<br /> iii the Yroperty and�rights nnder{l�is Security Instrument; and (d)takes such action as Lender in�y
<br /> roasonably require to assure tha6 Lendar's interest in the Property and rights under this Security InstrumenC,
<br /> and Borrower'e obligation to pay Lhe sui�is secured by this Suw�ity Instrumenf, shall contixiue unchanged.
<br /> Lender may rcquire that Borrower�ny such reinstatemeait sums and expenses in onc:or more of the folloudng
<br /> farins, as selacCed by Lender: (a) cash; (h)money oider; (c) certified checic, bank check; Yreastuer's check or
<br /> cashier's cheok, provided any such check is drav✓i�upon a�i institution whose deposits are insurcd by a
<br /> federal agency, instrumentality ar entity; ar (d)Eleelronic Ftmds Transfer. Upon reinst�tement by Borrower,
<br /> this Security Instrmnesd nnd obligations seci�red hereby shntl rcynain fully effeotive as if no aceeleration bnd
<br /> occurred. However, this righf to reinstnEe shnll not apply in the case of acceleration Lmcier Scotion 18.
<br /> 20. Sale of Note; Change oi Loan Servicer; Notice of Grievance. The Note or a partial interest in the
<br /> NoYe (fogether wiCh this Secnrity Instrument) cen h�se�ld one or more rimas witliout prior nntioe to
<br /> Borrower. A sale might result in a chang�e in the entity(lazown zs the "Lortn SeNvicev") thaf collects Periodic
<br /> Payments due under Che Nota and fliis Secw�ity Instrwnent and parforms other mortgage loan servicing
<br /> obligations w�eler the Note, this Security [nstnunenc, and ApplioaUle'Law. There also migl�t be one or more
<br /> ctianges of the Loan Sexvicer unrelafed Co a sale of Uie Note. If there is a change of the Loan Scrvioer,
<br /> Bon ower will Ue given written notice of the change wlaich wi1] staYe Yhe nuzio and addrass of Ehe naw Loan
<br /> Se�vicer, the nddress tc�wl�ich payments should be made�nd any other infotm�rion RF.,SPA reqnires in
<br /> oonnection rt7th a noCioe of tr�nsfer �f servicing. If the Note is sold an,d thereafrer the Loan is serviced by a
<br /> Loan Servicer other than the p��rohaser of lhe Nc3tc, the inortgage lonn servicing obIigations to Borxowe� will
<br /> rcmain with tlie I.oui Servicer ar be transferred fo a succe±�sor Loan Servicer and are aot assumed by fhe
<br /> Note�nrchascr unless otherwise providecl by the Nofe purcl�aser.
<br /> NeiUier Borrower nor Lenclex mny conuuencc, join, or Ue joined to any j�idicial action(xa eiYher an
<br /> individual litigant or thernember of a class) ifiaC arises from the othei paz�y's actione pmsuant to this
<br /> Sccuriry Insttument or tliat�lleges that the othex paxty has breaclied any provision a�f, or ury duty oweci by
<br /> reason o£, this Seciu�ity Inst�tiwzeiat, until such Borro�vex or Lender has notifiecl the other party (with such
<br /> notice given in compliance wifh t4ie rcquireme�rts of Section 1 S) of such a1leged breach�nd aPforded the
<br /> nther party hereto a reasonable period lfter the giving of such notice to talce cortective action. If Applica6le
<br /> Law provide.e a ti�ne period which musf elepse befoxe certaitt Action can be taken, tlxat tiine period will be
<br /> deenied to be reasonaUlc for p�irposes of tliis para^r2ph. The noHce of acceleration and oppartunity to cure
<br /> giveu to Borrower pursuout to Section 22 uid flie notico of.acceleration given Co Roxrower pm'sttant to
<br /> Sectioxi 18 shall be dee.�ned to sakisfy Yhe notice and o��artunity to take comec6ivc action provisions of this
<br /> SecCinn 20.
<br /> 21. Hazardous SubsYances. As used in this Seccion 21: (a) "Kazarcdoa�s Substance,s"ara tl�ose substances
<br /> defii�ed as toxic nr hasardous sttbetances, pollutuits, or waetos by Environmen[�1 Law and the following
<br /> subs'Cances: g�solin�, Icetosene, other �tlaimnable or Wxio pe[xolemn producfs, toxie pesticides and herbicides,
<br /> volatile solveuts, maEexiflls wntaining asUcstos or Fonnaldehyde, and rttdioactive inaterials; (b)
<br /> "Fnvironrnental Law"means federal 12ws flnci 1€�ws of the jnrisdiction where thc'R�ope�rty is located thac
<br /> relafc to hcalth, safety or enviromnantal protection; (c) "Lnvii�onnvental Cle�anup" incl�idos any response
<br /> nction, remedial acfion; or removal action, as defined in Snvironmental Law; uid(d) w "Environmental
<br /> Coraditiort"rueans � condition L�h��C cazi cause, conhibute to, or otherwiae higger an Environrnernal Cleamip.
<br /> Borrower shall noC cause or pormit tlie presence, use, disposal, storagq or release of any IIazardous
<br /> Subst�nces, or ttseaten to releasc auy Haza��dous SuUstances, on ot in the Property. Borrower shn11 not cfo,
<br /> nor allow anyone elsa to clo, arrylhing aPPec4iiig fl�c Property(a)that ie in violation of any Enviromnentat
<br /> Law, (6)wl�ich creates an Envixomnent�l CondiCion, or(o)whicl�, due to the pxescsnce, use, or release of a
<br /> Hazu do�is Substance, creates a condition thnt�dversely nffzcfs fho value of the PA operlv. The preceding two
<br /> saooa�as
<br /> NERRk51(ASIngloFamlly-FannloMaalFreddleMaoUNIFORM W51'RUMF"JJl' FoYm30281]01
<br /> VM P(� VM PB(NE�(1105)
<br /> Wollara I(luwer�Inanoiel Sarvlcee Pege 3 af 1]
<br />