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<br /> � : ` � — Qpen e�aeipt of payme�a�the prtce bid, �'rastee sba9t de�ver tp tRe pm���asea�`i�e°��'��� conveyta�tfte �._
<br /> ' , @+roper�y. 'IYie eracitiais tn the TrusteQ•s de�sIu�il he p�mn fede evideus�a!'ti�e tr�tD ot tRe staicment4 aind�the,�etn.
<br /> � �. �Trustee s9�at!ep;tty tQe`praceedv of the s�te(a t�e foua�vIug orrier:(o)to all oosts cus�t ex�es of exerds�g the��rer at -
<br /> .``�.�. ' �atte.ana�dte sate.(adtsdttt�the ps+ymeat of the�rustee's fee9 tecctusiliy iac�erca,Qa!to eg�aed � �
<br /> �. �< of t6e pri�ctpal amaant o!t6e aate a!t@e tdme of the dectar'a4lon ot defunit,ead reason�bie sgtoiaeys'P�s as�res�tftte8 '_
<br /> `���.� by tm�vi(�)to u!i�mas s�Dy t�ls S�ity Ia�ttm�nt;sa�(c)anY exees�to�ttte persoa or p�soa9[e�y endtle�3 to • .' .°
<br /> — ..�:� [t. �
<br /> ZZ. I�ecom+eyaSce. Upoa payment of a}1 sums seaued by this Securiry Insdume,nt. tRnder shall r�ueat Tnuta Eo
<br /> r+eronvey the Pcopeny and shal! �urender this Seauity Instrumeat and all notes evideneing debt sew�ed Iry this SECUriry �.`
<br /> . � ��: L�st�ument to Tcastee.Tntstee shall�avey the Fcaperty withuut warianty and without charge to tise Qerson or Peesnnv teg�tY
<br /> . � . .' earitted w[f.3ucb pe:son or peisons shall pay any teaardarion costs. �;.
<br /> � .� • ]3.Su6stitute Trustae.Leuder,at it+option,may from time to time�ove Trustee and appoint a saoce�or trustee w
<br /> _ < <; any Tcust�appointed 6ec�ndsr 6y an instrament zeaorded in the c�urty in whic6 t8is Security Instrumant is reeorded.WIWout
<br /> • ,'r'•,, aonvc.yance of die Properly.the successar tr�st�shall sncc,eed to al!the d8e.`power and duties oonfened upon lntstee herein
<br /> ' eadby lit�is2e 1aw. - • �
<br /> . 3A�esE fo�r�Iot�aes. BumowGr reqiuests that copies of the unt�c�.s of de6Wt and sale be sent to BorPOaer's addness
<br /> _ - vriucb is the P+rapsrty Address. .
<br /> 2S.R[dess to tiils��mrlty I�s�t.1f one or more ridezs are�i�earted by Sormwer�d teso�together wibte tbis .
<br /> . '�;.;� ,: ' ',t Secuiity Iiasunmxat,the cavenants aad agt�m�us of eac6 such rider sha116e iricoiporated into and s1�1 amead and sapptement : "�.
<br /> . `• the oove�anrs aad agnee�aeats of this S�uriry Inshumeat as if the ridea(s)were a part of thig Security Insuument. �^
<br /> , +�, ' {Check agplica6le$ox(es)j " ` _`-
<br /> � - .4 � A Ie Rate Rider 0 Coador»iaiam Rider 1-4 Famiiy Rider • • ��I'
<br /> �:,, a1�
<br /> . �Giad�Payment Rider • Ptanned Unit Deveioprnent Rider �$iweekIy Payme�Rlder
<br /> ." .,:.<' . 0 Balloan Rider � �Rate Improvemem RIder • [�Se�ond Home Rider .
<br /> ' ,�]V.A.Atder . 0 Otherts}tSP�YI
<br /> '; . � ,
<br /> . - - ..`�•- . � . . .
<br /> . : . � � t;.
<br /> .. �� ' � �h.
<br /> ' � � BY SItiNINti$ELOW.Borrower aocepts and agrees c,�ihe tem�.s arid covenams containe�l in tbis Se�rity��imeat aad� .� i��:_'
<br /> . �= in arry ridea(s)executed by Borrawer and rre��oa�rded with i� .. . :'�``"`
<br /> , , '� ,��,;�:_
<br /> Wimesses,: ,
<br /> � �.:
<br /> ' .. .,..; �tse�;'��: �'.'
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<br /> ,. . �i . : f�1) ' (Sea1). 1:�`.�r:
<br /> `.;��� 't � • . -Borrawer , •� � -Borroue¢ • �;:_
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<br /> s . �[�T�OF NF.BRAS�A, , ` HALL . Caimty sg: ' -. —�-
<br /> �: • ' ' � The foregoing�insuament was ac1�oR�t�dged before me tlils . 3RD �day.of 'QCTOHBR , 1997 . -
<br /> � �::� .. ..�°�.' gsy Pp�HH B LOF6flBBa ll9D Fb4BICIA A E4e"�9, HU9B1l9D dBD 8IP8� � �� .
<br /> '';�, . 'R►intess r.� hartd and notntlal seal at ' • in said Coun t��dffie aforesald.
<br /> . ,,�,� .,...;,; Y ORAND ISLAND, I�SBRASIiA ty. �,
<br /> ;ti,; . � , � �.:
<br /> � , � ' Pf�`Cotmm Bxpires: �'::
<br /> . .. . _ , �•� ssioa �ERALHOTAAY•Sta�oftEdi�fi� — "'�'�� ��� �'"`U';.
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