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201210891 <br /> designated a subetitute notice address by notice to Lender, Borrowcr shall promptly notify Lender of <br /> Borrowcr's cl�augc of address. 1€Lender specifies a procediue far reportn�g Borrowcr's change of address, <br /> tlien Borrower shnll oifly reporC a change of address tl�rough that speci�ed proeedure. <br /> There rnay be only oae desigi�Ccd nnticc address tiu�der tl�is Secw�ity Histrument at any oi�ie time. Ai�ry nodice <br /> to Laider sl�all be given by delivering iC or by mailing it hy frrst clas mail Co Lendar's address stated herein <br /> Lm1ess I,ender has designated another address Uy notice tio Borcowcr. Any notice i�1 connection witl�fhis <br /> Socurity instrmnent ahall not be deemed to have been given to Lender imtil actually reccived by Le��der. lf <br /> any nofice required by this Secw�ity Iiistr�mient is also required tuider Applicnble Law, tihe Applical�le Law <br /> requirement will saCisfy [he corresponding rcquircmoilt ixt�der thie Security Instrttment. <br /> 18. Governing Law; Severability; Rules of Construction. This Sccur9t}Tnstrumant shall ba govarned by <br /> fecicra1 law and fhe law of the juriadicGon in wlrich the Property is looated. All righLs�nd obligations <br /> contniiled in flii�s Seciu�ity IneLr�uncnt are snbject to any requireinents and limiYations of Applicable�Lnw. <br /> � Al>plicable La�w might explicitly or impliciCly allow theparties to ttgree 1�y contract or it might be silent, but <br /> snch silence shall not be consriued as a prohibition ng�inst agxeemenl by conhact, In the event tliek any <br /> pirovision or clausc of this Security lustrument or Uie Note conffiots with Ayplicable Law, sixch conflict sl�all <br /> not effecC othar provisione of thi�Socurity inst��nnent or tlle Note wlrich can ba giveu efPect without the <br /> conPlicting pxovision. <br /> As used in Chis Sco�n'ity Insirumcnt: (a) worde ofthe masculine gander sl�all meAn and include corresponding <br /> neuter warda or words of Che feminine gender; (b) words in the singixlar sha11 mean and include the plural <br /> and vice versa; aud(c) the word "iney" gives eole disorefion wilhouC any obligation t�tal<e auy action. <br /> 17. Borrower'S Copy. Bonrower shall Ue given one copy o£the Noke and of tbie Security Instrmnent. <br /> 18. Transfer of the PropeMy or a Beneficial Interest in Borrower. Ae uscd ir,this Scction 18, "Interest in <br /> the 1'roperty" meaue aziy 1ega1 or beneficial intierest in the Property, incltiding, bul noC limited (�, thosu <br /> beneficial intore;st�h�u�sferrcd in a bond for deed, contract for deed, insYalLnaiit a�les contraot or esorow <br /> agreement, the intent of whinh is Lhe transfer oP tiCle 6y Borrnwer at a fixture date to a purchaser. <br /> Pf all or any part of 11io Property or airy lnterest in the Vroperty is sold or traneferred(or if Borrower is not a <br /> natural pexson and a Uenefioial interest in Borrower is sold or Eransferred)wifliout Lender°s pxioc wriCCan <br /> conse�it, I,ender may require immecliate payinenC in fiill af'all smns secured by this Seourity Instrument. <br /> fIowever, fhis opCian shall noCbe exercised by Londer if such cxercise is prohibited by Appfica�ble Law. <br /> If Lender exerciaes lhis opCion, Lender shall givc Borrowcr noticc of acceleration. The noUca slxall provide a <br /> period of not less than 30 days from the date the notice is given in nccordnnoe wiCh Section 15 within whioh <br /> Borrower tt�ust pay all stinny secured by U�is Secnrity InatEmnenC. If'Borrov✓ez•fails W pay these snms priar to <br /> the expiration oP this period, Lender m1y invoke any ren�edies permitCed Uy this Security Instnunent t*�ithout <br /> fiu•ther notice or demt�nd on Borrower. <br /> 18. Borrower's Right to Reinstate After Acceleration, IPBorrowor mects certain conditiovs, Borrower <br /> shall hnve Yhe right to have enforceinent of�liis Security HistrmnenC diaconCinned aC any time prior to the <br /> earliest of: (a) Five days bafore sale of tl�e Property ptusuant to any power of sale contnined in Chie Security <br /> Inal�lunent; (b) sucl� othcr period as Applicab1c Law infigl�t �pecify for the tesinniakion of Borrower's right to <br /> reinatnte; or(c) entey of ajudgment enforoii�g this Seourity Inafrnn�ent. 'L7iosc a�ndition9 are that Borrower: <br /> (a)pays Lender all siuns which then would Ue due widar this Security Instrument nnci tlie Nofe as if no <br /> acwlcr�tion had o�curred; (h) curac auy dcfault of nuy other covenants or agreeme�ite; (c)paya ftll expenses <br /> ineuxred in enEorcing this Security Inairument, inoluciing, but not limitcd to, reasoilable attorneys` tees, <br /> proparty inspection and valuztion fees, nnd otiher fees inaurred for the purpose of profecting La�dcr's interest <br /> zaaoaizo <br /> NEL'RA9KA-Single Famlly-Fannle M ae7Freddle Mac 11NIFORM IN9TRUM ENT Farm 3028 1/01 <br /> VM P� VM P6(NE1(11061 <br /> Wollers Kluwar flnenclnl SerNces Pagn 12 nf 17 <br />
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