <br /> NEBMSKFl-SingleFamily-FannlaMae7FretltlleMacUNIFOWvi INSI'RUA7EN1 Porm3028 Vai <br /> VM P a VMP6(NE)(7105) <br /> Woltara Kimver Plnandal5ervices PA�e 15 af 17 <br />