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201210884 <br /> 23, Reconveyance. LTpon payment of all.swns secured b5�this Secuiity Instrnment, Lendcr slaall reqcesi <br /> Trastee Eo reconvey thz Property and shall siu-reacier tI-iis Security Instnmment and all uutcs eF2�cing debt <br /> secised hy$is Smarity i:rct,,,rn�t to Taustez. Trusfee shall reconyap the Property wi'rhout�i�arranty tp}J�e <br /> persrn�crr peisans legallg entitled to it. Such person or pezsrons sl3alt pay any recordation cosfs. Lsudzs may <br /> charge such person or yersons a fee for reconveying tha Properry, but only i#'the fee is paid to a tbird party <br /> (suh as the Trustze)for servzczs r�dered an.d the chazning of the t8e is petmitted under Applicable La�v. <br /> 24, Su6skiFute Trus�ee.Lender, at its optioa, may from time to ume removz Tnutee and appoint a successor <br /> uvstee to any Trustcc appout#ed herecwder bc an msittmiznt recorded in the rqunty in which this Sec�iry <br /> Instnune�is recard�l�lirhocrt conveyance oi the Property, th�successor trvstee shall succeed to aIl ttie <br /> title, pocver and duties con£erred upen Trasfze hereia.�bp AppLicable LaR�. <br /> 25. Requesf for Notices. Borrower ra1vests fhat copies ofthe noiice of clefa�lt and sale be sent to 13orro�;er's <br /> addrzss which is the Prupert}�Address. <br /> zacos�es <br /> N�RP.SK;.SingleFanEfy-�ar.nieMaeJFreGdleMacU�IFOR�1]kSTHl;SrtENT y�gpZg��p� <br /> !N P e Ybt Pb(Nq fi t O6� <br /> LV9tecs Klucrer Fnzncizl a'crvirps �ya{{�;�i <br /> . . ..._ .__ _...... .. . �. . _ .. . <br />