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<br /> DEE�OF'P�t9SY�IY�1 fUTURIE ADQSA1110ES "',:..,� ::
<br /> � •�.�..
<br /> ,�g 97 ,by and among ' �,
<br />.. .. . .. 'V . :. .
<br /> �� 4th a�yof October
<br /> . . �;� � THiS OEED OF TRUST.is made as of the�— � , ,
<br /> , '=' C pEtNIBL J. TBA7I�t and L25A It. T�YBR. �QSHAND A�ID WI1�8 p
<br /> the T�ustot. � '�.%
<br /> . � . � ; " . �4.:;
<br /> , . . 2605 CaRTONfrt00D ROAD (3RAIID ISLAND NB 6880�erein'T�uswr,•whether one or moreJ. - ' .�:.
<br /> ' � � � ' whase ma�'Tm9 addtess is '
<br /> tRa Trustes. B� OF DOIJIP�IN �_
<br /> . ' PO BO% 270 DdPIPAAN• NS 66832 (he�in'Trustea'I.and •
<br /> . -r wnose maiTing address is .
<br /> . . ';: . . ..::�.
<br /> T ' . the 8eneticia�Y. BANR OP DONIP�N -
<br /> PO BOX 270 D02JIP�►N NS 68g32 (herein'LenQerl. _
<br /> . whose mailln8 sdd�ess is Dp�, J. T�l7tSR '. "
<br />- _ . . _ . , _ FOR VAWL►6LE COHSI�ERATION,inctud[n9 LendeYseatension ot cred'it identfied herein tu ,.. `h,>'
<br /> .;.Y.� ' ` LISA R. T�AYSR �
<br /> ,�4, .•�.�. Q�erein'eormwe�.whetherone ormorel�d oTrustee. � v�
<br /> � t �'--"`
<br />_ .. •'��;�i < receipt ot Which is heretY actmowiedged.Trustor herebV�cab1Y 9ra�rts,vansfas.canveYs anA asstSs�s
<br /> ppWER QF SALE.tur the banefrt and seturiN of Lender,under�ed subject�o the�erms enA cnnditions hereinafter set faAh.th�reat � _
<br /> . "�
<br /> , 'j.: . . proyerty,desuibed 8s foAovux � u`'r =_
<br /> I • ,•5•• t ' .Y �.;r'
<br /> .::a;�:�'..: ` ADDZTZON T0�Tfi6 CITY tiRJ�1PID�ISLAND. FIALL=C��yS ACftSS. `{.'=,.__
<br /> �,:;:--
<br /> � , • NSBRASIZA. �'° _
<br /> _- -. - � (;R11DID ISLIIND. N8 688�1- ° `
<br /> . PROPERTY ADDRBSS: 2605 COTO2JYTOOD gtOAD *.rf^ -
<br /> . ' easemeMS.rights,Privileges and epRtutena�►ees . _
<br /> � ' Together witN aD butldings,imDrovements.fixtures,streets,eQelfs.D�9e1�Ya• •:P� ,
<br /> � tacate0 the�eon or in anywlse P�8��8���°'a"d the�ente.�°��d O�ofrts.reverstons and remainders theceof.end sucfi fte�°� �=,
<br />- � •�, r � �--
<br /> ;�,•'.,_ . � property that is ettached to the imprTV�intereste.if ar►�whi�e iests are her bY ceteasade and waived eatl of�Miieh,�"cneiudIn9 �_
<br /> :!-�;,;.. �� " a n d t o g e t t�e r w i t h t h e h o m e s t e a d o _
<br /> ��;�v r' � �" �Bplaeements and additions thereto,Ls�etebY aeCareO to be a p a R o f t h e r e a l e s t a t e s e c u r e d b y t h e G e n o f t h"ss De�d of Trust and atl of �,
<br /> "+ " � the foregoirtg being reterted ta hetein es the'�oP�Y�• �,-�,_
<br /> � This Oeed of Trust sAait sewre ie?tt+e payme�t of the�prine�al sum end intarest.eviQenced Ey a Pro�oN nate or credit � `
<br /> .. .a:a-:--
<br /> OCiober 04, 1997 ,havingamaturitYdatoof ��o�r 20, 20�2 . _ __
<br /> �,,�y�,., ' • egreem�t Oated _ .
<br /> M �� tin ai emaunt ot 9 66.020.50 ,end any end eD mCdiftcallorls.extensions end rer►eWaTs
<br /> . in the oHginai D dV - _
<br /> • thereof or therem end notes orllaed t agre ments Q1ere�e�f'Note'1:U��e�0�ent fo oth�emsums eQvaneed by LenQer ta Proteet
<br /> �� � � one ot more promissoN
<br /> .. , • • • the securitf►of the Hote'.ons of Bo wer o�an o�them if more t�han one3 to Lender wheth�irect,indirecK,ebsofute or aut��8en!
<br /> °�'' inQebtednass and ob�gaU � ,'�':-
<br /> .`Y'�,:�'� and whether arising bY note,guararrtll.overdraft ar atfierwise.The Nato,this Deee of Trust end any and aU other documents that secura k.. '�•
<br /> � �� � t h e N o t e o r o t h e r w i s 0 e x e c u t�in connection therewiN►.incfuding wkhoui Gmitatton guatantees,secudlY a9��B�and ass18nments
<br /> � . '•;,ti;��; � ot teases end*cnts.�AaU be reletted to herein a�the°I.oan tns4ruments'.
<br /> � • �:, ��„�tiz •. Trustor covertaMS and agreos wfth Lender as toRows: -_
<br /> -- ;,�"s„ . • �,ppymer�t of tMnb4e�r►ess.AR trrQehtednes9 secure8 hereby shaU be D�when due.
<br />,�,�;,,. . " � 2.Tige.Trustor ia the owner oi tha PropertY.�tar 11ens and eneumDrentees set orth bY T�us�o��n'M'ti��d delivered to Lertded p�
<br /> b�iic;.,,,, � hereby is e tlrst snd D'�tien on the Prop rt5►.
<br /> - ' before execution of this Deed of Trost,and the exeaaion end defivery ot this Deed of tnist does �ot violata anY eontract or othet
<br /> .c,ii�'-;;;
<br />_ ' • r:,�,,,: .;; �:, obligatEon to whieh Trustor is suDJec�.
<br /> _ , �.y,�,,. � g Tp��,psseg,qment�,To DaH before delinqueney aU tmcea,special8ssessments end a0 other charges against the PtoD�Y now or
<br /> hetEaequ fevied.
<br /> ,:w.`;,, . 4.bg�uance.To keeP the PropertY insured agaNst damaSe bY�e•h��• ���ded within the tertn'extended coverage', and •
<br /> - � such other hazards es Lender maV�eC�«����"�unts and with comAan�es�A��e to Lender,namin8 Lender as an additianal named
<br /> -. - - -- - insured.with Ioss paYabto to the Lender.in ease o!toss nn ffii or part of tho insurance pro eeQs)�to anV iadebtedness s°-�'�r d he�ebY - .-
<br /> e
<br /> � � � aD daims t?�ereunder and shall have the option of epphlj 9 . ,
<br />-_ � . .� .. �nd in such order as Lendet�m od�at'edrmin rth��°�eeTtirNi9 iAe lien of�this Deed ofeTrust tc�he�a amount sf ecure�d h ebY befa o sueA ..
<br /> _ , p u r p o s e o r o b J e c t s a t i s f a c t t Y ments under
<br /> _ � � � • paymenl8ver taok ptaae.AnY aDDi��on of proce e d9 to in de b te Q n e s s s h a 1 1 n o�e x t e n d o r p o s t p o n e t h e due dat0 01 anY PaY
<br /> -{. — �.- '' � tAO Ntote.or eure any deisuii ti�eic�w'tid�s asls�s=-+�°r.
<br /> � . . 5.Escrow.U on w�enhe�y besome dua on0 or�more of�to orm�9�iG)Sall taxe�s.�assessments and othe�r charges�against tlfe .
<br /> ? .� . � to ena6le Lender t PaY ,
<br /> .,, prop�y,(ii)the premiums on the 0*aDe�1►insuranee required AereunQer,and Gii)aAe Premiums on anV mortgage insurance required bY
<br /> _ � ,., lender.
<br /> �',:'
<br />_ 6 ��������0�mpUanee vr(th laws.Trustor shall keep the ProyertY in good condrtion and repair,shali promptty
<br /> . � repair.or�eplaee anY��g e�o]ish or substantiatty atter�any of the improvements an the PrcDerty:sha11 noat commn saNer�or pertmit� .
<br /> - -- - Fe�Y•sl�a.!' tsa! _
<br /> .. ' . T sto s eost and oxDense all liens.ensumbrences'a�d cAarges levied,impos d•er•assesse 9a(nst the PropertY otTanY Part thereof e at .
<br />� � NBL3G57A U�nd�G(hag Oeem itav.6(�4 a� ,.,ut Li�caN.t�Crs9u , � .
<br />- " � � 7 90B Wt�a'���CQ'u^�ts tnat aM 5snMA
<br /> - ._ ne■ - --_------------------- --- . ___...._--__'_-_
<br />