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<br /> ..•`�`:•;�4� � Barmwer sbaU Iceep tbe imPmvemeats now ea�ng o��Ef�fff�e�on the .�
<br /> � S. Ha.�rd or pivperty I�eu'ance. ather bardrds,iacludinS �`:"._
<br /> . �:< cove e°and anY
<br /> �`� ' _ �P�Y��toss by fire,haiards inslnded within tfle term'eu�d� � �
<br /> - � '�;
<br /> ins�uaare.T6is insuianre s�halt be maintained in the amounts and for the periads `<e
<br />,_ ` �. � floods or ttaading,for wisch Lender mquires .
<br /> - - that Iander reqnues.The instuance cazrier gnnviding the is�svranoe shall be shosen 6y Borrower subjeM to��'s aPP��
<br /> which shall not 6e aareasaaably witbadsl.If Baaower fails to maintaia ooverage described above, I.euder may.at 6�'s .
<br /> . � aption,ohtain ooverage to pmtecc Leicder's rigtits in the Fr+operty in acaordance with parag�aph 7. e cl� I.�tr � -
<br /> �; AII insuraace policies aad�als sha11 be ascepta6Ie to I.ender and shaU iac2ade a standard moc'tga$
<br /> T..,%S 4 f' sha116ave the ri�t to hoId the poli�and rene�vafs.If L�nder requi�s,Bnrrower shatl pm�tty Sn'e to I.e�er aU�eo�a�of ,� ;
<br /> , `::"�'' �� . paid piemiums and rtnewal nutices.L��e eve.nt e+f toss,Borrcreser st�all give pmmpt aotice to the ins�an+�carrier and Lender. _
<br /> �.^�?��-• mof of toss if not made PramgaiY bY Bonower. —
<br /> �F. Leader may make p
<br /> ,�� '�`� .�'`�°`' Ueless I�er a�Borcuwer otherwist agtee in writing,insurance Pioceeds si�all be applied to restoration ar repair of tlte �<:" ::
<br /> � � '''.. '. --
<br /> '�. ,�,,�z ; �P�Y�8e�,if the restoratioa or iepair is eoonomicaily feas�le and Lende�s se�u'sh►is not lesseaed.If the restoratioa or ��__".-.
<br /> ep
<br /> repair is¢ut eo4nomically feasible or Lc,nder's sea►rity wautd be te�sened,the insnraace p m c e e d s shall be applied to the sums � �_:
<br /> `: ' .` se�n�by this Seauity Instniment, wheti�er or not then dus,�vitb az►Y excess Paid w Barrower. if Bomawer abandons the�
<br /> ' property.oa daes not answer within 30 days a notice from iender that rhe insurance car�ier has offared t°settie a claiak then - �--�_-
<br /> � Leiider may a+ile�x the insurance proceeds. Leader may use the pmceeds w repair or r�swre the Prope�ty or to pay sums � .
<br /> � �� ad will b whea the notice is giveq. "'"
<br /> sec�red by this Securit3►Iasttnmeat:whether as aot then due.'i9�e 3Q-daY P� � ����_:-
<br /> � ' Ualess Lz�er end Borrower othenvise agec in wridng. any application of prooaeds to princiFai shall aot extend[� s�
<br /> . , .��` Fostpone the due date of the monthAy paymeata refezred to in QarapaPhs i and 2 or change the amnunt of the paymen �---_
<br /> . '. � ,;. t ur�er parageaph 21 the Property is soquired by Leader.Eorrower"s righc to any i�sncance policies and proc�eeds resutdng fmm =__=:_:_
<br /> _ ,_ datiiage to the Fropetty prior w the aaluisihoa shall pass to Lcader to the extent of the s�ms sec.vred by this Security Jnsuument �;;:��:_.
<br /> . . . •`����. immediatety prior to ths aaquisiuon. c��,_�
<br /> �f .' 6.Ooa�pancy,P�e�rvation,MaSntenanoe and ProteNoa of the Prop�ty,8oirowep's I.oan Appiicat�on;�lds. �.�-,�-
<br /> ' � ° Borrower shall occupy:establish.an�use the Property as Borrower's pziacipal residence arithin sixcy days after the eaecutioa of ��_
<br /> , .� �,- � this Security Iasuummt and sLall continue w ac�cupy t�e Propert}+as Borrowe�'s prinaPal tesideace for at teast one year after W___
<br /> (..:�.:�•���:',';-;;�� �the dane nf oocnpgncy.unle$c I�nder othe:wise agrees ia writing,wtuch,00nsent shall not be unreasonably arithfield,or unles,s g,�;:,�-
<br /> '' ;..�, � � extenuating cinvmstazsces eust which are beyond Borrower's conuol. Borra�er shaU uot destcoy. damage or impair We `_,_
<br /> '"s� Property.atlow ihe Pc+aperty w dderiorate,or cummit waste on the Psnperty. Borrawer sbalt 6e in defa�ilt if atry forfeiture
<br /> ' ° action or pra ce e d i ng.w h e d i e r civil er ctim6tat,is 6egun that in Le�der's good f�tb jud�cantd nsuit�n fotfeiture of the �._
<br /> :`;^:{;,,� �'� Property+or atheiwise materiaily im��.'d�e lien cr�ated by this.Security Insbrament or I.e��s securIty imerest.Bormcver may
<br /> :`•`f�': . cure sach a dGfanit end reinstate,as�ided in paragraph 18.by causing the actioa or g�ding to 6e dismissed with a riilia8 . ___
<br /> • • !••'� ' � that, in Lettder's good faith deter�snatfon,precludes forfeiMre of the Borrower's interest in►he Pro�aty or other material =
<br />- � "'� Ins4rument or Leetder's security inte�est- �orrower shalt�also 6e in default if
<br />.. '�,;�rr., � _ impaitYnent of the lien created hy�fis Security �`:_=_`
<br /> ' `�2� ���.�� Borrower.during the loan applirdtian proaess,Y„ave materiaily false os inaccurate infomr�a.ro or statements w I.endes(en fadted
<br /> •..�:�•.••,; , . . �_--
<br /> --_� , to pmvide I.ender witb any materia!information)in eonnecxion cvith the loan evideneed by'the Note.ineluding,but nit+t limited - _ _-
<br /> !. �. ..:.••.,, , t.� w,represemations wttceming Borrower's occupancy of the Property as a pri�'y��residence.Tf this Seca�tY Instntmens is on a `
<br /> ., �' ;, ��� . teasehold, Bomower shall comply with all the�covisions of the lease. If�:crower acqnires fee � to t he P mpe r t y, the _.—
<br /> :::`",': �• teasehoid and the fee ti@e shall nut I�CIge unless Lender agcees to the merger in wri6ng: . _ ___
<br />- ��.;.�.
<br /> �.,� , •:..: '.
<br /> ::����r,,,•i; : 7.ProYecttoa of�.ender's '�dn the PropertY•�f Borrowes fails to perfana the ecr�aants and agceements oontained in ----
<br />- �,:��,',��:•u� tbis Security Instruraent,or there i:��iegal FrocerdinS that may significantly affect I.endeT's rights in the Property(such as a -
<br />_ ,;;;w�;':"` ':
<br /> �,. �:,�, , .., proceeding in bankiuptcy.Probate:fcr condeaara,tion os forfeiture or to enforee laws or re�utations).then#�de*n!�}+do aa�1
<br /> ''��'�;�:°:;�'.;.. '. ' PaY for whatever is necessary to p�ciect the v�.oF the PropertY and Lender's rights in the Propen5+. Lender's actions may
<br /> ..��:r:�'��;. ... .�..: include paying any sams seaued.�sy a liea which has priority over this Secarity Instrument. appearing in court, PaYit�g --
<br /> :�""� . reasonable attomey+s'fees and e�r.�g on the Property w make repaits.Atthough Leader may take asdon ander tius paragrRph _i^
<br /> 7,Lender daes nat have to da so... ' --
<br /> �. . Any.amounts disbu�sed by Lender under this paragpaph 7 shall besome additional debt of Borrower secured by this _
<br />- .,:;,,'�`:,'�.� �� - Sea�ty Instrument.Unless Borrower and Lender agree to other tem�s of payment,thes�ataounts sha!!.bear interest kom the
<br /> �'�'���'^° • ' date of disbu�sement at the Note rate and sha116e payable,_aith interest, upon nottce from,Lend�r�s Borrawer reque.ating , _
<br /> - ;��'ii�;u ` . . , . _ ' _.
<br /> - •:r.:.�:S,¢:,: 8 Ci11.
<br />- . .,F���::��.�, .. ,.�'' �. p �
<br /> `:�;�.:�', � . �.Mort�ge Insvrauoe.If L,�der requind mortgage insurance as a condirion of�.3 t�e t�.secured by th9s Security .
<br />. • .';-�, .. ���; Iastrumont..Borrower shaU pay t;e prem3ums required to maintain the mongage insua.^ce,i:�e�"tc�If. for any reason, the --—
<br /> �.<,.:;,:. mortgage inswanc�coverage requirad by Lender lapses or ceases to be in effect,Borrower s1c�t�,�Y�Premiums reguired to �
<br />— �,;;�w���. ..:. : obtain oovelage substantially eqv.�valent to the mortgage insurance previously in effecc.at a cost suC�-itially equivateat to ttae . _
<br /> �;;.;-.;.,
<br /> _ .;'�.>;��x:��'�• � oost to Borrawer of the mortgare ins�rance pre�iously in effect. from an altemate rr..e�ge insnrer appmved by Leader. tf
<br /> ;..;.,r��;: � . �....
<br /> substantially equivatent mortgage insurance covetage is not available.Bomawer shall pay w Lender e3ch month a sum equal w. �
<br /> '� . •• one-twelfth of the yeariy mortgage insurance pm�nium being paid by Borrower when the insurance eoverage laDsed or ceas�W c_
<br /> mi
<br />° . be in effec}.I.�mder will accept�use and retain these payments as a toss reserve in lieu of mortgage insuraace. Lvss reserve �,=.
<br /> � Form 3628 9I90 ��-
<br /> . .. �
<br /> • . ve�aae . . lE'' _
<br /> '. .� . .. I�-.':
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