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201210796 <br /> in 17ie Properly and righfs undcr this Sccurity Tnsh'ument; uid(d}talces such action�s Lender may <br /> reasonably require to aesure thnt Lender's inCerest in Che Property and rights under tl�is SecniiTy Instirmnent, <br /> �id Bm�rower's obliga�tion to pa�y the sums secured bq this Security Insttument, ehnll conti�iuo imohengcd. <br /> Lcndor may rcquirc�that 13orrowe� pay such reinstateme�it smns a�id expenses in one or more of the following <br /> fotms, as selected by Lender: (n} cash; (b)money order; (c) ccr6iFtcd check, Uanlc cheok, treasm'er's check or <br /> cashier's check, provided any such check ie drawn upou nu instihition whose depoFits arc insurcd Uy a <br /> federal ageucy, instrLunentaliCy or entity; or(d) �lectironic Funds Transfer. Upon reinstatemenf by Borrower, <br /> this Soourity Instrumcnt and obligations aecured 1lereby shall remain fully etfective as if no accelexation had <br /> occurred However, lhis righC to reiuetafe shall not apply in tho uuc of accelerarioix nuder Section 18. <br /> 20. Sale of Note; Change of Loan Servicer; Notice of Grievance. The Note or a partial interest in tFie <br /> Note(together with tlus Security Tsisfrument) oan be eold one ar more times withouh prior noCioe to <br /> Borrower. A eT1e iniglrt resulti ui a chuige in tha entity(laiown as the "Eoan Servicer") thnt cnllects Periodic <br /> Paymentn duc undcr the Note and tl�is Security Instrument aud perfornv�other morEgage loan servicing <br /> obligations under the Note, this Security Ulstrument, and Applioable Law. Thcn-o aleo might be ono or more <br /> chnnges of the Lonn Servicer um elated to a sale of the Note. If tliere is a chnnge oP die Lo�n Servicer, <br /> Borrower will Ue given wriften notice o£the chaaige wl�ich will state the uaane and address of Yhe new Loan <br /> Servicer, the addreFs to which pay�ncnts should l�c mado and atty other infonnafioa RFSPA reqtinres in <br /> coruiecEion with a notioe of h��nsfer oF seivicing. If Che Note is sold and Shereaf��er ll�e Loan is serviced by a <br /> Loan Servicer other Yhun the pm•chnser of the Note, the mortgage lonn sexvicing obligatioi��s Cn Borrower will <br /> remain with Rhe Loaai Servicer or beU ansferred to a successor Loan Servicer and are nof aeswned by the <br /> Note purohaser m�less c�tharwisc}�rovided Uy tl�e Note pLxrcl�aser. <br /> Neither 6orrower nor i,ander may commence, join, or be.joined to auy judicial acYion(as aither an <br /> inclividu'al liCigant or flie member oP a elass)Lhaf arises from Che other�v'6y's actione pivsuant to this <br /> Seoucity Instrwnent or that allegos Yhnt the othar puty hAa bre�ched eny provisian of, ox�uy duty oweci by <br /> reason of, fhis Secnrity Inst�tiiment, unfi] snch T3orrower ox Lender 1�as notified the oUier party(with such <br /> notice given in oompliance with the requiremen4s of 5eoYion 15) of such zdlogcd brc�ch avd afforded the <br /> other party hereto a reason�ble period �fter ehe giving of sucti notice to take corrective nction. If Applicable <br /> Law provides a time period which inust elapse Uefore cerCain action can be taken, Yh�t time perioci will be <br /> deetneci to Ue rcasonaUle for purposes of this paragraplx. The noYice of accele�ation and opportmiity tio cure <br /> given to Borrower ptusuaut to SecHon 22 aud the notice of acoelerntion given to Borrower pursunnl Co <br /> Section 18 shall Ue deemed to saYisf'y the notice and opportunity to take corrective aotion provisiona of this <br /> Scction 20. <br /> 21. Hazardous Substances. As uscd in khis Sect'ron 2L (a) "Hcrzardotes 3uGstances" aae those suUsfancee <br /> defined ne toxic or hezaadoi�s aubslanoe�, polluCanCs, or waster by L�nviromnenlal Law and Yl�c fol1owing <br /> suUstances: gasoline, keroseue, oYher flertunabla or Yoxic petroleum pxoducts, toxio pesticides anci herUicicies, <br /> volatile solvents, inateriale coutaining asUesTos or formaldehyde, and radioactive inaterials; (b) <br /> °L'�.vtronrnental Lativ"n�eane fcdcral laws anci l�twe of thc jurisdiction whcrc thc Prope��ty is locaEed fhat <br /> relate to health, safety or enviromnentnl protection; (c) "L'nvironrnental Cleanup" includes ar�y reeponso <br /> aeYiou, remedial action, ar removal aetion, Te definecl in Euvironmental Zaw; nnd (d}nn "Enviro�anientctd <br /> CondrPion°meaus a condition that cau cause, conCriUute to, or otherwise U�igger zn E+nvironmental Cleanup. <br /> Rorrower shall not causa or�ermit tlie presence, use, dispos�l, stor�ge, or relense of nny IInzardous <br /> S�iheE�ncee, or threato�i to i�alcasc any Huzardotiis Substanceu, on or in the Property. Borrower shall not do, <br /> nor nllow nnyone else to do, anything pffecting the Property(n) tha6 is in violnCion of anq Lznvironmunital <br /> L,aw, (U) wl�ich creates an Lnviromnental Condition, or (c)which, due to tha presence, ttse, or rele��se oP n <br /> Hazaedous Sub�Cu2ce, croatcs a ccmdition that advcrsoly affect�s t1�o va1ua of tl�e Property. The preceding two <br /> zaooso�o <br /> NEfiRA&CA-SinflbFainily�FannieMuelfreddieMacUNIFORM INSTRUMf:NT Form 30281101 <br /> VA4 P U VI�i PB(NE)(1105) <br /> Wollers Kluwar Financlal Pnge 13 oi 17 <br />