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<br /> -. of the PropertY or,any uuec�est in it •
<br /> 1?.'Brtu�sPer oY We PeoPeril+or a Beneffsial Inter�t[n Bnrrower.If all or any part . •
<br /> is sold or hait�ferred(or if a 6enefic�al'uuecest in Boirawu is soid or�ransferred and�rt A fuli of all sums psecured �►l' �u 'a��.�._,
<br /> ' Lendca•s prior writtea cunsem. t���y � iu option. re9+ure imme�iate PaY . �bited by fodera!iaw as of the date : :
<br /> - .°•'.� - SecudtY Instn�men�However.this oprion s6a11 not be excrcised Isy i.eoder if exercise�s prn . c,<,; a;
<br /> - '�, ,f� � � of this SewritY Iastrumert•
<br /> . ,�t. ;
<br /> if i.ender exercises tAis option.Lernier shai!giv�Borrowe�nadce of acoeteration.The natice s6alfll'm�IIde�Pu�i'ed bythls
<br /> �:��"7 less than 30 days from the date the nodcae is�de�ii sllm prior o the p�itation of this pzriod.�apdei may irtvoke uny remedics �1�` :," -
<br /> - -�--�% . Secu�iry tnstrumem.if Hurroc�er�fails to paY - -
<br /> ` , • petnutted by this Security lnstnim�nt withous ftirther notice or demand on Bormwer.
<br /> ° 18. Bot�mv�s Rlght to L�eLt�te. tnunued�at any bme prior t�the�earlier of�(a?5 daays lor su h other periad as : ; _
<br /> enfarcement of this 5ecurity Insut►ment disco to any power of sale contained in this ,,�..� �;j.
<br /> . - aPptisable taNt tnaY sPerify for reinstatcanent) b�fore sate of the PrapettY Pi►��se condfuons are�Bortower.(a)paYs ' _ --,
<br /> . - gecurity Instrument:or�b)entry af a judgment enforcing Wis 58carity Insuume '';d;;:
<br /> � • .`'L Lender all sams w6ich then would be due under this Secusity instrumeat and the Note as if no acceleration bad o��curred:(b) =:_
<br /> . s alI expenses intvrred in enforcin$this Security Insuumeat•
<br /> 4},��.'.`_, cuces any default of any other oovenants ar ag�eements: (c)PaY reasorabty cequite to assnre �� � -
<br /> � inc[udinS,but not linnited to.reas�nable atwrneYs'fees:and(d)takes s�����.���on w pay the sums secure+i by . ___
<br /> that the lien of ttds Secarity Instrumcni. L ender's nghts�n the PrapertY Bo:rower. tbis Security Instru�eat and the . V
<br /> this Secur+lS+ Instrum� shall oc►ntinue uncbanged. U{wn ceimtatement bl+
<br /> fuU et�ecuve as if ao accelerarion had accuned.However.this rig6t m reinsrate shall s �..`
<br />- obligatiaas securefl 6emby snall remain Y -
<br /> . not apply in the rase of acceleration under paragapb 17. � iaterest ue the Nate (together with this Security . ' '_--
<br /> � 19, Sale of Note;Change of Loan�ervicer•The Note or a parti
<br /> . Iasttuarent)may be sold one or more n m e a w�t h o n t l m o r n o ri c e ta Borrower.A sate may result in a chang����6°o -- __
<br /> as the"Loaa Servicer")that call�ts mPnth[y PaYmems due under the Note and this Secu of�e I.o�mcer.Borrower wi116e -
<br /> •" me
<br /> .,_��: . �, or more changes of the L.oan Servioer�mrelatetl to a sate of the Note.If there is a��8�law.The notice will state the name and �-,
<br />- �. ;;:::.�.. .. , given cvritten nouce of the change in acoordance witb ParaS�Ph 14 above and app . . .=':
<br /> addr+ess o�the new Loan Servicer and We address w wtrich payme�is shonld be made. The notice wiri also oontain any other
<br /> � .': �� rmation bY�PU�Ie law. ��,��, or release of any '`• �1s'.'
<br /> Borcower,shall not rduse or permit the p �P°�• �0�e' 1�" �:
<br /> .- . �- �� Z(►HaTSrd�Substsuces• y�n ..
<br /> 6►
<br /> Hazard��s Sub s t a n ce s on or in the Rroperty. Borrawer sflall not do.two senteaces s b a llenot apply w the p����� �,,{:,a-�
<br /> ��' pRyp�v.y that is in viotation of au�►Envimnmemat Lavr.The pre�edinS to be apprup .
<br /> u5
<br /> ',� stor.�,��n the Property of small quanuaes of Ha�rdous Substances thai are generally remgnized �. �
<br /> � ., tesid�tiai uses and to maintenauce of the ProPertS+• on,claim. demand,lawsuit or other as�ca+n by anY -.-
<br /> ve Lraider amtten notice of any im�tig�ati or Env�tm�nmental Iaw �=``:_
<br /> � ` Borrower shail rompttY� o r vate involving the PropercY and any Ha7ardous Substanoe �
<br /> . - �'''�;: governmenta!or regu atory ag e ncy Pi'► t�3 vemmental o r regulatory suthori ty.tS�at `• M.---
<br /> � �of which Bomuwer Has actnal knowle�ge.If Bcir�wec leatus.or is notif�ed by any Sa ,B�sower sha11 promptlY take E r==-
<br /> ,�; a n y removal or other remediation of any Hazardous Sabstaufla affecting the ProPertY is� � -
<br /> , »s. �' all aecessarY re m e di a l actions in a o o o r d a n ce w i t h B n v i r o n u c�t a 1 L aa. �, .
<br /> . ��;, �� •�s': ps used in this P�Ph�• "��us Substanc�'"a�those substances de fr�d as toxic or h a z a r d o u s s�tt ce s b Y - f -
<br /> une, kerosene. o�er flam�le or toxia pe�1�� P�� touc �
<br /> �; Envirumtiental lat�and the followmg substances: gasa, , -
<br /> _ ' ••� : pesricides and herbicIdes.vola�le solvents,matectals coAtau�ng�bestos d�fflm�alde6yde,and radioadive materials-.�used in . �
<br /> . ••: 4?: , F�..—
<br /> �s h 20, Envlromnental Iaw" me�ans frde�at laws arW laws Q¢�e jurisdicaon where�he Property is E�t��� . .
<br /> •f"` .' : relate��,��Y or environmental protection. as follows: - _
<br /> ��f,�.� ,,,,,� :'"',� .iVOI�I-UNIFORM COVENA�fTS.Borrower and l�����venant and ag�e =
<br /> �� �` Zl.Aceeterntion.R�edtes.Lendes shaU give�ffit N� a�p�or'o acceleration�imd�Para�r'� '�fi anlcss _ _.
<br />. fr� �of anY covr�at or a�reemenL tn ttils Sec�rit9 (b)the action reqair�to carc�t7se def�uit; �.�_�,
<br /> � • � °•':'�' cable 1aw prnvides otlierwtse?•'�he a�e shall spedfYs (a)the�efault, whicH the deYauit most be cured:an�d
<br /> �� .� ,,,;,; aB�S�.
<br /> . ':�.; (cb�dat�not tess than 30 daYs from the date tlte nfltioe is gtv���aotice maY result ia acceterat�on of ttte sams -
<br /> �;,:%�;' ..: (cED�tL�at failure to rnre the ddaalt on or before the���e uoticc s2�a11�er infarm Boimwer of a*�e c1g6t W
<br /> ���': ` <`;' s�d by Ihis SeruritY iusavmeat and sale o4 the�9• =�--
<br /> ,°:: �instate after acoe�er.atton and the sig6t to 6ring a�adion to assert the caoa�xtsteace of a defanit va any ather .
<br /> � . �� 8efense of Borrower to acceteratian and sale.tf the d�in ibll �s�s �ecared by Wis Secusi�Instrumea�tev�ithont �;...,_
<br /> ° , � . ..t�a': [mmaliate paymeut �.-,=,
<br /> � I,euder,at ita optioa, tnay requice
<br /> .. � . .'��• fur�her demand and may invoke the pawee oY sale und any o�dter r��edies�Strmftted by�'c��D�3jeIId�ing,bat not llmited --
<br /> � �:�+.; e c fi i�.3 e d W c o U e c�t a l l e x p w s e s incarred in pursWag t6e r�edles pmvided in tlils paragraA . �,_
<br /> . . . 'i.' t�„a�easonable attomeys'fas and casts of title evidenae: ty . �R.
<br /> � , If We power of sale is invoked.T r a s t e r s h a U�a u;�a n o t i ce o f defaWt in b�CO��bie ia�to Ba�wer an d t o . s.;,_.
<br /> . ' .`;. pi�operts,is locaied and sLaU maff copiea of sntb notia�e 4n the manner b��Ie iswp Trostee shall give pnblic uott� ��--_:
<br /> � � the othes persons prescribed�Y ePPlicable taw.A4Ye�s tbe t(p� re9al�d Y PP � :
<br /> :'��It; QY s�Ie to ehe peisons a n d in We m a n n e r P r�c r i b c d b y a p p llcab4e law.Trostee.wiWont dan�nd ow Eorrawes,sha11 sefl £
<br /> � tI��roperty at pubRc su c t l on to t he 6 i g h e s t b i d d e r a t U 1 kz time anA Place and ua�Er the terms d e s igua t e d i n t i�e n o��o e
<br /> . ��� �t¢in one o r m o r e p a r ce J s a nd in un y order Trustee���lnes.Trastce may postpone sale o f a ll or anY L��
<br /> � r e v io a s l s c h e d u i e a s a t e. �n d e r or its d e s}g aee may ��-'"'�'
<br />- . .. .:�;,�':. Pt�pertY bY Public announcement at the tiate and g,ase of anY P Y
<br /> �;-
<br /> ' ;t pm+chase the Fr+operty at any sate.
<br /> �� �_.�
<br /> . •. .�� �..,.'
<br /> ..� _�. , . :��
<br /> e�-:
<br /> . •� 1 Form3028 91�JQ •���
<br /> _ Pagn 6 018
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