<br /> satisfaction,provided that suoh inspaction ehall be underYAken promptly. Lender may pay for the repaira
<br /> and restoration iii a singlo disUw�sement or in a series of progress pa}nnents as t71e worlc is coixtplated.
<br /> Utilese an agreemenE is u�flde in writing or A�plieable Law requires inCe�rest ti�Uc paid on euch
<br /> Misoellaueous Proceeds, Lender shall not be required ko pey Borrower nny intereet or earvings on such
<br /> Misoellaneous Proceeds. If flie restoration or repair is not economically Feasible or Lencler's security would
<br /> Ue]eseened, the Miscellaneous]'rc�ceeds slia1l Ue apUlied to the seuns secLu'ed by this Security InstrumenY,
<br /> whetlicr or not tl�e�� duo, with Che�excese, if any, paid Co Borcc�wer. Sucl� Miscellaneous Proceeds sha11 be
<br /> applicd in the order provicled far in Section 2.
<br /> h1 the ever�t of a tota] talci��g, desti�uction, or loes in vahie oP Cho Property, thc Miscellaneoue Proceeds�s1�all
<br /> be npplied to the aiuns secnred by this Secnrity Instrument, whether or not then due, with fhe exoess, iPa�iy,
<br /> paid to Borrower.
<br /> In tlie event of 2 parqal talcing, dcst��uetion, or ]oss in valuo r�Fthe Yrope��ry in wliicJ�tha fair�uarket value of
<br /> the Proper6y iinmediaCely before Che p��Cinl Cnlcing, desh�uotion, or losa ui value is equal t� or greater tih2n Ihe
<br /> �mount of the suma seeured by this Security Inetrument immediately befare the�artial talzing, deeCruction, or
<br /> loss in value, unless Borrower and Lender otherwise agrea in writiug, tlie swns secured by tlus Security
<br /> Instrument shall Ue redueeci by the ainount o£the Miseella�ieous Proceeds multiplied by the followiug
<br /> Yraetion: (a)the total amount of the sums secured iinmecliataly Ucfore tba pvtial taking, destruction, or loss
<br /> in value divided by(b) the fair marl<ct valuc of the Property mm�ediately baForc the partial talcing,
<br /> dcst�'uction, or loss in vahie. Any balnnce shall be paid to Borrower.
<br /> In N�c avent oP a�artial taking, destruction, or loss in value of the Property in whioh the fair market vahie of
<br /> the Property imtnecliately bafore tlie putial talcing, destuetion, oc loss in value is less than flie aanouut of fl�e
<br /> smns secured iminediately bofr�re thc partia] ta1<ing, destruction, or lusn in valuq unlcss Borrowcr and
<br /> Lcndcr otherwise agree in wriling, the Miscellaneous Proceeds shall be npplied Co [he sums eeeured by thia
<br /> Seourity Insh•umenY whether or not the swns are then dua.
<br /> If the Proper�y is nbnndoued by Borrower, or if, nfter notice by Lender Co Barrower that the Opposing ParEy
<br /> (ns defuied in the next sentenoe) offers to make an award to setCle a claiin ior deanages, Borrower fails to
<br /> respond to Lender within 30 days aTt�er 41ie date the liotice is give��, I.ei�dar is authori�,ed to collect and Apply
<br /> the Miscellaneous Yroccede oithc�r W restoration or ra��vr of the Property or Cu thc sumn scwm'eci hy this
<br /> Security InsT�'ument, whether or not then due. "Opposing Pazty" means tl�e third party Uiat owes Borrower
<br /> Miscellaneotis Procuccis or tho party againet whoin Borrower has a xight of actioii in regard to Misecllazieous
<br /> Proceeds.
<br /> Bonower shall Ue in default if viy nction or proceedisig, whether civil or oriminal, is begun that, in Lender's
<br /> judgment, could result in£orfaitw'e of'Uie Property or oEher maferial im�airment of Lender's intexest in fhe
<br /> Properly ox rights nnder thiy Sectiirity 6�strument. Bort�wcr can cip•e such a defatiilt and, if acce1erakion l�as
<br /> occurrecl, reinstate tts provided in SecHon 19, by eaueing Che aoCion or pinceeding to Uc dismissed with a
<br /> �uling U�at, in Lender's judgment, prechides forfei[vre of the Property or other matexial impaixment of
<br /> Lencler's interest in the Property or righYs under this Security Instrun�ent. The proceeds of'any awud or
<br /> clairn f'or daanages that are attr'ibutable to t�he impairinent of l.eirder's interest in tlie Froperfy are l�ereby
<br /> aasi��ed and s1�a11 bo paid tio Lcndcr,
<br /> A11 Miscellaneous]'rocecds that are noti�pplied to restor�tion or repair oP the Ptoporty ehall be applied in the
<br /> order provided£ox in Section 2.
<br /> --..._... .._--
<br /> xaooa�za
<br /> NEBRASKA-Single F�mily-Fannic M ae7Fretldla M ac UNIFORte7 INSTRU M ENT Porm 302II 1101
<br /> VMP p VMP6(NE)(110b)
<br /> Woltors ICluwarFlnanoial Servfr.es Page 10 oi�19
<br />