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<br /> .-���T `' . � . S ' . - - " .7P ' ��j.._ �,�y y t �. 1 .
<br /> i . , . '. F . < ' ' . S '"` iC �y. �i.'4
<br /> a7 „� �'t �� ' ,�` .r.�.k � F: � _t �• .� 4� . .
<br /> aa✓'`, _ ..e . , � :�_.a ,_
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<br /> ?-<:•.�`- -�--- - ---
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<br /> ` �f < �� $p�TpWC!B11811 �� �Y'AVBIDCIItB IIoW Cl[181�� Ot�10I@B�Ct� OII t�lo ,�.s`.
<br /> . . ' S. 9ts�srd w'FtoF�r4Y �lude�tvithin tha term'eltceaded covcrago'aud any other��ncladlag •�t .
<br /> •' ` � � Froperty in�uted agaEnst loss by fue.6aa►�+ds '._;`f
<br /> ,. . '-�°,,�' �nsutsace.71ris lasuraace shs116e maiataGied in the amovnts aa�fot tha pericds �
<br /> ` ' _ ftoods os�i�adin�.for whicb Leuder t�Auim.s shalt be c�osea b Bouower subJcct to Lewder's approvul�
<br /> , ' ���� c:a cetmer mvIdiag tha iasurance Y u J°C � ..�G
<br /> nires.'Ihe insurea P ebave. Leader may.at I�ender�s
<br /> ��.�5�' whIch shall not 6e�mreasonably arithneId.If Bor�ower feil�to malamL�oovemge d�scri6e� �
<br /> . . . ' �;'` apdon.abUain wverage Eo prote¢t l�eadsr's ii$hts ia dta PtoP�rtY ia eccordt►ace wlth pstia&reph 7. "�
<br /> s '
<br /> ' ls¢ic9 nad re�awale aha116a acceptab2e to Iendar and a�all iacluda m staadard mort888a II1�°• ��C
<br /> AU insutnnce P�� ve to Leader all reaipte of�'O , ` .
<br /> f�. ' .�<`.•, sbsll Gave the rig�tt to hold the polietes aad rmawats.If LcaBer tequit+es►8ot�awer�P��'°to�the insnraacxi carrier mid l�ender. � Y ...
<br /> . . � � .:��r patd premiums and c+eucwal notias.Ia the event of tw.�s.Eo�we�aLa11 gi P mP _ b . , .
<br />,`�` .��,�,; Lsndet moy make praof of loss if not mada promptly b3+Bormwe�• ��w r�wratioa or tegais of the � '�
<br /> Unless Lendet and Bm:ower othe�cvise agno�i¢►wtlting.ir�suzauca Pmc�shali be app .f'
<br /> .�---""'_', is uot lessened.If the nsmiatian or
<br /> _- ` ` pi,nperty damaged.if the reswtation or iegair is a�omically f�a'63e sad lsnder's secu*►tY ,.:_
<br /> ` " 'y` �+epair is not a:onomic�lty fe3si'bta or Lender's s�auity would ba hsse�ed,the ins�uaato Bonower.e If Sonower abaado� " �
<br /> °,, . whemer or not the�n due.Q+ith any axc�ss p • .`�'=', �
<br /> � set»ted bY tLi�Security lnstrameni. x< ss , . .
<br /> �F��Y•or da�s nat aaswer witbin 30 days a notice from I�der that Wa insuraace carrier hss off4red to setue��� ,,':y ,.
<br /> , . � , '` �� IP.nder may coIIect the insuranca proce�. L�der maY usa the Proceeds to s�pais or i+e.stare the Praperty ._: �.,,
<br /> . ; securefl by this Sec+uity Instivment,whether or not then due.'ma 30-day periad wlll begin wLea the aofu�i�g[�►en.
<br /> an Hcatiaa of proceeds to PsinciFal sha11 not eo�o= „ •
<br /> '. . UWess Leader aad�reoaret othernise aScee�wri�ing• Y$PP `` '` .
<br /> ` the due date of tha monthly payme�s iefaned Lo in patagcapbs 1 aad 2 or c�aaga tBe amaimt of the p�ymenm-If �� :
<br /> " -� P��P�n� �� g��y���8 ri���y�s;e policies aad piacetds�sulting fmm `
<br /> . . '';;< under paragrapL 2I the Ptogerty is aaQui�d�sY +
<br /> E��::
<br /> . �, � � �e�t�e p�etty�rior w the acquisitinn sDall gas9 w I�der to tho ext�t of tTns sams se�ozed by this S�ity►Ynshument
<br /> '�'. � � • immediatety picar to the ecqnisation. �Antec�tioa o4 the Prop�'ty;�o�s+aw�'s Laan Applit�at�uu;��dg. .
<br />_ d. 6.Qac�p�i►+Pt+cs�va�on,M�
<br /> .'°��' egm6li�.and nse the Pmpert3►as Boimwer's p��s1����'��tha�an of
<br /> .. . '• . Bermwer sball eccupy. as Bonower's principal ce�denee for at Isast ane Year aRer • �'�'•
<br /> • tLis 3ecwaty InsCn�ment�d shall contiaue to oxapy��,P,�e�tywh{ch cansent sl�all not bo�a�eas�si�iY ari�hheld•os imtess �;
<br /> -�-E. . •• the date o�aoeupaaLy.untess IEOder ather�+isa ageees ia �. __ _
<br /> . , q���cinwms�nce� e�nst aLich ate beYaad Liattower's c�oattal. $ormtver e6all not destcoy, dsmaga °r�P� � .
<br /> �. �'OP�Y. allaw the Fcoperty w ddercoiata, os co�it wavte on the Pmperty.Susrowez shall be in default�if a�►forfeitace
<br /> - . actian os pmce�g�whether civil or criminal.i9 Begun tbat Im Lender's&eod�ith judgRteai coutd resalt in forfeitiue of the 'r,
<br /> tha liea►created hy this Saavity Insaumc�t or 1�deT'8 se��t�'�'$On'Owes may ��.
<br /> �operty ar otheiwlse mntasialIy imPau i8 ceuain the adiun or piaceedin8 to be dismissed with a ralin8 �
<br /> . �sach a defastt�d�insmt0.�Provided ia patag�aph .bY S or affier matetial �
<br /> ia
<br /> :; f�� ' tbat. in I�dee's gaad faith desrr��tiori� P�Iadea Porfeiture of t&e Eonower's iate�st in Qte Feogeity r"��:
<br /> . • or L�der's security inteiest. B osmwer sball etso ba ia defanit if ��'-,�_
<br /> ,�� . .. `�;.y impairment o4 tbe lim cteated by tbis Secarity In� �or inaccurata infom�atPon or smiements tn Irmdes(or�ed �,s�b;_
<br /> � gnnvwer.dmlap,tha iosn applic�don psocess.��Y
<br /> � . te pmvide L'eader with any waterial iaformation}im eonaectioa aiW dte Iean evid�ced bi►the Nots.iactad'mg,lmt no tli�tad i��:
<br /> mdions concemiag Borrower's aoaigaacY of the Propetty as a principal�caid�:aca%f this Seearity Inshamen � _
<br /> � tca
<br /> . . . w•�� �� eq�nies fea title to the PmperiY. the `'.'—._,.
<br /> • leasehold, Borrawer �all comply with all the ons of the lc�sa. If Bosrower a F:.�,�-��__
<br /> •`` ta the merger ia avritiag. a�';ii�.:=..
<br /> . tea�ehotd and tha fee title sDall nvt merge unles�Irr.�:r a�tees �
<br /> ' ?.Protet�oa of Lend�'s�tig6�s uw�e�ertY•If Bormwer fa�ls to perform the cov�nts and ag�ents coamined in
<br /> . ' this SearrIry Iastivmeat,or tbere ia s�P�°g��Y����y affect Lenckt's sighb in dia Property(sucb as a r --
<br /> ere
<br /> �� .5�,�� praceediag 1n bankiuP�Y•P���fes candemnadon or fosfeitu�or w enforce laws or ngulations),t6ea Leader may do aad -�_
<br /> . t e et the va�ue of tha Pcnperty aad Leader'a rights ia the ProyafY. Lendet's actians may :=.__:
<br /> . . �� PaY for a h a t e ves is n e�a s�►w P r� earta� in cowt, P a y�� ` �:�-.-
<br /> . includa Faying anY av�s secared by a lien which has piiority over this Sec�itY Instr�t, aPP !-;y:;�:
<br /> 0C 1
<br /> � rrasnaab2e attomeys'fees afld eateri�u�cm the Prope:ty w�aake r�ai�-A1��Ieader may mtce act�on uader this paragtaph 6.?=--
<br /> ` �. .�• �
<br /> . ' , :: 7,Ie�des daes not have w do so. --
<br />- . �.��_`'��� pnq e�camts disLu:s�b3► I�S under this paragrapL 9 shaU become edditional d�of Bonower sec�ued b3+ this _.,
<br /> - � � Security Iast�umea�Qai�es�Bo:rower aad L$ader a�ree w other terms of payment,tltese a�m�* sbaII beas�nterest fe+em tho . _-
<br /> : � � notice fm�Leader tm�csmaer rcqnesting
<br /> `;'' .. date of diabwsemffit e�ti�Note rnte aad e1�aU be payab2e.with interest. upon ro °
<br /> �•�_._.
<br /> ;����, . . . Rapmea� �_
<br /> S.1Q�ge�ingnc�.If Lendes te�uired mortg�8e ins�nce as a canditioa of makin�tr�laau s�by tbis Security ^
<br /> • .,';j'y��1'�j� 1n���e $oSOWet BLell pa}► the gzem�um9 t�qw�ed W matIIttitII the mo!!$ep.>B 1nsu�eIICO iD offeCt. If, far any reason. tha -
<br /> ',�:� '°!:,.�;;�;;:t`� a i�ender 1ePses or ceases w be ia effect,Barrower shuU pay tha psBmiums r�i�ed�° � R`-
<br /> .: ,,};t�t4.�� mortp,age iasurance co�er�� �I��to the mortgage insuraaca pseviously in effect.at a wst su6stantially eqaivaIe�t to tha �'=�=�`-
<br /> '. ' , .q,�.� obtaiu coverage substaatiaUY equi
<br /> � �-, e ias�n+er apps�►od bY Lender.IP _
<br /> ' • cost to Hormwer of tha mortgage iasmance pre�+tously in effea. from aa alteraate mort8eg _
<br /> � ' sabstaati�Il�equivate,nt mortgage in�ace caverage is not availab2e.Borrower spmll pay to Lender each mont�a sum equaL to _--
<br /> . , one-iwe1,'�.tz of tha yearly mort�aga ia�ance Fremium beiag paid by Borrower ahen the iasurance coverage laps�m c�ased to _ __
<br /> ag �
<br /> � b a i n e ff e c t.L e n d e r a�l a c c e p t,use and ratain the.se p a y m�n t s as a los9 reseiva ia iieu of mo�tgnge insusauce. Loss cr�n►e .:'+..
<br /> ... ian+so� etso �,._.�_:
<br /> . v . ... ���� .
<br />,_ � . . �.614(j1l£1�21t1A2 Vaoe9of 9 ��
<br /> .. - �+6.�.. �,L
<br /> . . . �.
<br /> . '�
<br /> _ . . �,� ... .. � ' " ,
<br /> . � • � l� ...
<br /> • � • aoss3trm �zree
<br />� � . . �� .
<br />