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201210890 <br /> contixiue Yo pay to Lender the amount of the sepa�'ately design2Ced payments that were due when the <br /> insnraxice coveraga ceased to be in eff'ect. I.ei7der will accept, use zud retain these payments as a <br /> tzon-reiitndable loss reserve in of Mortgage Insur2nce. Such loss reserve shall Ue non-refundnble, <br /> i�iotwitbstanding Che fact that the Loui is ultimately pflid in fUll, aud.Lender ehall noC be required Yo pay <br /> Borrower any interest ar eu'nings on siu;h losa reserve. Lendec can no loug�r xequire loss i eserve payments <br /> if MorYgage Insurance coveragc (in the�nounf and for the periofl ihaC I,ender requires)plrovided Uy an <br /> insurei selected by Lender again beeomes available, is obtained, and Lender requires sepu�ately dcsignnted <br /> paynients toward thc��reiniums for Mortgage Iiisuruice. If Lender xac�uireci Moxtgage Insurance as n <br /> condition of nlaking the Loan and Borrowc�r was required to m�lce separately design�ted payi�nenta Yoward tUc <br /> premiums for MorCg2ge Ineurance, Borrower shall pay the pi emiums required fo maintain Mortgage <br /> Instu�nnce in eftect, or to provide a non-re£undeble lQss reserve, until Lender'.s rec�uiremc��t 1or Mortgage <br /> Insurence ends in accordance with any writtcn agieement batween Borrower and Lender providing£or such <br /> tertnination or nntil termination is required by Applicable Law. Nothing in ELia Section 10 affects <br /> Rorxower's o6ligntion to pay intei�est at' Lhe rate provided 'u� tl�o Note. <br /> Niortgage u1s�u�ance reiinburses Lender (or any entity Yhat purchases the Noie) for certain losses it may inom <br /> if Boirower does not repay thc Lozn as agreed. Borrower is noL ap�rdy to the Mortgage Histiranae. <br /> Mortgage ii�sLuu�'s evaluate tl�eir total rislc on nll such insurancc iu foroe from tiine to 6n7a, and may cnter <br /> into agreei�ents with other parties thnt ahu e or modify thcir risk, or rednce losses. These agrccmenEs are on <br /> terms �nd conditioivs thtit 1re snEisfactory to tU,e mor6gage insurer and Ylie oCher p�arty (or parCies) Co these <br /> agreements. Thase agreements may reqcuro flie morEgage insurex to make�ayments iising¢ny sotuce of funels <br /> that the mortgage insuxer may hace available(which may includc funds obtained from Mortga�;e lnsivance <br /> preiniums). <br /> As n result o£thesc agreetnenta, Lender, uYy pLurohaser nf the Notq another insurer, any reinsLu-er, any other <br /> entity, ox any afPiliate of any of'the foregoing may receiv�(dirceCly or indirectly) �mouuts tl�at clei9ve from <br /> (or might Uc chaxacterized ns) a poxl:ion of Borrower's paymenta for Mortgage Insmaz�ce, in exchange f'or <br /> shu�iug or niodifying themort'gage insurer's risl�, or redncing losses. If such agrcemenf provides tlia�C an <br /> affliat:e of Lende�takes a sh�re of Ehe instiirer's risk in exchange for a share oPthe preiniwns paid to the <br /> insiuer, the a�rangement is often termed"clpLive reinsurance." Fm`[her: <br /> (a) An.y sach agreements will not affect t7ic amoimts thrt]3orrower l�ns agreed ta pay for Mortgnge <br /> Insurance, or nny other terrns of the Lo�n. Sueh ngreeruents will not increaSe tlie amuttnt <br /> ]Borrower will owe for,Mortgflge Ins��rance, and they will not entitle Borrower to any refuud. <br /> (b) Auy such agreements will noC aCfect thc riglits Borrower has -if a�ry-witli respecC to Hie <br /> Mortgage visnrnncc�undor Ehe IIomcorviiers ProCection Act of 1998 or uny oClier law. 'These i�gliCe <br /> mag include fhe iTghf Co receive ccrtain disclosnres, to reqi�est and obtain cancellntion uf the <br /> Mortgagc Tusia�•xnce, ta]�ave the,lM1orCgago Eustnrance termiva[ecl ainton�utic�lly, a�nd/nr Co recoive <br /> a rcf�,ind of�ny Mortgage Insurance praninms that were nnenrned at the tiine of suc}t <br /> canceLLaHon or termint�tion. <br /> 71. Assignment of M iscellaneous Proceeds; Forfeiture. All Miscella�ieous Yrocccds sire hereUy assigned Yo <br /> a�id shall be paid to Le��der. <br /> If'the Prope�'ry is damaged, such Miseellaneous Prooeeds ehttll Ue applied to reshoxatiou or repair of tlic <br /> Propezty, if d�e restioration or rapair le econoivically FeesiUle and l.ondcx's seeurity is not lessened. Dnring <br /> such repair and restoration period, Lender shall have the rig6t tn liold auch Miscellaneotiis Proceede tmlil <br /> Lender has had aa� opporLunity to inspc3ct snch Property to ousure the work l�as beeu compleCed to Lendex's <br /> znoastae <br /> NE6RASKA-9inglo Famlly-Fannle Meelh'reddla Mac 11NIFORM IN9TRUMENT Fo�m 3020 1101 <br /> VM P� VM PB(NE)(110fi) <br /> W olte�s IQinaeY flnanclsl Servlaes Page 9 of 1] <br />