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201210890 <br /> dosigna(ed a substittite notice adc�ress by notiee to Lender. Borrower shall prompUy notify Lei�cler of <br /> Borrower's ch�nge of°address. If Lender specifies a procedi�re for reparting Borrower's change o£address, <br /> Ehe�i Boxxower shall only reporC�change of address thi'ough that specified procedure. <br /> There may Uc only one designated notico address undar tlus Security Inst���iment 1t any one titne. Any noHce <br /> to Lender shall be given by deliveriAzg ii or by r�kuling it by first class mnil to Lender's addr�s stafed herein <br /> unless Louder Y�es designated auothcr address by notice to Boxrower. Any noti.ce in coi�necCion with this <br /> Security InstrLiment shall not Uc deemed to haue Ueen given to Lender mitil actua7ly r€ceived by Lender. If. <br /> axry no6ice required by this Security InstiumenY is also xequired under Applical�le Law, the Appllcabic Law <br /> requii•ement Zvi1I satisfy the correspouding rc qvixernent under this�Sec��xily fiisteuruent. <br /> 16. Governing Law; SeVeYability; Rules of Construction. This Sec�aily Iust�'umeiit sha1L Ue governed by <br /> f'ederal Iaw uid the law of the jurisdiorion in wlucl�tho Yroperty is loeated. 211 rights and oUligaTions <br /> confaiiied in this Security Tnsfrument eae subject Yo any requireinents and lii�vtations of Applicabie Law. <br /> t�pplictible Law might expliciCly or implicidy aFiow th.e parties to abn�ec by oontract or iT�might l�e silenY, but <br /> suoh silence sha11 nof l7c construed as a prohibition against agrecmenC by contract. H�i tl��event th�E tury <br /> pxovision or clause of Chis Seeurity Ius�im�ent or the NoCe covl7icCs with Applicablr.Law, such conflicS ehall <br /> not affect oYhcr�rovisions of this Security Instrmneirt or Ll�e Note which cu�ba given efFect withotirt tho <br /> conflic6ng provision. <br /> As used iii this 3ecurity Iusbuinent: (a}words of the masculine gender shall maat�nnd include con e sponding <br /> neuTer woxds or words of the Feminine gender; (U) words in the s'v�ular shall meau and include the plural <br /> anci vice ver�a; aud(c) the word "may" gives sole discretion wifhout any obli�ation to take�t�y aotion, <br /> 17. Borrower's Copy. Borrower shall be given ono oopy of the Note and of this Securify 1nsti�ument. <br /> 18. Transfer of the Property or a Beneficial Interest in Borrower, As used in this Section 18, "Incerest in <br /> the Property" u�eans any legal or beneficial inte�est in Che Prqperty, uicluding, but not lintited to, those <br /> beneficial ii�terests Yrausferrcd in�bond for deed, pontr�ct for deed, installment sales aonh�acC or escrow <br /> agreemcnC, the intent of wluoh is the transfer n£Citle by Borrower at a Fuhire date to a purchaser. <br /> If all or any par¢of the Pinperty or atry Interest in the Property Is sold or tcansferred(or i£Borrower is uof m <br /> natural petson and a beneficinl interest in Borrower is sold or h amsPerred)wiYhout Leuciex's prior written <br /> consent, Leixcier vutiy sequire inmYecliate paytnent in fiill of a11 stuns sec�ued 6y this Secwity LtlsfTument. <br /> Ho�vever, fhis option sl�all nol be exercised Uy Lender if such excrcise is prohibited hy A�plic�ble Law. <br /> If Lender exercises this optinn, Lender sha11 give Borxower notice o£acceleration. Z'he norice shall provide a <br /> period of not less than 30 days from the date ttic iiotice is given in acoordauce with Sectiou 15 wiYhin whicl� <br /> Borrowcr n�ust pay a11 swiLs sectired by this Security InsCrttmant. If Borrower fails to pay these suins prior to <br /> fl�e ex�irarion of this pcciod, Lender may invoke auy reinedic;s permitted bp tl�is Sect�rity Instrwnent withoUt <br /> furCltier notice or de�ntind on Bonower. <br /> 19. BorroweY's Right to Refnstate Affer AcceleCation. If Boxxawex meets cercain oouditions, Borrower <br /> shA11 hnve tl�c rigJif,to have enforcement of this SecuriCy Inshvment discontimied at any time prior to the <br /> enrliest of: (a) fiva days before snla of the Pi operCy pursuaut to auy power of sale co»ttuned in this Sec2uity <br /> Instrument, (b) such oGher period as Applicable Law inigl�t specify for the termination of Borrower'e righC to <br /> reinstnte; or(c) cmYiy of a juclgmant enforcing this Securily Iuetnixneut. Tl�ose conditions are th�C Borrower: <br /> (a) pays L,endcr all sums whicl� the�i would Ue dao under this Security Inslruin�nt a��d tl�c Noke as if no <br /> aeceleration had ocetu'red; (b)onres any defanh: oC any other covannnts or egreements; (c)pays �11 expenses <br /> inctu�red in enforcing this Security Inah'umenC, uiolucling, but uot liviiSed tq reusonable attotneys' fees, <br /> properly inepection and valuation Fees, anci other fees incucrcd For the pmpose oF pxofecring Lender's inticrest <br /> 24003136 <br /> N€Bft46KA-Single Fom ily-Fannle M aelFreadle M an UNIFORro1 IN6TRUN ENT Fprm 3028 f 101 <br /> VA7P� <br /> VMPG(NE (11P6) <br /> Woltel's I(luwer Flnanclal8ervlcos Page 2 of 11 <br />