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201210796 <br /> sentences sha11 not apply to thepresence, use, or sWrage on the Pxoperty of smnll quanfiLie.s of Huzardous <br /> Substa�tce�s that are generally recognized to Ua ai�propriate to uorinal rasidential uses And to mxintenance of <br /> Yhe Proper�y(including, but not limitc,d to, l�azardons substaiices in consumer products). <br /> Borrowor ehall promptly give Lcnder written notice of(a) any investigation, claim, demand, lawsuit or other <br /> action by ntiy governmental or regulatory ngency or privaCe�v�6y involving U�c Property �u�d aily Hazardous <br /> Substance or Enviromnental Law of which Borrower h�s actual Irnowledge, (b) any L�nvironmenCal <br /> Condition, includinb Uut not limited to, any spilling, lealcing, ciischarge, relezse or tlu�ent of relense of nny <br /> Hazardotiis Subetancc;, and(c)amy c�ndition causcd by tho presencc, uee or release of a Hazardous Substance <br /> wl�iich adversely affects the value oP Che Property. If Borrower lcarns, or i�n�Hficd by any gcivormne�ztal or <br /> regulatory a�ithority, ar eny priv�te p�rty, that any removal or other remediation of a�ry FIazardoLvs SZiUstance <br /> affeeting fl�e Property rs necessary, Rorrower sltall prornptly ta1ce all necessary reinedial a�ctions iu <br /> accordance wit'h L+nviromnenlal L�tiw. Nothing herein shall croatc any obligaCion on Londct fw� an <br /> Environmental Cleanup. <br /> Non-Uniform CovenanCs. Boirower nnd Lender covenent nnd ngree as follows: <br /> 22. Acceleration; Remedies. Leuder shnll give notice to Borrower prior to acceleratiou following <br /> Borrowcr's Urench of any covennnt or ngrcement in this Secnrity Instramcut (bnt not prior to <br /> accelerxEiun under Seefion 18 imless Applio;�ble Law provideS otherwise). 'Che notice s1�xll specify: (��) <br /> Che defanit; (b) [lte s�cL�m� rCquir2d to cure the defaidC; (c) a date, noC less than 30 days'from tha daCe <br /> the noHce is given to Borrower, by wl�ich the default must be cm•ed; and (d) that failm�e to cnre the <br /> defniilt on or bcforo the date spccificd in tho notico mny rosnit in neccicrntion of the siime secnrod by <br /> this Security Instn�nment ��nd sale o1'the Pruperty. Tlie��otice aludl fm•ther iuforin Borrower of tlie <br /> i4ghC tn roinstaCe nfCer accoleratinn aud the rigLt fo bring ti em�XC �ciion Co x9sert the nm�-existence oF�n <br /> defanit or any other defense of Boiyower to nccelerntion and eale. If Che defanit ts not cured m�or <br /> beforc tho date spccificd in tlie noGco, Lcndcr nt ifs optiov mny rcqaire immodinfc paymont in fnll of <br /> all sums secured by this Secw•ity l��strument without furtlier denvind and may invulce the power of sale <br /> nnd any ollter remedies permilted Uy Applicable Law. Lender shnll be enCifled to collect all expeuses <br /> incnrrod in pnrening the rwnedics provided in this Scetion 22, v�clnding, bnt nof ltmited to, reasonable <br /> nttorn�V6' fees and costs o1'fitle evideuce. <br /> If Cl�e power of sale is 9nvolzed, 'Prn�tee shall record a notine of defeult in eacl�comity in Wliich:my <br /> parf of Clte ProperLy is IocaCed and 5ha11 mail copies rvP sncl�nolice in tihe manuer prescriUed Uy <br /> Applicnblc Lnw to Borrowcr mid to the athcr persons prescribed by Applicnble L1w. After the Cime <br /> reqnired by rlpplicable Law, Trnstee shnll givc pnblic notico of salc to thc persons and iu tl�c manner <br /> prescribed by Applicable Lnw. 'Cruetee, wlthoat de�nand on Borrower, shall Bell the]'roperty xt�nblic <br /> anctim� to the hi�l�oaf bidder at El�e kime and plflce nnd m�der tlie ternis designa[�ed 'ui the notice oF enle <br /> in one or more parcels �md in any urder Trnstee determincs. Tnistce may postpoue snle of nll or any <br /> pareel of Clie Properly uy pnblie annoimcementi flt Che Cime and place of any previoasly scl�edaled sale. <br /> Lender or iCs desi�nee may pnrchase the Property at miy sale. <br /> Upon receipt of paymeut of the price bid, Trnstee sl�flll deliver Co tlie pnrchaeer'Pn�sCee's deed <br /> canvcyin�thc Proporty. Tlm recitals in tlio Trnatoo's deed sl�all I�e prima facie evidence of the tratL of <br /> Uie statenieiits mt�de therein. Teastec sliall apply thc prooccds oF tho ealc in tl�c following orcler: (a) to <br /> all wsfs nnd expenses of exorcising the power of sale, and tlie sale, inclnding tl�e�nynxent of the <br /> TrnsCee's fees achinlly inenreed nncl reason�ble atCorneys' �Pee9 as permitCed by Applicable l,nw; (b) to <br /> nll sams ew�u•od Uy Ylus Soem•ity Insh�nment; and (c) any excess to tLe perem� or peremis legally <br /> entitled Y.o it <br /> znooao�n <br /> NEBR4SKA-Single Famlly-Psnnla M ae/f-retltlle le7ac UNIFORM INSTRUAI ENT Farm 3020 1l01 <br /> VMP x0 VMP6(NE)�11o51 <br /> Woltere Kluwer Financlal Servlces Pege 14 oF 77 <br />