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201210796 <br /> contimie fo pay to Lender flie vnonn[of Cl�e neparafely designated paymenYs fliat ware due when the <br /> insurAnce coveragc coased to ba in effeck Lender wi11 accept, use and retain these payinents as a. <br /> non-refundnble loss reservo in lieu oF Ivlortgage Insurrmca Snch loss reserve shall be nm1-refuudable, <br /> notwithstanding the fAct thaC thc Loan is ultimately paid in full, and I,endar shall not be requircd to pa�y <br /> Borrowcr any interest or e�rnings on euch loes reserve. Lender can no longe��rec�uire loas reserve payments <br /> if Mortg�ge Insurance coverage(in the amount and for Uie pario<!that Lender ra�uires)provided by an <br /> uisurer selecte<l by Lender age�in Uecoines avail�tble, is oUfaincd, and Lender requires separafely desigiaked <br /> paymenfs tow�'d the premiums for Morfgage Insurvice. If Lender reyuired Mortgage Insnranoe ae a <br /> conclition of ma7culg the Loan and Borrower was roqnired to make separately dcsi��ated payments toward Chc <br /> premiums for MorCga�;c Insurance, Borrower shall pay tl�c premiiuns required fo�naintain Mortgage <br /> Insurance in effecC, or to pxovidc a von-refundable loss reserve, until Lcnder's requiremeul for MurLgage <br /> Insuram;c ends in accordance wifli any written agreement between Borrower and l,ender provicling for such <br /> termination or unti] termination is required by Applicab1e Law. Notlung in Clus Secrion 10 affecYs <br /> Borrower's obligacion 10 pay iuterest at f$e rate provic{ed In tl�o Note. <br /> Mortgage Insur�nce roimburses Lender(or any enlily iliat piu chases Uie Note) for oertain losscs if may incur <br /> if T�orrower does not repay Che Loan as agreed. Borrowex is not aparty to the MorPgage Inam�nnoe. <br /> Mortgaga insurers evahiaCe Cheir total risk on all such insnxauce in forcc froin tiine to time, nnd inay rn�ter <br /> into agrcemeuts with other psu•ties tliat sharo or modify their riak, or reduoe luescs. '1'hese agreements are on <br /> texms and conditions that are satiisfaotary to the mortgage insarex aud the other p�.r6y(or parties) to these <br /> agreemeuta. Tlie,se agrccments may require the morCgage ivsurc�•Co make payments uaing nny soLuco of fiuids <br /> that the morYgage inaurer may have available (which mey include Puuds oUtained fiom Mortgage Im9uranco <br /> premiutns). <br /> As a result of these agreemente, Lender, any purchaser of the Note, nnothcr insurer, any reinsurer, Any oLher <br /> cntity, or viy affiliate of any of the foreg�ing, inay receive(direotly or indixectly) ainotimts that derive fioin <br /> (ox mighY'be charactu��ized�s) a portion of Borrower's��ayincnts for Mortgage Insnranoe, in cschange for <br /> eharing or modifying fl�e mortgage insucer's risk, or reducing loases. If such agreement pxovides [hat an <br /> a£filiate of Lender takes a share of Che inaurcr's rislc in axol�ange for n shnre of fhc premiwns paid Yo the <br /> insL�rer, Che areangemeut is often termed "oaptive reinsurance," Fmflier: <br /> (a) Any sucli lgreetuents will not aTfect thc amoimfs tlwf Bm��ower li:ie ngrcod to pay for MorCgage <br /> visnrancc, or any oCher Cernis of the Losm. Such agreements will not incr�;�sc thc amonnt <br /> Bm•rowcr will owe for Mort�nge In�[�rxnce, xnd tlicy wlll uot entiCle Borrower f.o any rcfnnd. <br /> (b) Auy snch agreements wlll not affect the righte Bor�rower I�as-iP any- witli reapcet to the <br /> Morf.gage Ivsnranec under the Hmneowners Rrotection Aet of 1998 or auy oll�er l�w. Tliesu ciglite <br /> n�xy inclade Che right to reccivo ccrtnin discloei�rea, to request �iud oUYain cnncellatimi of Cl�e <br /> Mm•Cgnge Bisurnnce, Co l�ave the Mortgagc visnrnnce Cenninaled rmtoniutically, and/m� to receive <br /> a refnnd of nny Mortgage Insttrmice premiums tl�at were imenrned at the lixne of sucla <br /> enncellalimi pr Cermination. <br /> 11. Assignment of M iseellaneous ProCeeds; ForPeiture. All Miscellaneous Proceeds are hereby assigned to <br /> aud sh�ll 6e paid to Lendor. <br /> If the Property ie demaged, sneh Miseellaneoua Pxoceecls el�all Uo applied to resYoraUon or repair of the <br /> Proparty, if the restoration or repair is econonucally fensiUle a�id Lender'e security is not lessened. During <br /> such re�air and restoration period, Lcndcr sha1l l�ave tlre right to hold such Miscellaneous Proceeds tmtil <br /> Lendor ht�s h�td au opportiunity to inspwt such Property to ensure 17ie wark has been ooinplcted to Lender's <br /> 2A003078 <br /> NFARASKA-Single Famlly-Fannie Maeffred�ie 67an�NIFOFM INSTROh1ENT Form 3026 1/01 <br /> VM P� VM Po(NE](71061 <br /> Wolters Kluwor Flnanclal9ervlces Peqe 9 oi 17 <br />