_ ���- . . _ _ _ ,.
<br /> •a � � .- ::� ..__�_. �. t_ � � �, "t ��s
<br /> ,-. . . —�-, ..<. . . _—_ ' . . '^-�- _ - _..r. _ —r - _ _ . _
<br /> . : . t'-�-`- - - i a � .,, }s,.� r ..`
<br /> ' l ;n - '' . ' .f� • .i` f1 �! Y- �;t „�f S� ::
<br /> '1 Y('t � '_ ` �5 _' •k ` �S. <��'`.S + k .G_ ` P,..
<br /> � -•....' �. "
<br /> -��R.('•_"�'. .,� . _ ... ...., . � •
<br /> . . `j' ..F_.
<br /> ._ .�:�i. =ri_.F�` _-
<br /> `••^�° . . ements tsow or here�r erecbed on tae pe�peaty.and aU easemen4s���� °a`.�
<br /> , �,_i . ,. Tpp�WTiqi all the im�my � ��� and additions shall also be oove�i by this �ecarity
<br /> . �`_�, fixturea now os he:eaRer a part og the P='�P�Y• � �`
<br /> �:. <-�.:�:<•� � • �<,�'
<br /> :�` , . In�eot,All of the fategaing ie zefen+ed to in ttus�ty'instrumcat a3� �P�Y• � ---. _- _,
<br /> �RROVY�R CO V E N A N'I S t h a t B o n v wer is law�ull y sei�ed of tne estste h�SY coav�yed and hes the right�o�nt.ead� r...;. {•�:..
<br /> � ( 4 and tLat the PaoperiY is tmeact�6eted,exceP;for eacumbeaaces of reoord.Bosrower wanaats�d a i 1 1� .•,:.,.
<br /> �...
<br /> . � ` .<< convey tha Property all alaims and demauds.subjea�t°�Y encumbreaoes of cecord. --.
<br /> � . def�generelly the titte ca du PcoP�Y�� ``,
<br /> • 't�ilS SEC�JRiTY INSIYtUMENT comb'�aes unifotm covenanie for natianal asa and aoa-aniform coveaaats witt�limitedC� ;�
<br /> � ' va:Iaticns b3+lurisdiction te sansoitutte a unifomt e�u�iry ins�nt cm+��ia8 c�1 P'�P�Y• � ''`�. •
<br /> ' e .
<br /> 1 .a: � UNII?{3RM COVII�AI�I'fS.Borrower and I�det eavenant aad egeee as followa: '�.
<br /> e9. Bormwer s6all proaiPUY PaY ahen dne tha`� ° `:',; '_
<br /> � .: l. < :�` l, paymeiq o+P PrladPal and In4e�;���aacl F�ate�dar� all Y �
<br /> � �,,'�; principat of and iatacest oa the d e bi avi d e a c e d 6 Y W e N a t s a a d a n Y P�P a Y�t a a d l a t o c 6 a r ges dae uudss the Note. ; :
<br /> `�:� -- 2.�unds fo4 T��I�e.Sub,ject to agplicxibte law or W a arritten waiver by Leader, Boaower shnli pay to -
<br /> .- °>"�' "� Lender oa the day monshly gaymeats a�due ander the Note,�the Nota is paid in Ri11,a sum(°F���ia}9�Y� . ..
<br /> , �
<br /> ' ' . ° �d asscssment9 whicb may�taia P=iority over tbis Secauity Instiument as a tien oa the FmpartY:(b)Ye�IY�easehotd gaymea '
<br /> , ` or grotma t�nta oa the Ptoperty,if�y;(�)Y�Y b�d°r����:(�Y�Y as'Od insarance pr�mivans, .. :.k.. ._.
<br /> �.� sums peyabZa yy goaower to Lender.in accoidaaoe aith
<br /> . .> � � if any;(e)Y�'mortgaSe insmsnc�e�em�. if . (f1�Y ��sie celIed■Fscmw Itams.' :..
<br /> �� W,e pzovisions of pareg�agh 8,in keu of the paymeat of msrtggg���P��- amount a lender for a federal[y
<br /> . L,�der may,at sny time, c�liect and hoUi Fuads ia an amoimt nat w exs�d the� �of <-,.
<br /> ' �`'� retared mortgage loaa may re4uire for Borrovre�s escmw amo�t uader tha federnl Real Esmt�Se�L��� .
<br /> . _ �•� '�' . .
<br /> tl�at lie.s tfl t4�a Fumds ,�'�"
<br /> �� igta��ea s�ri�c��,�u.s.c. s�an z�oi��. �°�spa°�,�,�a�� �r . .�:v
<br /> "��.��. �.� hva,ooltece�hold 1Faads m ea amanat n+ot to ex,cad ths 1e�er amaant ,
<br /> . . sets a Is�er amaum.ff so, I�ad�r maY,si ffiY �og�of fut�ue : .:�._,..,
<br /> . �.� �d��y esdmate the amotmt of Fands dae am t�basis c£c�rreat data sad�sona62� °-
<br /> ., �� ` _� ` '�:• Fscrow Items m othetaise m ecccidanc�v+t�sFF��ble iaav. - • , ar e�tiry `�';
<br /> -�'jti�,,���.s:'' �gunds shaly be held ia sa insfiwiion whose de�.t�ara insurefl bY s fede�l �9'��� Hie '�~
<br /> � �''�a"r.' Iender.if L�e a d e r is sud.�m iastiU�tinn)or in a�Fedeial Hame Loat►Sank.I�sba11 app�Y P� w,=�
<br /> ,`: :1�;�.i� .•,. ('mclu�i�g °a e' �i • the F�mds,sums�eF�s anat3+ting '' ;..,_
<br /> ' Fscraw Iteins.Le.ndec maY not cba�ge Bottower fer holding aad SPP Y� �IeAder.to make � 4.
<br /> .._ �-`;:`.; interest on tha Funds and app�icable law pesmits snch "u-- -
<br /> verifying the£sscsa�r II�a.s,anless L�det pays�+� f�an indep�dea���2e mx reporting service �
<br /> ' �, a cbarge.Hnwever,�cder ma�+��°�r c a p a y a one-tirue cbarge cs aaade ar '
<br /> � , R lical�2e law pmvides cthe�wise. UW�s aQ eg�ment� r
<br /> •'� '``�`° �' usefl by Le�der in oaaaection with this loaa. �-ess aPP aa e�te F�mds.
<br /> ��v� : S o m a wer a a y interest or eamings --
<br /> ';;:� . ,�� licable Iaw reqa�ses�tetest W be paid,Lendes shall not 6e m q u i t e d w PaY e to F�ortawer. '"�'`'
<br /> aPP aball be sid oa the Fitnds.I�der ahsli gi�► ��.°"..
<br />� . �.:'.''.`�.'�`." Barrowet arid I�ncta'maY ag�m writing�h°weverx that i� P se far�eh esch . r.-'� ,�
<br /> Y`'` , w�thou!cl�arge.an scaaal acco�tiag of d�a Faads,eho�ng c�di�aad c?�it9 to t�e Fimds and Q�purpo "„�_
<br /> : wae made.'i4ia F�mds ara g2d,��?1 es ad�tlaual s�aaity€a���.!' sams sectened by dns SecuritY I�s�. �_•.�_
<br /> '�;;; ._':.:�,..:. debit m the F�mds to bo ht1��spplicable lavv.L�det s�aD acwimt to�oaower �;.:�°_
<br /> . . 'e,,;+:; If tha Faads held by Leuder�eed the a�ts P�� tedd I�Ec�ni su�► --
<br /> '/�,•�'JJ ��Q� '�'7�" M
<br /> ,�r;;y:�, t=:• ., +��the e.ets of applic8ble law.If tbe amev�k oq the Fuaa�s bY -�,
<br /> ,<<Y�";•.. • . fart�e�cees9 tn.snchc�av�oc�awer �'_�.�:
<br /> ' °�'+�;�:`��.' ..�`,, time�acst suffiaent to the E��►Items when due.Len�der�ssaY so aotify Boncar��x.wi{fmg,aad� � --
<br /> .,' p� w�he np the deficie�cy. Boaaover sba'�s��@la deficieatcY i�'a�� ,
<br /> : . ahaU pay W L�der t$e aata�mt necessaiY � f.;���_
<br /> ,, ' twelve mantl�lq Pa3+mea��at Lender's sole discretion. �sttumant�IRnd..°r shall�remptiF�d w Boaawet stay . � =
<br /> .. �. •'
<br /> '". �g�n psymcnt in full of oll eums seeured bY t�is Seeurity �-• _-
<br /> ymcn .
<br /> �� ' or se1l the Fcope.ri�,I.e�der.Prior m 8te acquist�an or eals �
<br /> ' Fua��s'!d by ir�der.If.�mdet ParaS�Ph 21,Lender sbail acquis'a Ihe�eums�bY
<br /> .. .�> of the�f?�PertY+8�1�PP Iy�y F u n d s h e l d b y I�e n d e r at the time of acqu�tton or sale as a credit agaia� •T -°.
<br /> ,.` this 5�cudty T��=^�en� ' ts zeceived by Leadet under Fa�P� C =
<br /> � , � 3.App2tc�'.a ef Payments.UWess applicable law provi+des othetwlsa,atl paymen able uader�h�; , ..�.-
<br /> .�^:. ,�. ' `." ' 1 and 2 sbsll be a�p5ed:fust,��Y P�PaYm��due uaaes the Note:secand.to amouata gay c•:- ,.�,
<br /> • � � third,w interest due:faurt6.w Pt3aeiPai dne+and last.do eaY late°�asg�due�mder tha Note. __
<br /> ' • . 4.Ct�rge9;Lte�ts. Bonv�x�r shaU pay a11 tmces,assess�ente.chatges,finc.9 aad�OSittons attd6utable to the PcaPeitY --- _
<br />= ' : which mny auain�ritS+over rsss Seauity In�.and leasehold payments ar gT�d�t�.if anN. Boat+ower sba11 P�Y
<br /> • these obligations i�t3�mamner Piovided in paragaph 2.or if not paid in t�st maaaes.�am►wer ehall PaY them an time dttectly — _-_-
<br />- .' . • m the person owec��ayment.Bonawer sBall grnmpti3+fiunish to Lender eID c�otices of amaunta to 6e puid undet tLie patagrap1�- ____
<br /> co
<br />_ . � If Bormwes makes these paymeats di�ctlY.Boreuwes sLall�ptomPtlY fi�miah fo Le.nder receipta evideaca�tha paymente. _
<br /> � .. Borrovier eLall prompt1Y disc�ge any lien which has�ritY over this Seauity Inst�umeat uuless Bonawer.(�)�ageav in _ --
<br /> � writing to the payment o f t h e o b l I g a don s e a u e d b i+tha lien is a maaaer sccePtab2e to Lender;(b)contests in���tha liea
<br /> � a"� in the Leader's opissace agerate t�s.�ravenL the � �
<br /> � . � . � hy. or defeads egaiast enforcem�t of tha lien in, legal proceedings ,--� t�� w Le�d�s mb�cd�.?,g tho Lien to �`�.' ,
<br />"` '.,,��� ! enfo�ement of the lient ar(c)sec�u+es fcom tha ho2der of the loea an a�� rY � over �:..
<br /> . � � this Sec�uity InaWmeni.If Lendet determines that aaY Pazo a�the Pa����e�.1�to a lie�whic�maY e�aia►.i� �Y � : -
<br /> . .. . t h i s S e c u r i ry I n s t r u�m e n t.L�a d e t m�Y S►ve Borrower a aotia3 Identifyiag the liea.Be��r eba11 eatisfy the lien,ar t�1ca one ar __
<br /> ' • • moro of tha sciions set forW abma withia 10 8ays of tha�vin�of aotice. • "'.
<br /> • Form So� 8J9� , �•,
<br /> :'=' -
<br /> — . t°•�� � va�e2ate a�
<br />_ . - .' ��BAINE)tot�t�.os I //]] (� �-,
<br />.—• ,,�'�4�i. ,. y�^-� __
<br /> L l
<br /> :y' � -
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<br /> _� ., � .
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<br /> �y . -- �— - ,
<br /> _ . : • t. .
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