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201210884 <br /> sentenr.�sfiall not apply to "the pracence, iise, or storaoe on the E'roperty of smalI quantities oF Hazardous <br /> Substances tFat aze generally r�,co�i9ed to be appropriste to n.ormai resideutial uses and to mair.tenance of <br /> tLe Proper€;:('mclv.ding; but not 1iu+ited ta l�szazdovs substances in conswner products). <br /> BorroYuer shall promptip�ce Iznd�writien notice of(a)any inr�iigation, claim, demand, lawsuit or oiher <br /> ac#ion by any goi emmental or regulatorp zgency or pricate pariy invalving tfie Property and any Hazardous <br /> Substance or Encironmcfztal Law�f vo•hich b'oi�•er has acbzal kno�ledge, {b)any$nviromnentai <br /> Conditioa, including but not limited to, any c�„�ling, leakiug, dischazge,�release os#]�reat of release of anv <br /> Hazardous SubstaneV, and(c}any conc3irion cans�3 by the presence,�se or relzase of a Hazardous Substance <br /> mhich adversely zi�cU the value af the Fropertp. If BOrro�ver leams, or is norified by auy garcmmenfai or <br /> reguta;ory�authoriry, or any private pTr[y-, that any remot+al or o"t6er remediala.on of any Hazardous Subsfauce <br /> affectin�fhe Properly is nc�,-ssary, Bon'ower shail promptly take a11 necessary rerneclial actions in <br /> accordance u�zth Eavironmantal I,aw.T�othiag he_cu�sha(1 create anc aUliganon on I,euder for an <br /> Environm„=ntal Gleaaup. <br /> -Non-Uniform Covenantx. Boirower an&Lzndzc covenaat and agree as foIlows: <br /> 22. Acceleraiian; Remedies. Lender shall gice notice fo Bonovser grior fo acceleration fottowing <br /> Borrower`s breach of any coz�eaant or agreement in this SecuriLy Instr-�eni[bug nnt prior to <br /> acceleraiiun undes Secti.on 38 anless Appiica�ele Law providts oLhecwise}. T'he uotice shall speeifp: {a) <br /> the defaul� {lb)the actzon reqi�sed#a cure the defanit; (e}a date, not less tl�xn 30 days from the date <br /> tha nnfice is given to Rorrower, bv�rvhich the daf'antt m.ust Y�e cured; and{rIj Yhaf faAure to cure the <br /> default bn ar before the tlate speci�'ied in the r.otice may resuPE in acceDezafion of td�e snms secnred bv <br /> this Security Instrument aud sale of the Propertp. The notice shall f'urther inform Borrower of the <br /> xi.ghf fo reinstate after acceleration aud ttae bring a court aetion to assert the nou�sstence of a <br /> defaaIt or any other defense of Borrower to acceleralian and sala If the defauit is not cured on or <br /> before the date specified in the aoftce, Lender at fts option mav require itmnediate payment in fn11 of <br /> alI snufs secured by this Secnrif5=Insixum.enf wnthouk furfher demand and map finvoke Ehe pon•ei oF sale <br /> and au�t�ther remeelies pernutted bg Applicablc Law. Lender shall be entitled ta collect all eapenses <br /> incurred"ni pnrsv�g Fhe remedies pmvided im fBis Sec6iou 22, inebr�tin„ buf not liuniYed Eo, reasonable <br /> atforneys' fees aud cosfs of tifle ecidence. <br /> If the gowea-of sale is inroked, Trnstee shaII reeord a notice af default in exc1�rnuniy in R-hieh a:a} <br /> part of the Property is located snd shall maii copzes of sach natice in Lhe manner prescsibed br <br /> App&cable]Lasc tu I3orrower and to the ofher persons grescribed by AppIicahle I,a-rF_ 3fter the iime <br /> required by Applicable Law, Tras#ee sha11 give pubIie notiee of sale to the peraQg��d in fk�e manner <br /> prescribed by Applicable Law. Trustee,withont dem�wd on Sorrower, shall saIl the Property at puhlic <br /> anc[ion to flae lughest Uidder at[Le lime xnd place and under the terms des'sgnafed�the notice of sale <br /> in one or more parceIs mmd in any order T4 ustee determines.TY-astee ma4 posigone sale of a[I or any <br /> parcel of fhe Properiy bp gnh&c annoancement at tha time and place of a�pretiiuusly scheduled saIe. <br /> Lender or ifs designee may purchnso th.e Properh�a�any sale. <br /> IIpon recaiPt of paymenT of fhe price bid, Trustee shall deliver tn the purchaser Tnvstee`s deed <br /> conveying fhe Property. The recitals in ihe Trusfee's deed shail be piima facie ev'Sdence af the fmth of <br /> fhe statelnents made fherein. Trustee shslt appIy the proceeds of the saZe in fli.e follofvrug oz'der: (a)to <br /> all costs and e�enses of eaercic��n the pov�°er of sale, and the sale,ineluding the pay�nent of the <br /> Tr�stee's fees xcfvally incurred and reasanable attorneys' fees as permitted by Applicable Law; ib)to <br /> aIl snms secnresi l�c this Secnrity�nslanment; and(c)any exeess to Lhe persun nr persons legalIy <br /> entided to it <br /> 2?0�3i85 <br /> N�F.ASKF:Sing!�Fanil9-Fanr.le:.:ae`Foe]diertnac JN1.=0fdr[INSTRIIMEtlT Fartn 30231/01 <br /> vrn�� �1rtAPG(N'=j`�105} <br /> ti�bRea IOvm e Frmnaa'Servicrs Pagy 14 of 19 <br /> . . ..... . . . . . . . <br />