<br /> satisfaclton,provided that sucli inspeot�ion�shall be undertalwn promptly. Lendcr may pay for the repairs
<br /> axid re.�toxntion in a single disUursement nr in�t series oFprogress payments as Che work is completed.
<br /> Unless an agreement is made in wxiting or Applicable Law rcquires intierest to be paid on such
<br /> Miscellaneotus P�'oceeds, Lender shnll not be requ�ed to pay Borrower auy interest or earnings on such
<br /> Ivliscellaneous Proceeds. I£the restoration or rcpair is not econonric�lly faasible or Lender's security would
<br /> be lessened, thc Miscellcuieotts Proaeeds shall be applied to the sutns secmed Uy this Scxmity Instniment,
<br /> whether or noe then due, with the�cess, if any, paid to Bon�ower. Sucli IvTiscellaneoi�a Proceeds shall Ue
<br /> aZ�lied iu the order providc:d for in Section 2.
<br /> In tlio cvenC of a total takiug, destruoCion, or loss in value of thc l'roperty, the Miscellaneous Proceede shall
<br /> be.npplied to thE sums seaLuui by this Seairity Tnstrumcut, whei:ller os not then due, with tlie excc ss, if any,
<br /> paid to Borrowcr.
<br /> In the avent of a partial taldng, destruction, or loss in value of ttae Property in which the faic market value of
<br /> the Property immediately before tha partial taking, deshLiction, or loes in value is equal to ar gxeaker thui the
<br /> unotuif of thc siuns secured by this Secutity Instrument iirunedi2Gely before Lhe parrial taking, destrnction, or
<br /> loss in vahie, unless Borrower �Zci Lender otherwise a�ee in wriling the sums secLu'ed Uy this Securily
<br /> Inshnment shall be reducecl by the �momrt of the Miscellaneous Proceeds multiplied by the Po(lowing
<br /> &�action: (a)tl�e total unount of the surns secured umnediatelp before�l�e parrial taking, clestrne6on, or loes
<br /> in value divided by(b) the fair market vahie of the Properiy mm�edintely 6efore fhe perrial tal�ing,
<br /> destruction, or loss in value. Any Ualnnce sh�tll be paid to Borrower.
<br /> In the event of�t partial tal<ing, dest�iiction, or Ioss in�21ue af the Property in�vhich the fair ma�-ket value of
<br /> the Pro�erty iwmediakely before tl�e parHal taking, destruction, or loss in valne is lea5 than the amounC oF the
<br /> smne secured immecliately beforc the paxtial teking, deshuction, or loss in vnlue, unless Boi-rower and
<br /> L,endcr ofherwise ae,}ee in writing, the Miscellanenus Yroceeds sh�dl be �pplied to Ghe sums sectired by diis
<br /> Security Instnuneut wl�other or not the sums arc CUen due.
<br /> I.f the Property is aUandonai Uy Borrower, or if, af[cr notice by Lender to Borrower that the CYpposing Pzrty
<br /> (as defined in the next eentence) of£ers to makc an award to settle a claim for, damriges, Barrower fails to
<br /> respond to L,cnder within 30 days aftcr the date the notice is given, Lc��der is fluthorized to collect and n�ply
<br /> tl�e Miscellaneous Procaeds either Co restaration or repair oF Ehe Propzrty or Eo the sums secured by Clus
<br /> Security Inetrument, whether or not then duo. "Op�osing Party" me<-tns thc third p�u�ty tliat owes Borrowcr
<br /> Miscellaneous Yroceeds or the parry againef whom Borrower has a right of aotion in regard to Miscellaneous
<br /> Proceeds.
<br /> IIoxrower shall bc in defatilt if any acfinn or proceeding, whetl�er civil c�r oruninal, is beguu that, in Lcnder's
<br /> judgment, could result in Yorfeitura of the ProperCy or other matcrial impairtnent of Lender's iuceresC in the
<br /> Property or rights under this Secmity Insteument. Rorrowe�'cnn oure such a default ai�d, if acceleretion has
<br /> occurred, reinstate �s provided in SecYion 19, Uy causing the action or proceeding to be dismissed wiUi a
<br /> ruling that, ui T endcr's jndgment, psecludcs�orfeihire of Che Pxope�ry ar oU7er n�aterial iuipairment of
<br /> Leuder's interosh in the Property m rights under thia Security Iuser�urient The proceeds of any lward or
<br /> claim for dainages Yhat are attribuCable to the lmpainnetrt of Lender's interest in the Properly are hereby
<br /> �ssig°ned anci shall be paid Lo Lender.
<br /> [AIl Miscelluieous Proceeds tl�aC nre�iiot applied to restoraCion or repair of the Property shall be applied in tlie
<br /> ordcr provided for in Secrion 2.
<br /> zaooaiaa
<br /> NEBR45KA-SingleFamily-FannleMsefFretltlleMacUNIFORM INSTRUMENT Farm30281/01
<br /> �^�P� VA7PG(N[)(11051
<br /> Waltars Kluvrei'Glnenalfll5ervlcss Pegs 1a of 11
<br />