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<br /> i��,"` payments may no longer be req�r�ad.st the option of Lender.if mortgage insutance covecage m thc P i `. .
<br /> .. t .,.,:`
<br /> ' ,��` . that t.ead�r r e q n i r e s)Pmvid�d b3i aa insuts�s aPPmvod by Lender again beoomes available and is obtained.Boriower shall paY _,
<br /> .•. �,,., ;,.� at � for mort e -
<br /> ` �� the premivms required�°maint��°�e��in effe�t,or to vide a loss ceserve,w�ril the ceg�sircmem Sa8
<br /> `'`V� ''.��':` insurance eads in aacordance with any wriuen agre�m�t beiween Bomawer and I.ender or applicable taw. ,...
<br /> ... - 9.inspPSHo�.Leader ar its agent maY rnake reasoaahte enufes upon and insPe�ions of the Pcoperty.i.ender shall give �.t•
<br /> i�����L�,:� ;�.`.� �ormwer notice at the time of ar prior W an i4cpedion specifying reasonable cause for the insp�on.
<br /> , .� . 1 0. Cond�alloa.'[�e piac�eds of any aw�rd or claim for damages.A1R'�Ct 0Y CQnSCQ1tCRtI�. in wnn�ction with anyr ; ,'
<br /> -;--� co n d e�a t i o n a r otl�r t a k i a g of asY Q aK af the Ptopercy.or for oonveyance in tieu of condeamation.are de r e by assign e d a u d � � �-
<br /> . � shali be paid to Lendet•
<br /> , ' .r• In the event of a total taking of thee Property.the pme�ds sha11 be a�pfied to the sisms secured by this Security[nstcument, ��°_
<br /> ' • whether or rtat then diee.with any eacess patd to Borrower. In tha even!of u paztial.taking of the Property in w6icR the fair �
<br />' . � markei valu�af the Peoperty immediatety bcfore the�tglciag is�ua!tQ or greater tAan the a�tount of the sums scrured by thls �'.,"°
<br /> ' '.. � Security Tnstrument immedlately 6eforc the tuking.un�ess 8orrower und Lender otherwise agrae in writing.the sumg secured bY
<br /> uutnent sha116e reduced bY ttte a�now� oY the praceeds muitiplied by the foltowing fr¢stton: {e}the touil �.,��
<br /> . � . thfs Seruriry Ins immediatety '� ":
<br /> � �`. ' nmount af tfte 6umy sesured immediatciy before thc tnteing.divtdod by(b)the fuir m�ket va[ue of the�rti►�sh the feir . �'�=
<br /> � ''`� � ,;�
<br /> • 6eforc the tnkins. Any 6alance shall be p�id.to Bormwer. Ia�tte evcnt of a partial tnkinS of tRe PcopertY' �,;v
<br /> �.�r;,;..'�. mutca vutue of tha i'roperty immediutely 6eforc the t�tciag is less than t�e amount of the suais secured i�nmediatety 6efore the
<br /> � : . gprmwer and Lertder otherwise agree in wr�ting or unless apDiicable taw otheiwise pmvid�.the proceeds s�ll �_`
<br /> talcing.uniess
<br /> . � be appfied to she stims secured by this Serurity Insuumeat ahether or aot the sums are thea dire. �._:
<br /> " - ��''' If the p�+nperiy is abarEdon�by Borrower.or�f.efter rtotice by Leader w Borrower that the oondemnor offers to rnake an �=.
<br /> award or seute a clsim for damages,Borrawer fails to cespond to Lender within 30 days after tfle date the �ttae is giv�. �.. .
<br /> . �` i the rocceds.at its option,eithea.to nstoration or repair of the Prapecty or ta the sun�
<br /> -_c--- - -�; I a a d e r i s authorized to oolle�and apP Y P , .
<br /> this Seaui Instrument,whether or nat thra due. ���`
<br /> " t; ��y ty � uca t io n o f m c e e d s t o r i n a l s h a l l a o t e a t e n d o r
<br /> 1 . llnless Ixader and Borrower othecwise agre� 'n writiag, any app' P P . �P ���`.�
<br /> :' • �',� Po�Pone the due date of the montIily payments refetred to ia paragtaphs 1 and 2 or change the amaunt of such puyments• `�
<br /> � �.. � " .,�� Il.Borcower Nnt Reteaced;TortsParance By Leuder Not a Waiver.Extension of the time for payment ar modificatioa 1�:�.
<br /> .Y<; . • r_�:
<br /> •'<`.-�.°, ;�`_ of amortization of the swns seated by this Secarity Insuumeat gtanted by I.ender w any successor in interest of Boirower shaU �':.
<br /> � • sw -
<br /> �;�• ir�"'�
<br /> ���`a .:��.�t nat operate to release the lia6�icy of the arigina!Barmwer or Bo�xower'9 successois in imerest.Ia,nder shall aot ire required to �_:'
<br /> :��.,;:� . :��::�� ooauaettce pmoe�diags agaiast =
<br /> .;,,�, ;.r ��.. any successor.in inte�est or refuse w extend time for payment or othe�wise modify amorti�arion =-
<br /> -';t_ ��'`.� of the sums secmred bl+this SecuritY Inmament iry reason of any demand made by tft�original Borrower or Horrower's '._
<br />"-.;�,�'�: . . ,.�,:::.� successors in inter+est. Ar►y fotbemrm�ce by l.ender ia exercising any rig6t or remedy chall not be a waivec of or p�eclude the
<br />.::,...•.,• --
<br />.�:,;;.f-. �' , exercise of a�ny right or m.�e�y. ers.The caveuauts and agreEments of this
<br /> ,:��'�. � . •���� 12. Saecessors and �Ba�d�;�oint and S�verai Liabifity, �ga __-
<br /> ��.
<br /> � tii_ g�ty Tnscrument shall bind and benefit the successors and assigns of Lender aQ��oaower. subject to t6e pmvisions of
<br /> ,.?�r-� ts sh�Il be oint and several. Atry Borrower who co-signs tttis Seeurii�r
<br />_:� .� ` . . + patagtaph 17. 8orrowe�s cmeaents aad a�c�emen l t and coav tIiat ==-
<br /> ,,1 . ._ ;� this Se�riry Insuame�t:anly w mortgage. Srei► eY
<br /> Inssrument but does not execute the Note:(a)is co-sig►ing
<br /> , ;� Borcower's iaterest in the�roperty undet the tenas of this Security Insuame�U: (b)is aot personally ob9Igated to pay the snms _
<br /> ,;�,��,•. ..: � secured by this Securlty Ins-�ien�and(c)agrees that Lc�der and any other Borrov.,�c�may agree to extend,mod�fY.forbear or �__„-
<br /> :�:�.. '�. : �e�ny aocommodarions s�ith regacd to the terms of this Serurity Inswment or th:�ote without that Bormwer's wnseru. ---
<br /> ��._•!:
<br /> an �it�
<br /> . ..:, 13.Loan Cl�atges•Yf the loan secure�by tlus Security Insuument es subject ta a law which sets maxitaum toan charges, __
<br /> ;:�� ,. • . and that taw is finally iat�ieted so that the interest or other loaa�as c�llected or to be eolt� in curmection with t�z __
<br />',�:t , ; loan exceed the permitted II�,then:(a)anY such loae�atge shall be r�nced trj L4e amount necessa�3+w reduce the ci�
<br />.`';�;�;,..� ;...:`•,. ::_�.i � co the gemuaed limic:and�'��any sumis atready collecte��rom Borrower whi�eF�ded permitted limits will be refuad�l to.
<br /> ' `�: �•� Boncower. L.ender may clsavse to make this sefuAd bY reducing the praapat o»��nder the Note or by makIa$a di� _-
<br /> •, :,: '. . '� payment to Barrower. If a refund r�uces principal, the red�aroD an'4i be trza:ea! as a partial psepayment without �s:g �
<br />_ �';.� prepayment charge under t�e Note. .. . ....
<br /> ������; 14.NMlces.My na�:a to Borrower provided for is��is Secr�rily lnsavmesu�all be given by delivering it or by mailing
<br />_ . . '�� is:�y first class mail unt�asppticable law requires use off�other methad.'I�e eLe�shaA be directed to the 1fi��eity Address =-
<br /> .,,t ar any other address Be��zr designates by notice to Lender. My notice ta�ns:der shall be given by ftst ciass mail fo �,;,._
<br /> � �nder�g addmss stzt�d•�or any other address Leader desig�ates hy notice to Borrower.Aay notise provided for in this �
<br /> . .�.,�:;..::."-:r �'.4 Security Insm�ment sf�atl E�dcemed to have beEn given to Horrower or l.ender when�iven as provided in this paragaph. _-
<br /> • 'S 15.Governing I.aw� �'avesaDiuty. 'i7�is SecuritY Iast�ment aha11 be gasemed by federal taw and the law of�he
<br /> • �� � jurisdietion in ahIch the i�.•r,�erty is located.In the event that any provision or dat�se of this•Secusity lnstniment or the Note _�
<br /> � ''{ conflicts with appiicab2e law,such contlict shall not affect other pmvisions of this S�arity Insuvment or the Note which can 6e . s�,s,,
<br /> ' •,;:4 g i v e n e f f e c t w i t h out the conftictin g provIsion.To this end the prov�stans of this Security Instniment and the Note are decl�od ��*-
<br /> , . to be severable. . �
<br /> �� '�� 16.Borrower's Co�ay.Bonower shall be given une confomted copY of the Note and of►his Security Insuvca�eni• �.-
<br /> . '� , �fv�rm 8028 fll80 _
<br /> . ,..:t. .�
<br /> : . , , ' vago a nf e !�
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