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201210796 <br /> 12. Borrower Not Released; Forbearance By Lender Not a W aiver. ��;tension of the time for payme„t or <br /> inodification of amorfizaYion of the sums secured Uy tliis Secwity Instruanent gr�tnted Uy Lcnder to Borrower <br /> or any Successoc in Intereat of Boirower eha11 not operaYe to rcloasc tho]iability of Borrower or any <br /> Succeesore in Interest of Barrower. T.endcr sha11 noC be requixed to commence procaedings against any <br /> Suceessor in Brterest of Botrower or Co refiise to extend tiuie for payment or ofher�v�se modify amortization <br /> o£t1�e�s�nns aec:�u�ed by Chis Seourity Inetitunent by reason of auy deu�and n�ado by the oxiginal Boirower�or <br /> any Suocessore in Interest of Borrower. Any forbcarance bq Lender in exeroising any right oc ceinedy <br /> including, without limifafion, Londcr's aceepCanoe of paynients firom tlurd parsons, entities or Succavsnrs in <br /> Interest of Borrower or ii� amounLg less than the ntnount theu due, shall not Ue a waiver of or proclude the <br /> exercise of any right or reinedy. <br /> 13. Joint and Several Liability; Co-signers; Successors and Assigns Bound. Borrower covennnts nnd <br /> agrees that Borrower's obligations and liability sha11 bo jointi and several. IIowevex, any Borrotvar wfio <br /> co-eigns lhia Security Lnstrwnent Uut does nat sxecuCe the Note(a"co-signer"): (a) is ca-sig�vng E1�is <br /> Security Instnui�ev't oi�Iy to inortgage, grent and convey tihe co-siguer's intereyt in tl�e Property under the <br /> terms of tl�is Security Insisiunent; (b}is not personally obligated tc�pay the siuns seoueed by this Security <br /> [nstrun�ent; and(c) agrees that Lender and any other Borrowex can agrea Yo exYend, modify, forUcar or inake <br /> any accommodatione with rcgard to fhe tenne of this Securitiy InsCruuient or thc N<�te without the co-aigner's <br /> consent. <br /> SubJect to the provisions uf Section 18, any Successor in Interest of Rorrowcr who assumea Borrower's <br /> oUligatious undcr this Saei�rity Insh•ument in writing,and is approved by I,ender, sh�ll obtain all of <br /> 13orrower's rights �nd Uenefits under tihis Securify TnstriuncnG Borrower shall noti be raleAsed from <br /> BorroWer's obligations and liability under this Secm-iCy Ir�st�liment wiless Lender agrees to sucl�rolf>a,ae in <br /> wtiting. The covenants and agecmenUs of 11iis Secw�ity Instrument shall bind(except as pro�dcled in Section <br /> 20) and Ue��cfit fhe successors and asaigns of Lender. <br /> 14. Loan Charges. Lender may charge Borrowar fees for services performed iu comlection wit11 Borrower's <br /> ciefaulf, for the puipose of protiectnig Lender's intcrest in the Property and rights under tl�is Security <br /> Instrmnent, including, bnt n�t liinited 40, atforneys' fees, properCy inspection and valuaEion Pees. In regard to <br /> viy otl�et fees, the absenne oP express authority in tliis Secnrity I'nstrumcnt to chaz�ge a specific fee to <br /> 13orrowcr shall not be eonstrned as a prohiUition on the cheu'ging oP such fee. Leiider may voY chnrge I'ees <br /> that are expressly prohiUited Uy this Security Inslniment or by Applicable Law. <br /> If the Loan ia subjeet to a law which sets maxitnutl�lonn chvges, and that law is finally interpretad so that <br /> the interast or other loan chargu� collecCecl ar to Ue collecYed in coimection with fl�e Loan exceed the <br /> permitted limits, then: (n)any such loF�n charge sha11 be redtiiced by tho amounS neoessary to reduce the <br /> charge lo tl�ie pernritted liinit; aaid(b) any stiims alrcady collec[ed from Borrower whicli exceeded permitted <br /> liinits will be refwided to ,13orrowor. Lenc�er tnay choose to mel�e tliis refund Uy reducing thc principal nwed <br /> Lwider the Notc;or by malting a direct pa}nnent tio Box'rower. l,f a rc�und redcice.s principal, the reduo6on will <br /> be lrea[ed as a pcuti<d prepayinent wiChout any prcpayinent cherga(whether or not a pref�ayment eharge is <br /> provided for under the Note). Borrowcr's aooepCnnce af any such refund tnade Uy direct paymcnt to <br /> Rorrower wi11 oonstitutc a waiver oE any right of act'ion Borrower might have arising ouC aF such overchnrge. <br /> 15. NotlCes. All notices �;iven Uy Borrower or Lender in coYmection with this Security lustrumc��t m�ist Ue in <br /> writuig. Any n�rica to Borrower ii�i oonnection wiYh tl�is Secmity Insh�amcn,t sl�all be deemed to haue heen <br /> givai to Borrower when meiled�by first elass mnil or whon actually delivered Co Borrower's notioe lddress iP� <br /> sent by other meFtns. NoCice to oaiy one Borrower shall consritute notioe to all Borrotvers unless Applicable <br /> Law expressly requires othcrwise. The notioe address shall ba fhe Property Address unlcss Borrower l�as <br /> zaooao�s <br /> NCBRA51<A�Single Family-Fannle M eelFretldie W ac UNIFORId INSTRUM fNT Fo�m 3020 1701 <br /> yM p� VM P6(NE)(11051 <br /> N.'olters Kluvier Pinancial Services Page f1 of 17 <br />
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