�� . . � - - � "�.�' `
<br /> :..
<br /> ..� .� t . ' _ . .f. .i� . _� f... _ . C� _
<br /> ... - J ' .. k. 'C ` : t _i' C. '� » , 1 *�.V
<br /> e, <,t t � L� .��<� : . p.- nS V '`7.G 'i, y� _ a �t . ri�..� :
<br /> ;. �
<br /> ,..rf-..r., •'. _ . .. ..... _
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<br /> . , , .i ,�L
<br /> Y• .1 ;�
<br />.�. . ' .a�„�,
<br />._ -'ItS� K: • ♦ � � �
<br /> �'~�`��� in Bnn��.If ell or any pais of the Prope�ty or enY inteir,at m it .t�'.• .
<br /> � <� I?.Ts�sf��tIIse�ro�or a Bmnefc3�1 I�t�st �Bor►v�ver is uot a nawasl person)�i�nns ` •.`..
<br />- ' is soW or hunsfer�d(or if a Dene8ci�1 intesest ia Sor�av.•er ia sotd op��� �liill of all sums s�cused bl't6is _'r:�:
<br /> � er
<br /> �rtitte�t�nsent. � �Y �,
<br /> _ : ��.e� es . es ita optian. �a if e�is prohibited hy federfsl Iaw as of the dutn � .
<br /> . - �1 Securlty Wsttumcn�How��er,t h i s o p�o n s 6 s l t a o t h a e x�i s��
<br /> � .`�. ; ': oPtE3is Secarrity Tns�vaQent. ..
<br /> If Lea�Per exerctses tLis option.t.eader shall givre Borrow�notice of aceeieratian.'El�e aotice s 6 n U pco v i da a p e r t Q d o f n o t
<br /> y �� , .�" kss tLaa 30 days fmm the data ttie notfee is detive�vr mailed within which Boit�eaer must pay all sum9 securrd bY 1Lis .` .
<br /> "� , B 1,ender ma invoke any cEmed�es p.
<br /> . " ` Security insuumeat If Bon+ower faILs to pay the�a sums prior to tLe aapirnt�oa ofi tbis periad. y
<br /> ',`'• . �:. permitted by this Seairih►inst�u�snt arithant finther rwtice or demnad on Boriower.
<br /> .`.,�`•` 18. �rroaver's �0t ta 6�te. if �or�asrar mer�a c�*sOaia condiHons. Sorrowes ehalt 6ave the right to have � .
<br /> �'�' � �t discontiuued at anyr tIme prtor w t�e earliet oF (a)S days(ar such other�iad as -<
<br /> ,.<�•�<,�•.�,��s enfotcemsat of thia Secnnty P�3'P��O �y P°wer of sa[e conmiaed m thie ��.
<br /> ec �
<br /> ;�. appli�hle l�w•ts+�Y��tY for re�a�tateme,ut)enfas�i�tg this Senuity insetume��'E�ose condition�ace that Borrower: (a)Pay►9
<br /> sta
<br /> ,. � Lesnd�a11n sums wh�h t@h,en�woutd�d�under this Sectuity IasWmcnt�nd the Nots as if a�eccetetation 6�d aecua�d;(b) ° _
<br /> >.--_� - <:� ��y�y d e f m il t o f a o y othzr coveanats or a�:tC)PaYa��incurted ia�8�S���' .<
<br /> ' �` ' • �;�a(a���u�aon�r�a�r�y r�on��y��� ..
<br />:� >` i a c i u d i n g,b u t n o t 6 m ited t c+,��le attomays � �B o n o a++e r's o b li g�a t i a n t o p a y t h a s u m s �Y �� ,"�+
<br /> , t .
<br /> �. .,,.• In�nt,l�de�'s e te in � � Bo:rower, tt�is Seaai4y aad the
<br /> y � tbat the liea ef this Seauity � InsOrument �
<br /> '�;�- <<e::�,`�? ttus Seaaity inGt�n�ment sl�alt caa6aue un�6an U P o��etation hssl aaa�d.However.this d$ht t�t��1 -
<br /> «. YZ ��
<br />" ` � abligations sacuted hem6Y sha11 m�n fiiliY 6ffectiYe es If • '
<br /> `�-<�>?''``.�`��; ttotapp�y iut tI�case of m�ce2etatioa under para�rrap�17. in the Nase(together with thia S� . ; .5`
<br /> at�o te
<br /> ':�.:°-���• 19 Ssle og Not�C��of Laaa Ser�eer.'i�e Nais or a partial inte�st ia tha eatitY(�toam ':�;=
<br /> � �. Ins4nimeat)may 68 soW ene or cnore times withont prior aofice tn$orca�wet.A sale maS+result t4 9��'ihere atso may be ams ,� `
<br /> � ..� as tha•Lasa Savicer')diat oattects mnn�IY FaYments d�tmder the Nots and this 1as�u�an
<br /> - ..� 5..' ��•..- �.
<br />" � e�' or mote cbanges of tha�Sa:vio��d ta s sate of the Note.If these is a��Th�aott����n��� � _ .
<br /> . ;�'� °�r_.. ` ven w[itteDUOt[CO ag the chaD�e In aa�atd3ace cvItL�h 14 sbove and app o� ' .,
<br /> ��• eddress of ths a�:w Loaa Servieer and ths eddtesg t�whlch�y�should ba made.'I�e noSce w�l alsa contsin mmy `;
<br /> " u►fom�atioa�� aPPlicablelaw. . , ,_g
<br /> ' �' ?A.�rdous�ar�s.Bonawes sHafl net�ar permit tho p:eseno��e.di�s�•��•or telease of e�yy .:
<br /> - ~ Haaedeus S�6stmces on or ia the Prnperty. Borrawer ahall•not do. nor allow soyaae etse to do. �3+tl�ing effe�°P d� . ``"y:�
<br /> �•�f pioperty th�ta m vialatiau of any Faviranmenml Iaw.T�e��g t are� �BN�o�be �prop�'�e � � ,+
<br /> T"' stazage oa thepfmpe�y af�all q»aniit'sss of Hamsdau9 Slibs�nc�.s � 9 tO� _
<br /> • resid�tiat t�cv and to m�nteaance of the Progerty y. ����a�d�lawsuit ar mher acxion a�► . • .
<br /> .. • �`.',`'.- 8omawer staaU psomptlY give Leader�vriuea notioe of aa mvesb � -:
<br />;��' , "��; gove�ame�tal or nSWatotY 88�Y or�vaie pattSt involving We PmpertY aad anY Hegudous Substanca os Ts► � ., �`t
<br /> � of wLich Boxmwer ha9 scNal imawtedga If Bortower teams.or is notified 6y any govemmoental u��n'•��•� �°,���•"`
<br />_ � , ha Suhsteaoe affec�nP,t�P�per�'�s necessary. -=••-
<br /> _ .�-��: suy n�oval oi a�er rem�an of aay Ha7srdoas � ��
<br /> "'` ,*�.:. .• all nece�ssa�►remedial uctions in eccordaace with Fnvimamenffi11aa►• de�as toxic at ba�tdeus subs��s f►Y e•�:�"y:�
<br /> �w���.�� � As asedln this paraSrePtt 20. 'F1am�+dnus Sulb�ces' sre those��ZB or toxic pettola�m�r�ts+
<br /> kemse.ne. toxic -°=•_:
<br /> . Fs►vironmemtal Iaa+ and tha follaw�g sttbstances: 8��. ��s or fimrmatdehYda+aad rad�oactive As�tsed la �`.'�^�,�.
<br /> �''�:,:,. .-�,. pestteides�d hecbicid�,volai�e soivents,mate,�als containing �s 2ac�Ded t1�at �,,:=- �
<br /> �p Z0, °Fm�ironmenml Iaw' ���81 laws aad laavs of the jusisdicti+on whe[�o d�e Pca�aty'
<br /> �_="'
<br /> . -'ri �� • retate�tb,�Y oreaviro�entalgco �-�__==
<br />, ^;�,u,.'... NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS.Smower aad Ir�der fiuther coveaaat and agaee av fol2owe:
<br /> 21.Accel�at�om;�mme�fieq.i.�d�s6all give aadae m�rrowe�r prior 3n aaei�tan foBa�in�Bor�uwer's 6r�cb �.,.�,�.
<br /> � ' ia�s tta3s S�rtt9 �t����r to acaeIe�at�on and�P�Ph 1�tmde�. F
<br /> ' ',� o�aqy oovenant mr a$�ree��1 to wre fR¢de�a�t�
<br /> ti �...; a�p�ieabEe lac►pmeidffi othQrwtse).T6e notia�small sDec�Y: (a)We d�s�(b)4�ac�on t+� _
<br /> , . .��•:� (c)a dar�not aess wan 30 d�ys fmm fhe da�We�t�oe is�iv�inB��t�aecemaY r�It in $aca�eat�a��sa�sa �
<br />.. � � � ��� ., �4 � (�tP�at fa�m+e W c�+e tbe�aalt on or bafore the date sPe�i '�:—
<br /> � '�.., `:.:.`.x, �.F. a In�eut sud sate of the Frup�ty. The nottee sLayl fiathPr infoim Bon+awer of the rig�t to
<br /> ' ;.A.,.. N
<br /> s�bY thjs S�sui4y �
<br /> =:��,:':.��,=;'.: .�E; reias�te after ac��on amd�stg�f to 6rh�a aouat�i4n to ass�1 t�e no�of a d�faeYt ur ar�alher �,-._-_
<br /> ..., � �:� .ai defease oF�on+mv�to uooet��������� fo�all s�mns�s �eca��Y�fi���Insb�n�� � e.._�-
<br /> i`'"• `� �, , �_ �.wdar, at Its opt�an,maY ke
<br /> Ked Dy appllca64e E3w.I.�d�sT�6e � - -
<br /> � further demaad aud maY invo the�o es���and s�+oth�e+emedies pe�mi b 21;i�,but not itm�Tte�
<br /> : �• "` ;�.'..,;.....�_• en8ue�4�coIIect a!1 ex�e�ses in�nr�i°P�tbe rm�t�es pmvtded in this p�raS�P =- -
<br /> , ..-L..� :,.< a: ���ona62e atto��xys'fees and e�sts of tit�e evid�o� __
<br /> :�. '.:..,, .., =:j�� If the pa�v�of sate is invo�ed,TsUStee sfaaD reeo�#u�aotlee of defanit in�co�cunty�t ��and to - �9
<br /> property is iocated aad s�li maD caPiea a�suc6 uottce in db�soamaer presc�I6e�bp PP � ..
<br /> � tiie other pasoas prescrt6edby e,�Pltcabte taw.Aftes the tlm�e requ4red dY aPPlica�2e ta�v,TRC4t¢e s6all give pu��modae ,.
<br /> ::, a llmb2�iaw.'�'rustee,without d�end on Bonvwer,sba0 s.dl �
<br /> of sate tu t1�e peesua�and iu t�e marm�presc�ed bJ+ Pp ._
<br /> � � . �pYop�r at pubHe aucti o n t o t h e Nphest b 3 d d e r a t the time and piao�and under�t�f����i°��II°of the ,
<br /> . . s a te in oae or more parae]s and in any ord�Tr�tee d�termines.T►ustee may D�tP �.,-���
<br /> � ',,"�� .' ' ' �'D�Y bY P��c aano�t at the 9ime aad place o f amY P r e v i o n sly s c'h e d u t e b s a l e.I.e�d e a�or its d��n a y �_.__-
<br /> r. ' pmsbase tha R+npgrty at a�►sal� . . � . . �"`
<br /> �� �' � �, ._
<br /> ��i ___s�.�_.; . .
<br /> � �� 8f90
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