__ ::� !'y'�us'n:xn��.,r;vf.�t%Fi�x�:...�7'."S._..v' -
<br /> �;� . . ____ .. __ _ .� X���:��ri4??-- . � .. . - , . �c4 .
<br /> _,.� f<, . . , ♦ .v��nJ i�- _ _ ' .. . � S. ._Ta
<br /> � . �' '' ' ' ' _ . " ":F,�yY! . - ' � .� � •- . '
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<br /> . <
<br />. V �. �p(
<br /> � .'�`. •
<br /> , �•: '. 7.Em�ertt Dom�n.Lendar is her�by assi9ned all coanpenseUOn.swards.Qamages and other payments or reiief lhereinafter'Rocectd9'1 ,
<br />- s , in�onnection with sortdamna2lon or other taking of thn F�operty or pert tAereot.or tor eanveyaneo tn(Ieu ot eonQemnatiort.Lendor shaU ' . ,
<br /> •� �? taka»ot tlamaged,leadar sttaf!Aave the aptlen in[ts sc(e and ebsotute disuetion,to ePDh►aN such Ptoeaeds.efter deductinq therefrom <<
<br /> � • �•aU costs enA expens�(nturred bY K in conneallon with such Preceeds.upon any iadeLtedness seeured�eteDy end in suet�otdEtt as �..��:�,�'��
<br /> 4 � ,I�� �QLender may dr�temQna.at to appty N!such Roeeeds.aher euch deduetians,to tha cestaratten ot tho Prape�tY uDon such eonditiens as - .,.
<br /> t
<br /> � �I.endar may determine. Any aAA6eation of PraeeaQs to indebtedness sha!!not extend or postpone the due date of any paYmenta undQr ,
<br /> : � .' 1�Othe Noto:ot curo any deiautt t het8l�rt der or hereun des.My u n a p D t i e d[u n d s s h a f 1 b e p a i d to Trustor. , •,
<br /> ,�• ,� .,��� Q • 8.P+eAamt�es by Lcnder.Upon Ute oceurrenso 04 en Event of Defauit hereundQr, or it eny ect Is taten ot Iega1 Dro��i�9
<br /> �-+�mmenr.ed whtet�mateda1tSr aNeeta tan d e r a t n t e r e s t in tt�e Pto p e r c Y.Lendet mny In its awc�disaeGon.but withaut obIIgation to do so. '°.
<br /> � ,,:� � and whfiaut notieo to or Qamand upon Tmstor and�vitl�oat refe�ng Tnsstot fmm sny obligation,Qo enY act tivtileh Ttustar has agraed ; � F
<br /> �� ' �_ � ALt fa�"Is to do and may eLso do erly o t h e r 8cR it Qeems n e c e s 9 a ry t o protect the sew c i t y hereot.Teustar shalt,immadiatelY uyon demand
<br /> : - . .. [ �thBretar by Lender.PaII to L�enCe�s11 coste and expense3 ineu�ad and sums e�penQed bY Lender in connecNos�with the e�cereise by - .. ;
<br /> eD
<br /> ��-�� s9Adsr of t4�o taregaing r4�hi9.tog e i her w i t h inte r e s t t heteon a t t h e d e i a u t t r a t e p ro v l Q e d i n t h e N o t e,vfii e h sAaN be added to tha
<br /> -- indeDtedness seeured hereby.Lendet shaU not incur any Gab�Tttyr becauce o!anything it maY do ot omit to da hareundffi.
<br /> . ,:':t 9.H�tadaua Pdt�iartPb.Tnistor sfiafl keep ffie Ftapertf►in wmpiiance with aU aARtieabta laws.ordinaaces and tegu[attcna relating W
<br /> `r ,
<br /> � � indusuiat hygiene or emUonmental ptoteetlon(oot�eedveilr referred to herain es'Envi�°nmentat tsws'1.Tnistor sttslf keep the ProP�Y
<br /> _. ., � ,� free irom all substenees de�med to bo hezardous or wxtc under any Emtronmentaf Laws taoUeeti�reSy refertEtR to hErein as'Hasatdaus
<br /> � �' Materiais'/.T�usior Aeriehy waaants end repres�to tender that there are no Hazaidaus Material on or under thu PtoperiY.Tmswr
<br /> . �,� �- � hereby agrees to inGemnity anR hotd darm[ess lender. its directore,o�ce�s. emD�yB��d 88�•��y suceassors to Lendera --, .
<br /> � ',i. .;, : interest.ftom end egairat any and atl dafms.damages.tosses and GabJities arisin9 in canneeUon wfM the pre�enee.use.QisAosal ar
<br /> ' . �; vansport af any Harardaus Materiats on.wder.from o►aDout the PropertY.THE POI�t301P1G WABRANTlES AND REPAESE[�ITATtONS,
<br /> . TRUST. .�'•�`
<br /> � 10.Asstgnme.it et R�ts.Trustor herehY ass�Sns to Lender end grants LenQer a security tnterest in.all present.tutute and efter .,
<br /> . .� dstng rents.issues end profits ot tAe ProDertj/:DmvlQed tAat Tmstor shall.untilthe ooamence M an Event of Oafautt hereunder.have „�
<br /> ` . the dght to wllect end retain sud►cents.1ss�es end pmftts as thet► ti�°�d��d payatta.ttpon the occu�renee o4 m�Evcmt of �::
<br /> , � .,,�5` Oefau�t,Lender may, eiNer in person or by sgant, with ot witttaut Etinging any sctton or proeseding.or by a reeeFve►aypointed 6y a 5 t}
<br /> ' � . , t;.; coutt and without regard to tne�equa�Y of its sec�sih►, enter upon and talce Passosston of the PropertV.ar anV 0�thereof.ia its own '
<br /> nama or in the name of tt�e Tn�stee,and do mry aqs wbiot� it deert�necessatY or des"vahte to presaroe Ma vefue,tnarketaDsTrtY or .�r';` _'
<br /> � ' . rerttabtliitY of the Praperty.ar any Part tfisteoi ar mieces[iheteh�.ar to 6icease tha incorsse therefrom ar proteet the security Aereaf and,
<br /> �`� tY
<br /> ' '. '• �.,.". witt�or without takin9 Dossesston of the Pmperty.sue for or othervutse wRect 1he reMS,issues and pmiits th�eaf.indudin9 thQSe past -
<br /> ._ __..-�-.S:N;r�.��; Que and unpaid.6y nartifyln9 tenants to mate payncents to Lendw. lender mav eDPN��Lssues and profits,tass eosta srtd e�enses
<br /> •�5` � .;rs��.? ; of operation and coRection induding ettamays tees,w any indehteQn�s sec�ued hereby,a0 in such orQer as lende►may detemiine.'fhe
<br /> .� • . '..� .)I'I'�J�%
<br /> : : �_.-.H , entering upon and tairing possessian of the Ptope.�ty. the coQection af sueh�ents,issues end prot'rts.en0 tRO eA4licetlon thereot as _
<br /> � "�;�•''�:<'.,� ' aforesaid,shall Rot cure or weive any detatttt or notice of defauft hereunder or inva6date anY sct dona in response to sud�Qe4auR m � -
<br /> .`'r��'-3'•�,...•-:�:.; pursuarst to such notice of defautt and.notwiMstanding the�aorrtinvance in Possession of the Pro�erry or the ooQeeUon.reCetpt end - ',
<br /> � ' appfu�tion of rems, issues or prafrts,Tnistee artd lender shati be entitt8d to eue�ise every�ight provided tot tn any ot the Loen '"• r
<br /> tnsuuments or hy taw upon occurrence of any Event of Oelsutt,(ndud'mg wiNout Ilmltation the tight to exeretse the power of 6afe.
<br />� .; � . • - wrtner.l.enders�gnts ana�emedies unaer mis parasravn snan ee wmmauve win�.and in no way a t�mitatIon an.Lenders rfghts and -
<br /> • • � ��: remadies under any ass(gnment of teases end rents reoosded agalnst tfie PropertY.I.end�.Tn�atee end the reeeiver shatl ba Gah1e w
<br /> -�; - • I saouen onfy for those�ents aetualty rece�ved. _'�'
<br /> � � . '� ; 11.Events oi Dala�At.The followtng shall wnstitute an Event af Qefauit unde►tAis Qeed of Trust: 'A,�
<br />' . �'+ t�Faifure to pay en11�instaltmertt ot prtncipal or ittterest of any other sum secuted hareby when due; --
<br /> � ''� (b)A breach ot or detautt unde►any provision contained in the Nate,Nis Deed of Trust,any of the Loan fnattumenis,or any _
<br /> �i�" other fien or encumEranee vpon the PropertY; �
<br /> (c)A wrR of eaecvuon or attachmartt or any simifar pro�ess shalt be entered against T[ustor which sAaU treeame e Ren on the .�
<br /> - � p�tL1;Ji 315��g4[lI4R th2leOf O�intPrasst fharain; -
<br /> 4 �,,���� tdl Thera shatt Da fiied by ar against 7rustor or Borcower an action under any present or 4uture federal,stata or other stat�ce,i8w �
<br /> . • or regutation relating to bankruptcy, insotveney or other �elief tor debtors;or there shatl be appointed any Vustea, reeeiver or .
<br /> �. I��•! (iquidator o�Trustor or Bor►ower ar oi alt or any Dazi of the RaDerty,or the rerrts,issues ot profits thereof.or Trustot ot f3oROwer
<br /> • �� �' shetl make any general asslgnment for the b�nef'rt o�creditors; -:
<br /> b..
<br /> � • ' °�� (e1 The sate,t�ansfer,teese,assignmem,eonveytance or further encumbrance ot all or eny part of or eny Uttersst In the PraDertl/. -_---
<br />_ • � =��' ehher votuntanly or invotuntarity.withouc the express written eortsent ot Lender,provided that Trustor shall bo pertnttted to execute .�. .
<br /> � . .. � �,� a teasa of the RopBrty that daes not toMain en opUon to parchese end tho term o�whiCt►does not axceed one yP.et: ``-�-°
<br /> � `• � tf1 Ab�donmeM of the Roperty;or _ _
<br />- � �ti ' (g)If Trustor ia not an indivfdual,the issuance, affie,vansfer,essi8nmem, conveyanae or encurnbrance of more than(if a =
<br /> ' .. }� :. corporaUoN a total ot percent ot its issueQ snd outsLenAing stock,or tif a pairmerahlp)a total of�/��percent oi =.
<br /> ��;:. _
<br />� " ,,,�;��,,.: partnership intereste, or a mRed 6abitity comDanyl a totaf of ��� pereem af tAe Ilmlted Ilab�'rty company irtteresta or voting
<br /> � , dg�during the period this Deed ot T�.�rematns a 6en un the Pro� • __
<br /> " ` r.� 12,Reme�es;Accela�atlon Upaa Qatitvt�tn the event of any EvaTi of Oefautt LenQer may,wrthout notice except as required by law._ _
<br /> /fl�.•�..• .•
<br /> <<'�rk}�ti� • •r : declaze all indebtedn�secured h�rsliy.Ca Oe due and payabfe end Lhe same shatl thereupon become due and payabfe witfiout any _
<br /> 4 . '/{i e4`�'.. `+::; ;;. .
<br />_ . •%�•� , • presentment,demand,protest or nauc9 ot any ktnd.Thereaiter Lender may:
<br /> �; ' , ta1 Demaed that Trustee ex�rcise the POWER OF SAl.E granted herein, and Trustee shatl thereafter causa Tnsstor's,iMerest
<br /> in the Property to be sotd and the praceeds to be disuibuted,etl in tha manner aravided in the Hebraska Trust Deeds Act;
<br /> '� tb1 Exerclse any and aIl rl�:s provided for in eny ot the Loan tnstruments or by taw upon occurtence of any Event of
<br /> '. ; . Detautt:and ,
<br /> = : � � (ra.Gommence an actlon ta f cr,clase thls Oeed ot Trust as a moRgage, appoint.a tecqw°r.or speciflcalty enforce anK cf the
<br /> •� ; eauan�.yms hereot. . . �
<br /> . � .�, No remedy hereln eor.fc;red upon or reserved to Trustee or Lender is intende0 tq bo excWsive of any otAer remeQy herein,in ttt3 Loan
<br /> � � ` �` tnstrumenta or by taw�r�,:tded or permitted,but each shall be cumutative,Shffi{L-o in addition to every other temedy given heteutider,In
<br /> �'� the La'�+r+Qnstruments or now or hereafter exisNng at Iaw or in equtty or by statute;sc+d may be exercised wncunentty.InQepenQentiy or �
<br /> � t suca°�ts�'y. • :<
<br /> ' � • 13.qcustea.The Trustee may res'�at any ttme withadr.cauu�s,and Lender may et any timo�ar.�whhout eause eppoint a�ncessor y, ,n�y,.
<br /> -- � � or su6stitute Trustee.Trustee shatl nos Ae Iiabte to any p�y�, Ind:�mg without I(mltaUon Lendar,L�nower,Trustor or arry perrfiiaser of . ?�.",
<br /> = the Rroperty, for any tass or damage unless due to �ecidess or wlltful miscanduct,and shall atii be�equired to take any accion in
<br /> - ' connecdan with the enforcement o!this Oeed o}TNSt untess indemnifled,in wrlting,for all costs,compansatian ot expenses whlch may �
<br /> ' � 6e associated therewttb.tn addltion,Trustee may te;.ome a purchaser at any sale oi the Property(�udicial or cnder the power o!effie
<br />- ' �• granted hereinl:postpone the sate of aU or eny OorHon of the Froperty.as provlQed by taw;or sell the Property as a whofe,or in separate
<br /> - �. parcef9 ar lots at Trustee's diseretion. '
<br />-- - - 14.Fea9 end E:penses.ln the event Trustee seita titie FtopertY 6y exer�a of povler of sale,Trustee shat!tre entitled to a�pty eny sate �.
<br />= , � , proceeds firat to payment ot att costs and eapensea of euercLstng power ot sale,inc[uding a11 Trustee's fees,and Lender's and Trustee'e :
<br />__ - ..-. � attotneys fees,actuaUY incuned to wRent permitted by apD�icab�e�aw-�n the event Borrower or Trustor exereise9 any right pravlded by
<br /> taw to cure an Event ot Oefauk,Lender shall be entftted to recover iram Ttustot ail coste and expenses aetuafty Ineurred as a resutt of
<br /> _ � � __ . j tNStore aare�n.IneWding withnut timkattan all Trustee's and ettorney's fees,to the extent permitted by ayplicabte law. �
<br /> -- -- ifi.future Adv�ea�.t)pnn requa,t u!8mwwer.tendsr ss�s�,at it�a¢!'san,tnske aQ�il3ons!as!�!t�mne arlvanees and resdvanees to __._ -
<br /> ' Borrower.Sueh advanees end�eadvances,with interest thereon,shafl be secured by this Deed of Trust.At no time shall the prLu�dDa1 .
<br /> • ' . amount of the•indebtedness secu[ed by thls Oaed af Trust,rsot indudtng sums advaneed to proteet the seturity of this OeeA ot Ttust, •
<br /> - enaesd the origi�al prmcfpal amount state�herein,or 9 566.000.00_ .whiehever is greater.
<br /> `t Y ,
<br /> • ; - ��
<br />_ ' � -� I':HC34S1B tlta�uynca&MO Oe�D Rw 9/94 •. -
<br /> .
<br /> �988 r�no.u�Bana o�Canmaco rnar an0 Ssi�r���:.•^*�m w�can.f¢ct�a�u
<br /> .,
<br /> .. , _
<br />