<br /> setisfaction, provided thak euch inspection shall ba Lindcrtalce��promptly. Lender n�y�ay f'or the repnirs
<br /> and restoration in a single disbursement or in a series of pxogress pnyinen�e as khc wor]<is completed.
<br /> Unloes au�gmcnncnt is made in writing or Applicabla I.aw reqnires interest to be paid on suoh
<br /> Miecellaneous Proceeds, Lendex shall noC be required to pay Bc�rrower any interest or eaznings on such
<br /> Miscellaneous Proceeds, If the restorAtion or repair is nat econoisuoally feraeil�l�or Lcndcr's secm'ity would
<br /> be lessencd, ti�c Miaecllaneoue Yroceeds shall Ue applied to the swns secw•ed by this Security Instnu��cnt,
<br /> whether or not then due, with lhe excess, if any, paid tn Ek�rroWer. �ach Miscellaneous Proceeds shall be
<br /> applied in the order provided£or in Section 2.
<br /> In the evenC of a kot�nl Caking, deFtruction, or loss in valtiic of tl�e L'ropertq, tlie Miscellaneous Proceede sh�ll
<br /> be�p�lied to the sums secuxed Uy Clus Security Instrun�enC, wl�ethcr or not tlien due, with Uie excess, if tury,
<br /> paid to Rorrower.
<br /> In the event oi'a pfu�tial Caldng, destruction, or loss in value of the Property in wLich lhe fair u�adcef value of
<br /> thc t'roporty itiv��ediate1y Ucfore the partial Cnleing, destiuction, or loss in value is equal to or greater than the
<br /> funounC of the sums secured by tl�is 5ecurity InFtrumcnt immetliatc;ly before Hie partial taldng destructiion, or
<br /> loss in vnlue, unless Borrower and Lender otherwise agree in writing, the sums seciued by �liis Sccurity
<br /> Institiunent sl�all be reduced by the ainount of the Miscallaaieous Proeaeds multiplied by the following
<br /> G'aoHon: (a) the Wtal aiiiount of tho eLuns secured imn�ediatel�Uefore tlie parEial taking, dastauotion, or loss
<br /> in value divided by(b) tihe faix markef value oP Hie ProperCy i�nmecliatcly bofore H�e partial taldng,
<br /> destruotion, or loss in vfllue. Anv balnnoe shall be paid ko Borrower.
<br /> fii Che evenC oP a par�ial CaMng, dcetr�iction, or lose in valuc of tl�c Property in which the fair marlceti value of
<br /> the Properfy immedi�tely before the partiftl taking, destruction, or loss in valuc is]c.es�Y1�an N�o amount of the
<br /> sums secLu�ed inunediately Uefore Uie�artial taking, clest�'uction, or loss in vnlue, nnless Borrower tuid
<br /> Lender otherwi�c agee in wriHng, tl�c NlieeellaneoUs Yrococds shall Ue applied to the suuis secwed by tlris
<br /> Security Instr•uinent whether ar not the sums are then due.
<br /> If the Property ia atb�ndoned by Borxower, ox if, after notice by Lender fo Borro�ver thlt the O��poeing Yarty
<br /> (as defined in the next sentence) offers to malw at�award to settle a claim for d2m�ges, Borrower fails fo
<br /> respond to Lcnder within 34 days after the date the notice is given, Lender is authorizecl to collect And apply
<br /> the Miscellnneous Prpoeeds either fo i�eaforalion or rcpair of t17e 1'roperty or to tUe swne secLued by 11us
<br /> Security Instnunent, whather or not fhen due. "Oppoaing Party" meane the third perty thnt owes Borrower
<br /> Miscellaneous Vroceeds or the party a�;ainst whoin Rortower 1�as a right of action in regerd to Miseellaneoue
<br /> Proceeds.
<br /> Borrower shnll be in ciefaull' i�P any action or pro�cding, whother civil or criininal, is be�xn that, in Lendax's
<br /> judguienP, could result in forfelture of the Proper6y or other material impairment nP Leu�ior's�intoroet in thc
<br /> l'roperty or rights under U�is Security Inst�ument. Iiorrower can cure such a default and, if accelerntion has
<br /> 000urred, reinetate ns provicied iii Section 19, by cauuing tl�e action o,r proceeding to be dismissed with a
<br /> ruling that, in Lender'a judgment, precfides Forfeifure of the Properhy or olher matorial i�npairmont of
<br /> L,ender's interest in the Property or rights under tl�ie Security Inshlunent. The prooeeds oP any awprd or
<br /> claiui for dainages that a�•e nth iUutaUle to the iinpainnent of Lender's inYerest in the Property are hereby
<br /> aseigned and sha11 bo paid G� Lender.
<br /> All Mi�cellaneone Proceeds that are not a}�plied to restoration or repau•o£the Property shall Ue npplieci in the
<br /> order provided Por iu Section 2.
<br /> 24003070
<br /> NEBRNSI(A-Single f-amlly�fannie MaelGYedtlle Mac ONIPORM INSTRUM ENT Form 3�26 7/01
<br /> Vbl P�J VMPB�NE)(1105J
<br /> Waltera Kluwer Flnanclsl 9ervlcea Page 10 of 17
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