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201210884 <br /> in the Prcrperfy an8 r'rgbis imder fl�is Secw.ity instr�nnen� and(�takea such actioa as tender ma}- <br /> reasozu.bly require "to assure that J..ender's interest in t$e PraperEy and righfs under tfiis Securiiy Instr�t-mteni, <br /> and Boxrower's obligarion to pag the stmis secured h}this Sernuiry Iusirmnen� shali eonunve nncfianged. <br /> Lender maq requixe fhat Borrowar pay such reinstztzmnent;nms and expenses in one or more of the fullowin� <br /> forms; as seleeted by Lznder: (a)cash; (b)moae5=order. (c}c�r.ified checl�bank check treasurer`s check or <br /> cashier's check, providzd any such cU�.eck is dra,4n upon sn institution wfiose deposits are iivsured by a <br /> fedzral agency, insh�mnentaIity or entify; or(d}El,,.^..tronic FunrLs Transfer_ 'I7yon reinstatement by 13orroR�er, <br /> tYus Security Ivstnu�nmt and obfigations sec,-urzd fiereb;shall remain fullv effective as if no accel�*a:tion had <br /> occurced Hou��ver, this xig3�t to reinstate shali not apph�in the case o£acczletaticm imder Secfion 18. <br /> 20. Sale af Note; Change af Laan Servicer, Nmtice of Grievance. TheNote or apartsal iuterest in the <br /> Note(iogether with ttis Security Iastnunent)can be sold one or more tintes�rithouE prior notice to <br /> Borsower. A,sztle might result in a change in thc eutiiy('imow�m as the "Loan Servicer'� that collects Periodie <br /> Pa}�menu due un3er t]l�not�and tni�Seccui4y Ins#nzmeut and pesforms othcr anortgage]oan Servicin� <br /> obligakioiu uuder thc Note; tlus S�ritS fn.sawnenL and Apnlicabie Law. Tliere also mi�t be one or more <br /> claangzs of the T�an Servicer unrelated to a sale of#he Note. Lf there is a change of the Lo<�m Servicer, <br /> Borrower wi13 be given wriiten ncxtice pf t71e cl3ange wfiich will staYe rhe name znd address af the new Laaa <br /> Se.tv7cer;. Ehe addre�s fo�c�Ftich payments shanld be inade and any ather informazion RESPA requires in <br /> connection�vith a notice of trausfer of seroiciag. li�the 1�Totz is sold and tliereafier the Loan is senncecl by a <br /> Loan Servicer other#han fhe purchaser of the Notc, ihe mazt.gttge loan servicing oblig�ations fo Eorrow�witl <br /> rem�n.wi�h the Losn Seivicer or be ira�sf rred to a successor Loan Servicer and aze uot assnmed bc the <br /> Note��n.�_rchaser imless o'rhenvise provided by ihe Note pvrchaser_ <br /> Nciiher Borsower nor Lender xnay armmencc,join, or be jaiaed to anr jud:icial acrion{�s eifher an <br /> individual liti�ni or the metuber of a ciass}fhat aziszs fros the otlzcr par€St s acliav,pvrsuant to flris <br /> Security 1ns'si.vment or that alleges tha.t the ofher pazty-lias breac}zed any pmvision of ox anz�duiy owcd Uy <br /> ,-eason of this Securi#y Insfrumzut, untiI such Barrow:.r or Lender has notificd the o�er pazty(with such <br /> nofice eiaen ia compliance with the requiremeats of Secfion 15) of such alleged breach and afforded fhe <br /> party h�cto a reascmable p=,riod after the gving of such noace to take corrective action. If f.ppIicahle <br /> Lau�provides a time period which mnst elapse before certain acuon can Be takca, ibat ume period wiIl ba <br /> dzemed to be reasonable for pmpas�of rlus p�sagapti. The aorice of actieleration and opppriunity io cur� <br /> gicen to Sorrower pursunnt to Section 22 and,the notice of accelaation j.ven to Sonrnver pursuant to <br /> Seefi.on 18 shall be deenced to satisf�the�o"ricz aad opporninity to take correciive action pro�zsions of f.Lii.s <br /> Section 20. <br /> 21. Hazardous Substances. As used in this Section 2i:(a) "Hazardous Sub.stances"aze thosc snbsiances <br /> de�nad as t�uc or fiszardovs substances, poltuf-�ts, or wastes bv EnS�ronmental izw ancl.Ehe foliowin.g <br /> substances: ,gasoline, kcrosenz, ofhee flammable or to:ic petroleum producta,toaic p�ticides and herbicides, <br /> volatile solventa,maferials containing asbestw e_•foxmalflehcda, and radioactif�e materinis; (b) <br /> "Envirorvna�ta7 Law"mean;federal laws and Iaw,of the jurisdiction whece the Pzopertp is located that <br /> relate Eo health, safeEy or environmeuEat prote,.^tioza; (c) "L�nviranrr�entat Clecanup"includes auy ie,�onse <br /> acfioa remzdial action, or removal actioa, as defined iu Environmeatal Lau; and(d'}aa Environrwatal <br /> Canditlora°means a conslitiou that cav.aruse, contribeite So, or o[hcawise tri,v,ger av.Fsvironmental Clca�aup_ <br /> Borrower shall not catue or perinit thepreseuce, nse, disposai, storage, or re'ease of any S�aa,�duus <br /> Sulrctances, or tbreaten to rclease any Hazaz�aus SubsEanccs, on or in the Properiy. Borrawer shaII not do, <br /> nor allo.v anyone else to do; anytt�ing affecting the Property(a)that is in violation of any En.ti�iro�entaL <br /> Law, (b)��� creates an Enozronmental Condi�ion, or(c)which, due to the presencz we, or release af a <br /> FIazareious Substan.:e, creates a conditian tYiai:adY•ernelp affzc#s ihe va.t�,�of the Propert�. The precedina two <br /> hEBRAa'14.Singia Famity-Fancie�4aHFreAtlie AM1az 11NIFJRSA INSI"RUPF tT! Fcm 302833l01 <br /> V��C Y'M?6(kF�i i".06) <br /> W o]-ars Kiv�v sr 9nandzl Scrv'c� Page 13 M 1 J <br />