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201210891 <br /> 12. Borrower Not Released; Forbearance By Lender Not a Waiver. Extension a£the time far�n}nnent or <br /> modi�ic�tion o£�i�ortization oP Lhe eun�e seciurod by this Scc�irity insb'iunent granted by Lender to Rorrowar <br /> or any Succassor in Interest oPBorrower shall not opernte to release the liability of Borrowcr or any <br /> 5Liccessory iu Interest of I3orro�er. I.ender shall not Ue required to eoimnence pxoceedings �cgainsC nuy <br /> Succe.ssor in Interest of Borrower or to rc+fuso to cxtcnd fime for payment or otherwise modify tunortization <br /> of the smus seoureci by Chis Seoutity Instruinenh by reason of any demand made by the original Borrower or <br /> uiy Succesaora in Intexest of Borrower. Any forbeaxanoe by Lender in oxcrci�ing any right orremedy <br /> including, wiYliout limitation, Lender's acceptnnce of paymenta from thixd persovs, entiNcs or Successors in <br /> ]nteresE of Borrower or in amowrts less fhan Che unount tlien due, sl�t�ll not be a wniver of ar preclude Cl�e <br /> axercisc of any rigl�t��r rcmody. <br /> 7 3. Joint and Several Liability; Co-signers; Successors and Assigns Bound. Rorrower covenants and <br /> agrees that Borrower's obligAtions and liability ehell be joint And several. IIowevex, any Borrower who <br /> co-eig�s t6is Security Histr�wnenk Uut does not execute Uie Note(a"co-signer"): (�) is co-signing this <br /> Secm'ity In�friunenL only to mo�tg�go, geant and convoy the co-hignor's interest in fihe Proparty mider the <br /> terms of this Security Instruu�ent (b) is not pereonally ol�ligated to pay tlie sume sacural by tl�is Scmirity <br /> Instrtwtent; nnd(c) agrees that Lender and any otheL Borrower can agree to exYend, modify, forb�r or malce <br /> any accommodatious with regard to tl�e terms of this Security Instruinent or Y1ie Note without Cke co-signer's <br /> consent, <br /> SuUject to fhe provisions of Section 18, any Successor in Interesf of Borrower who assumes Borrower's <br /> obligations imder fl�is Security I��strument in writing, and is approved b}�Lander, shall obfain all of <br /> Borrower's ixghts end benofits under this Secnriry Instrument. Boi•rower ahall noe be released froin <br /> Tiorrower's oUligations and liability ixnder this Security InsTrwnant unless I,ender agrees ko suoh release in _ <br /> writ'v2g. The covenanCs and agreeinenLs oP 17iie Security InehrumenC shall bivd(cxccpt as provideci in SecHon <br /> 20) znd benefit the successors and �seigna of Lendex. <br /> 14. Loarl Charges. Lender may oharge Borrower fees for services performed in wnneoLion wilh Borrower's <br /> default, For the pmpose of protecting Lender's interest in the Property encl ribhts under this Seourity <br /> Instrmnent, including, but not lnnited to, attorneys' tees, property ii�spection �uid veluAtion fees. In regard to <br /> any ofher fees, the absence of express atitthority in tliis Secw�ity lnst��ument to charge a specific Pee to <br /> Boiiower ahall not be oonstrued as a prohibitioii on tlie charging oP eunh fee. Lcnder n�aq not ckergo feos <br /> that are expressly prohiUited Uy tlus Secm'ity Instiuinent or Uy ApplicaUle Law. <br /> If tlie Lotui is subject to a law which sets inaxiimm�loaA� charges, and Uiat law is f ually inCerprated so that <br /> thc intoresC or other loan charges collcct�ed or to be collected in com�cction with flic Loan excced fl�c <br /> permitted lirnifa, then; (A) �ury such loan charge shnll be reduced by the amount necessazy to reduce tAe <br /> ch�ge to the permitted liinit; and(b) a�ry swns a1re,3dy collected fioin Borrower which exceeded l�eruiitted <br /> limits will be rafiulcled to Roia•oWer. l.onder•may c6onse to malce this refimd by redncing the principa] owed <br /> undcr the Notc or by r��alcing a dirocC payment tio Borrower. It a rcfund reduccs principa1, tihe rcduc6ion will <br /> be freaCed as a partial prepayn�ent without nny prepnyinent ohtu•ge(wliether or not a prepayinent chnrge is <br /> provided for wider the Note). Borrower's acceptence of�ury suoh refund made by direot payment Yo <br /> Borrower will coustihate a waiver of any right of action l�orrower migl�t]�ave arising out of snch overcharge. <br /> 15. Notiees. All notices b*iven by Ron�ower or Lender in connection with this Security Instrumeiit must be in <br /> wrifnig. ?,nq noCice to Borrower iu connecCion wifli Chis Seourity InsCriiment shall be deeined Co have been <br /> giveu Yo Borrower when mailed by first class mail or when actually delivered to Borrower's notice address if <br /> sent by other me4ns. Notice to any one T3orrower alic�ll constihrte uofice to �all Botrowers m�less Applicablo <br /> Law oxprc9sly requires phheiwise. The npCioe address shflll be the Properly Address unless Borrower has <br /> 7.40D3120 <br /> NEBf2ASKA-Single f-am IIy�Fannle PA selRetltlle 1.7 ac U N IFORh1 INS fRUfd ENl" Form 3020 1701 <br /> VM P� VM Pe(NG)(7106) <br /> Waltera Kluwer Flnendxl 9ervlaes Page 11 af 17 <br />