<br /> iu the Property nnd righta under this Security [nstrurncnY, and(d)tnkes auch acCion as Lender may
<br /> reasonal�ly require to assure that Londcr's ii�terest in the Pxo�aerty and rights under fhis Security Instrmnent, �
<br /> and 13on�owcr's oblig�6ion to pay the aums secured by this Secwrity Insh�wnent, sl�all conrinno unchanged.
<br /> Lender u�2y require that IIorxower pay suoh reinatiatement swns end cxpcnSas in ono or more of the following
<br /> fonns, as selecEed by L,endex: (a) cash; (U)moncy ordci; (c) cerCifed oheok, bm�k check, treasm�ar's check or
<br /> cpshier's check, provided any such checl<is d�awn upon an institution whoae deposiYs are insured Uy a
<br /> federal agency, instrumentalitq or en�iLq; or (d)L�lectronic Funds Transfar. Upon reinstafemcnt by Borrower,
<br /> this Secw•ity In�h�mnenf and obligntions secuied hereby sliall remain fiilly cffoctivc ae ifno acceler�tion had �
<br /> occurred. IIowever, thie right to reinstiate shall not apply in tl�e caae of acceleration under Section 18.
<br /> 20. Sale of Note; Change of Loan Servicer; Notice of Grievance. The Note or n p2rtinl interest in the
<br /> Nota(together wifh Yl�is Sccurity Inslilua�ent) ean be sold ona or more tiines wit1iout prior nofice t'o
<br /> ]3on ower. A eale might resnit in n chenge in tha entity(lmown as fl�c "I oitn Servtcer") that collecCs Periodic
<br /> Payme��t�s due under the Note and tlus Security Instr�unent aud performs other martgage loan servicing
<br /> obligations under flie Note, tl�is Security Instr�tment, and Applicable Law. Tlxere also inight be ouc or niore
<br /> changes of the Loazi Servicor unrelaCed ro a sale of the Notie. If tlxere is a change of tho Loan Servicer,
<br /> Borrower wil1 bo givcn H�ritten notice of the chAnge which wi11 sYate tlie nam�and addr�a of the new Loan
<br /> Servicer, thc address to which pnyments should be made and any other in�fonnation RESPA requires ni
<br /> com�eodion wiLh a notice of traust8r of seivioin�;. if the Note is sold and thexeafter the Loan is seiviced Uy a
<br /> Loau Servicer other t1iAn the parchascr of the Nole, the mortgage loau�servicing oUligations kr Bonrower e✓ill
<br /> remain wiYh fhe Loan Servicex or be la•nneferred Yo a sneceasor Loan Serviccr ttud are not assumed by the
<br /> Note purchaser unlesa otheiwiseln'ovided Uy tUe Notc purcheser.
<br /> Ncither Borxower nor Lender may oommence, join, ar he joined to any judioial pction(ns either an
<br /> nidividual litigant or the member of a class) ��haC nrises from the other pa�•Yy's actions pursuant to tl�is
<br /> Security Instrume��t or tihat�Ileges that the other party has brea�ched any provision of, or;wy duty owecl by
<br /> rear�on of, Hve Secnrity Hiativment, until such Borrower or I,ei7Acr has no'tified the olher party(with such
<br /> notice given in cosnpliance with flie requireinents of Seetion IS) o'F such alleged breach nnd Afforded Yhe
<br /> other party hereto a reasonable period after the giving of such notice Co talce correcYive acPion. If Applical�le
<br /> Lew provides a time period which inuat elapse hefoxe certain aotiou can ba taken, Uiat Cime period will be
<br /> deemed to bc re�roi�able far plixposes of this paragraph. The�notice of accelaration and o�portnnity to cma
<br /> given to Borrower pwsunnt to Scotion 22 and ihe notice of acceleration given to Borrower pursuanY to
<br /> Seotion 18 shall Uo deemed to satisfy the notice and opportm�ity to talce correctivo nction provisions of this
<br /> Scct�ion 20.
<br /> 21. Hazardous Substances. As used in tlus Section 21: (a} "Flcrzurdous Sa�bstaraces" �re those aubstAnces
<br /> defined as toxic or hazardouv suUetances, pollutants, or wastes by Environme�ieal Law and the following
<br /> subst�nces: gasoline, lcerosc�lo, otlxer f(auun�ble or toxic petroleum products, toxic pesticides and hcrbicides,
<br /> volatile solvents, rnatcrials oontaining asbeetos or Pormaldel�yde, axid radioactive n�ateri�ls; (b)
<br /> "EnviNonmental Lard'meens feclex•a1 laws and la�ws o£tlie jurisdiction�vhere the Property is located thet
<br /> rellte ho h�lth, safety or enviromnenCal protection; (c) "L'nvtrnnme�atal Cleanup" inoludes any response
<br /> action, reinedial action, or rcmoval action, as de�Gned in EnviromnenYal Lz�w; and(d) an "F,ni�ironmental
<br /> Condition" mcans a condition hhnC cen oauae, contribute to, or atherwise tdggcr an l:i�viromnentnl Clennup.
<br /> Rorrower slrall not cause or permit the presence, use, disposal, sta�age, or rolcaso of any I3azardous
<br /> Substances, ox threaten to release ury Hazardous SubstanceF, on or in the Property. Borrower shall not do,
<br /> nor allow tuiyone else tc� do, auyH�ing nLfecting the Property(n) tha�t ie in violation a£ai�y P,nvirw�r��cnYal
<br /> L,aw, (U) wl�ic1i creaifes an Envirotunental Condition, or(c) wluch, due to the prescncc, uso, or relense of n
<br /> FIazardous Substnnce, creates a condition that adverse1y affects tho valuc af the Proper[y. The preceding Ywo
<br /> 24003120
<br /> N EBRASKA-Sin91e Fam lly-Fannie M ae/Pre�dle A4 ac U N IfORkI IN STRU M ENT Fnrm 302 B 1101
<br /> VIu7 P OO VMP6(NF.)(7705j
<br /> Woltare Kluwer Flnanclal Servlcea Pepe'13 of 17
<br />