<br /> �° - -- �`- �`- <==�.=�:�=- — - =�- �� �. " :.�. �.r
<br /> �� _ T �-- - - . _ _
<br /> .. `, . '� �G _ C. !`
<br /> \ _
<br /> . : �� • � y Q. f.�.� ��f -� �Sfr '� (.
<br /> "...C"'�. - t �T"�� .i= "'k.'Y��� _ - 1 �C Y i -4`. 'y -� � � .y' . -
<br /> �r'.-'n ' ...
<br /> � n h
<br /> ):
<br /> t.
<br /> R�r • • lII�IO S�CiIDt 811�f0!�Q�� �,��
<br />, . a3 f�lg Of IP.II�9T�1f IDO�S91113NZ8nC8 OOVCfB$8 C "'.`
<br /> - . . . �•�`:.i�; PgY��ay�o la�ger�o raq�d> �Y�����bocomes av�able and is obtsinr.d.8oimwer shatl gaY ,: � s
<br /> t�st Leader �)P���bY �° vtde e Iass reserva.until ths r����� '.S�`` .
<br /> . �`. the premiums�qu�ed w mainmin mo�tgage ins�������awer und Y�eader es�PPkenb2e law. � - ��.�s.�
<br /> �: � '" insuraaco cn�s ia accacdsnse aith nny wduen a�� ����YQ .
<br /> ,� g.L�spedIon. F�uder or its egent moy make reasona62a eaMes upoa and tns�cttaas of the Pmgec�Y• �
<br /> -� reasanabie c�for tha iaspectFan. ` `.
<br /> • �� �_, Bon+ower aonce at t�ti�ne of oa prfor to sa insgec�on speafyin8 ��� ia ccunectian with uny0 �
<br /> .� 10.Gead�o�-1ha Fmeeeds of anyr aw�d or ciaim fot dam88es+d�t or + � >.:
<br /> ` .or for cat�veyance ia licu of condemnation.sre tiesebY as-°�8II� : �.i=:�i:
<br /> � cuademaa�oa or other taking of euy pait of t�e Propert}► at �
<br /> .�° °`�. '`. ,.�`. ' shall ba paid W lrender. � •
<br /> . `: •:� Ia the eveat of a to�al takiag of the Pmperty.the p�
<br /> ahalt�e applied to the su�ms secund bY tLis Se�utity IasWm�+� -
<br />• .,'•.�-�-�� whether or aot then due,with aay excess paid to Boarower.I�tha eveat of a partial taking of the Prcgatty ia arh�ch the fair `
<br /> '�-- ° befara the L�cg is a�!.^�!to or�thar►tha amount of the sums��Y�
<br /> • :L. � °r:' �ssrkei vatue of the Pro�Y� �te.ss Sorcower snd Lender athe:vliso agree in writiag�tne sums��sy �
<br /> �CfOIS f�t0�D$f F.:
<br />:�1"�.'�r;�.?r�.' �8 Jr0C�11ty �resInced by the amouat of tha praoeeds ����et value of���a��y � �.
<br /> .;E' .,.�`-�� gmoimt of the suras secund tmm°.�is�Y befora the�.divided�y►N) of the Propeery in wLish the fair , �� ;<
<br /> 6efore the tal�g. /#ny Balance sh�Ii�paid w Bonower. Tn the evPat af s pastisl taking 6efare tho '��'-
<br /> �� � , market value of the PcoPe�tY imm��y 6efoie the mlciag ia tes9 tflaa tha ammmt of the sums secttsed immediatclY � ;::.��.}:
<br /> '� �` �� kca6le law otturwise psovidcs��P� ,' .
<br /> � �- ,.:5, :�..5;, �S, �goscawer and Leader oth�wise agtee in writmg ar un2ess app' _ ti,�i�•
<br /> ;:'�p .. ; ° ,-: 6e applied to the s�v s�ned by tlus�aity Inshament whe�s or not the sums ate thea due. -
<br /> �s abaadaned by Bottowsr.or if,after natice by l,ender w Bortowet t�at the coademaor offeis w make aa :_r
<br /> � � _ �;�: � If the Aope�Cy' ������d ta�witbia 30 days after the daLe the notic�is Bivm. - --_
<br /> awatd or sdite a claim for damages, either to resw�atiaa or nPai�of the Ptog�tp ar to the so�s ',
<br /> � ' . Le�det is w�hori7ed to colIect aad apply the P='cce�ds.a��°P�cn, ','°;,
<br /> ' ' a' this Secwi Instnuaent.vuhe�er or not th�due. aot e�d '-���
<br /> . ��� � 1ic�lion of prcceeds w principai sl�t rnr
<br /> ' . Untess Legdar eaal Bancwer otbesavise agea in wuting. anY$PP .�-�. -
<br /> � :� postpona�e fi�d�of the umntLly payme�ts tefen�to in patagrapt�s 1�d 2 or clmage t�e am�at of sach paysae�ts• ,�
<br />- . �'�,F . i�.S�t-�1Vat Beleased;Eor��e�S►I.�der Not s�flaive:Exte�sioa of the t�ms for paym�t or mudif catioa . `' `,;7
<br /> . in�of Barrow��all
<br /> `'�•� ' of amszcti�ti�af'r a�e aums sscattefl by this Security Instrument grsnted b3+��w any L�er sliall nat be�+zqaiied to -
<br /> -,•```� � aot cgerate ta ce�se the Iiab�ity of the oaiglnal Bormwer ar Bomdwer's�o��s��- _-
<br /> �� - or�fuse W ext�d time fos payment ar othera►ise madifY am�d�� .
<br /> - cammence Pio�£'�Sa aS�t a°Y�in inteseat
<br /> .,'� ' �t by reason of aay demaud made by the oagimal Bo�rer or Bormwer's
<br />. ,vr.^; of the s¢ms s�d 6Y this Searnty � ����g �����y shall not be a waiver of or ptecluda tha ,
<br /> � . . � ..�o�m�. �i+��� �� ffi►y . 4�'`-"::-
<br /> . • � execcasa of any right or remedy. �e cm+eosnts and ag�c�of�S ,x";,�,'-
<br /> ` 1Z.�ttoc�'sots aa�Assigns Baund;J'oint and SeQ�a!Lfa6�ity, Co�stgaa's•
<br /> cros of �
<br /> `" � ' ' S Iaskm�t sHa11 biud and benefit the su����of Iender aad Bormwer,snbsed w�e grov�s� -. -
<br /> '''' � sl�li ba jaint and sevecal. Anp BoitaR'er who ca-signs dsss Se�iti+ . �.''�r-
<br /> � , p�ag�h 17. �oa►et's�ve�is�d a�m� �y to m�ge.�and canvey�at ��;-
<br /> . ' � Tn.scmmeut bns�s not executs the Note: (a)is co�sigcdng t�s�tY� ttat easmaatly obligaiea to pa3►the s� . -�°-_--
<br /> ' �` under tho tesmu of�is�e�auItY Ia�umen�(b)� P i=sr�s�-.
<br /> . Ecaower's i�.�est in the FroP�Y ,fosiseares � ..��_:
<br /> �x�'•' , ser�ed bY t�is�uIty�:aa8(a�a�es tLat Isnder and any cther Borro��saaay ag�ee W ax�d,�► . . �..
<br /> ,''t.��' . :�. mnke aay acca�cmo.odstions aiih regara to dse tenns of�is Secnrity Tnst�ument or the�iata cvith�rt that Bo�"s eonsent. � ��=
<br /> � �•'`�''4� , !3.I.oan�rges.If tha loaa seciue8 bY tbis Seattity Ias����I�to a Iaw cvhicL sets maomatm iaaa c2iinsgs�es, .;;w W�
<br /> , .��.: �.
<br /> " • a n d t�a t f a w is f m a l l y i n t c r p s e t e d eo that tha interest os otiter laaa c,�at&es collect�t!or to be coltected in e���g _- _
<br /> laaa exceed the pemdtted l i m its.the�:(a)aay such toan chatge shall ba teduced 6y We amnuni �n�v�Sll be refi�nded w c„�'.
<br /> �• "• ' : ' W tse permiued limit;and(f�.)aaY su�s�Y wllected from Bormwer wlur.h exceeded Farmi ���
<br /> n owed uuder tha Note or by mat�ing a direct �:;.
<br /> � . $ormwer. I�ender may choose to maka this �fuad b3+ reducing the prm'�a1 t without any =—
<br /> . . ` payment to Eonvwer. lf a s+�fund te�ac�s principal, the m,duction w�l be treated es a �aitial pscpaYme� _
<br /> • . _ P�ayment charge under the Note. ----
<br /> , :� � � 14.Notie�.Any notit=��to Bormarer pmvided for ia this Secnain+Ia�eat abaU be gtven by delivetmg it or by ma�in� �
<br /> • . .. i;c[ fust cless mail unle�a�ucabla taw reqnires use aFaaother ffieethod.l'he notice ehaU be d'u�eeted to the FeopettY Add�" ----
<br /> t
<br /> �' notice to�shall be givea 63+�r�as9�_4Q' ---
<br /> . • Qr any ather addcess Bair�vaer dersi�at$s b3+notFce oa f;�ndes• AnY er. �ottca �l far iZe d�
<br /> � ; ,. Le'nder's addr�•�betein or�aay ot�asldtes.9 I�r.s desig�ates bY notice to,LTmroa► A� P�� . �,
<br /> �� Iashu�ct ebaU ba deamed to i�6ee�gtven to Bolrrower ec�ndei whefl given us pFo�i�d ia this Fai�g�'sPh.�'. . ,
<br /> . ..;',:� ` _ �
<br /> , : �,... •, Secun�Gove�n,g E�aw; SeverabUity.'�is SeauitY Ins�ument e�all be gavemed by fedeial law and t�ta lscv a��iti� __ v
<br /> ., jur'ssdicticon in which the Ptapert�+is tacate�.ia the event that aay ptovistan or clausa of�is Sectirih+InsWme{�t or Qrs.1'dabh _
<br /> ,� ;:. �
<br /> .. . • • wntlicts with applicab2a taw.such conflict ahaU nat affect other proviatons of this Sec�utty lnst�nment at tha N�ss wbicta c��9a � � ,;'
<br />- ��:rj�ti g iven e ff e c t�^:�n t tha conflictin g p�v}�uan.To this e�d tha provisions of this Sec�mty Insau�ate�sad the PI�sis dc�L•u�d �_;__.
<br /> �
<br /> , .� 1�ti` to be severa6�. ' .� ' � �`
<br /> � 16.BaiYawQr's Copy. Bormwer�l�'e gtven.one conformed ea�y of the Note and of this Securiry�•
<br /> F�ms 28 gl90 ._
<br /> . ' `' ��R[l'7Elaarzr.oz omesore �°' . - 3�
<br /> .•`� � � '•,`'-�.
<br /> ' . ' • ':
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<br />_ � . . '.� '' - - 90280.hm 1y9B .
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