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201210796 <br /> F 3. Reeonveyanee. Upoir payment of all swns secured by this Seeuxi[y I�aetnm�ent, Le��dcr shall requeat <br /> TrusCee Co reoonvey 4he Propprty and sball em�render th[s SeouciYy Instrument and all noles evidenuting debt <br /> secuted by thie Seoui9ty Snstrnment to Trustc;o. 1'rustcc shall reconvey tlie Property wiEhout warrnnty Co ihe <br /> persou or persons legally entifled to it. Such person or�persons ehall pay any xecordation costs. Lender m�y <br /> chargo such pe�son or persons a fee for reeonveying the Propexty, but only i�P the fcc is paid to a third party <br /> (such aa Che TrusCee) for scroices rendered and the ahaz�ging of the fee is�ermitted undex Applicable Law. <br /> 24. Substitute Trustee. Lcndor, a4 it�option, may from time to tune ramove Trustee and a}�point a succe�sor <br /> trustee Yo eny Trustee appointed herelmder by an ivstrument recordcd in the county in whieh tlus Security <br /> invtrument ia reoorded. Without conveynuce of the Piroperty, che succesai�r frisstec shall sneceed to all the <br /> titic, power and duties conferred upon Tiustee hereui azid by Ap�licable Law. <br /> 25. Request Por Notiees. Borrower requests that copies of the notice of deP�ult and snle be senC to Borrower's <br /> acidress whioh is fhe Properly Acldratis. <br /> 240030%8 <br /> NEBRASKA-Single Famlly-Fannie Mae/Freddle h7ac UNIFORPA INSTRl1h1ENT Porm 3026 1l07 <br /> VMP� VA7Pfi(NFl(11051 <br /> Walfers Kluwer Flnanclal earvloes Pnge 15 of 17 <br />