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<br /> `� � 18.iNise�laneous P�ovisfons ��i�e �
<br />�•° ' (�Bottoeacr iKot Rdaased•Extenston of the time tor payment or modiflcatfon of the suma d by ihis Oeed o rust granted
<br /> � by Lertder to au�y suceesso►tn Intatest of Bormwer ehaA not operate to retease,in snY manne�,the liabilit�/of the odginai 8arrowe�
<br /> ' .<•F ` ' end H�rrowar's suaessors h�Inte�ast.tsnder dtatt not 6e required to commenea proeeedings against such successor ar refuse to
<br /> ' � �� ` eztend ttme tos paymem or othe�wiso modify mnonizatlon of the sums seaued by this Deed ot T�ust by reason of any demands
<br /> � mada Ey tRa orig�nai Bmmwer end Boaowets successors in tntetest. ,
<br /> lb1 tertdefa�owers.Wrthout aHect(ng tAe GabilitY of any►other pe�son lisble for tne payn►ent of any obligatlon herein mentioneA.
<br /> � � • and witAout affecting tlie Uen or eharge of th[s O�ed at Trust�on any portion o!tl�e Property not then or theretotore release�a.s ,
<br /> _ . ` `�:4 seeurity 4or the fu0 emouM of atl anDatd obligations.Lendar may,from time m time and without nadee Gi tele�se anY Oerson so �,,;..;,
<br /> GeEia,tt�extend tAe maturity or after any of the terms at any suefi obQgations,(ua 8wnt other indutgenees,Gv)retease o►rewnvey, ,o: .
<br /> ` � ot eause to be reieased or reeomrayed at any time at lende�s option any p�eel.pertion or all ot the Prope�ty,(v)tatee or retease any �.;.•�
<br /> , _�.� etAer edditional security fot sny obUgattan herein mgnttoned. or(a� rt�e,yrompositions or othe�artangements witts debtors in _ .
<br /> � � �eiat[onthereto. i�t«3�;'.�-�;r{�_,�'�;:y^ �--`�;
<br /> �:�° "-- (cy Ferbearenee Dy Lertd�Not a Wetver.Any forbearanee by tend�tin m�ErC[ght9 8�{ylig�t or�e�dy hereunder.or othennrise `:
<br /> - ��'�� aHacdEd bY ayP�cable law.sha0 not De a waivee of ar prectude tfie �tc84yt��(i�Me�rc edY.The pra�+cemeet o!
<br /> - insutan�or the paymeM of taxes or oiher R�ns a eAarges by Lsnder�n�st Ee�sva3veaoi•LenCe�s right to aeeeterate ths
<br /> . . .-.! matur�ty of the isidabtedness sacuted 6y this Oeed of Teust. • -
<br /> � . � • (d)Suaesaors ens As�gns Bormd;Jotnt mid Severa!LL�LRity:Ceptim�a.71ie eo+remm�s and egreements herein camefned sha0
<br /> , �. . .,, ., '� bind. end the rfghis hereimQer shaD inure W, the respecdve suecessors end asstgns of LenQer and Trustor. All covenanis and .
<br /> - � :�••-- agre�nerKS ot T�ustor sha4 be jah�t�d several.fhe capttons and Aeadings of the paragraphs oi thls Oeed of Trust are for ' ��::
<br /> - . eonvenEence oniy end are noito Oe used to interp�et or defino the provisions hereof. `:
<br /> • • (�Req�nast{pr Ro�es.The parties here�y request that a oopy of sny aatice of defauh hateunder and e copy of anY nottce ot _
<br /> sale hereunder bc maTed to eaeA party to this Oesd af Trast at tha eddress set torth above in the manner prescribed by epylicaEte -
<br /> � law.Exeept for anV othe►aottce�e4uired u��er eAPLcahle ta�►to be given in another manner,arry notice provideQ for in this Oeed of � .;• `
<br /> � . . Tiust shad 6e g[ven W mad'mg sucA notice�ll eertified ma�7 addres.ssed ta the other RarNes,at the address set tarth a6ov�My - •
<br /> � ` noUce provided Tor fn thfis Deed o!Tnisi shall be effeerilre upon maifing in the mazmer Qesignated herein.tf Trustor ts rtwre than one
<br /> ` :'.��- person,not(ce s�t w the eddr�s set tarth aDove sha0 Ce nottce to all such persons.
<br /> �� :-y�' (fl tnsgectton.i,ender may make or ceusa to be made reasona6ta entries upon and inspecttons of tAe PiroD�Y.Vrovtded that
<br /> ' ` Lende►sAaA gtve Tnutor noZice pdor to afi►such inspection spedfytng�asonabfe causa therefor retated to Lendera intetest in the ��-'
<br /> . .. :-_�:._.:�. �a��• . .•,..,_
<br /> . � �.; (g!Reeonvsyanep Upon paymem of aU sums seeuned by tAis Qeed of Trust,Lend�shail request Trustea to reconveV the ;<.�."•:
<br /> � Fiop�ty and sh3tl su�render tnis Deed of Trust and atl aotes evfdencing indebtedne�s ss�ured by thts Oecd of Trust to 7nrsiee. ����� `
<br /> . ;.'� Trustee sheU recorrvey the Raperty without warrariiy and without eAarge to the pereoa or persocts tegalttit enUUed thereto.Ttuswr ��
<br /> : 4�' shaR pa1►afl costs of rewrdatian.'rf any. ' '�'
<br /> -. .. ..- -`:°: Q�)Petsotm!�iopesty:SewAty Agteement.As sddftional searity far tk¢paym�tt of the Note.T[usLOr 6ere6y�ants tender unde► • •� �'
<br /> �. ihe Mebraske tlni4otm Commert3al�Code a seprrity irrterest in aU fottures.�iuipmeM.and other Persronal proyerty usad fn cormectton � _
<br /> eli
<br /> '�'; �aid�the reaf estata or improvements tocatsd thereon,and nat atherwise Qec(ared or deemed to 6e a part of tha real estate secuted �
<br /> ' R�f e b y.Th i s i n s t t u m e r t t&E�a[I b e c o n s t f u a d a s a S e w r i t y,�ent unQer setd Cflda,snd the Lender shaSl have e�tRe dgM9 8nd
<br /> [
<br /> }: �-. -
<br /> remedtes af a secured pauty�mder satd Cade in addition tts tih:�tghts and remedtes created under end.eccorded the lendel pursusaE�
<br /> � .:�,; �=-:
<br /> • . �.t., to this Oeed af TwK;pravidad that Lertde�'s�ights and remedies und�n tAis ptuagraph shatl ba cwr�ii3Hve whh,anQ in no wa�F fa� Q .-
<br /> � , c �imrtation on,Lendefs rights and remedies unAer miV atAer securky agre�—...�nt signed by Borrower or.Trustor.
<br /> " � (� 1tm�a m� EnpimOrastew.Tnutor here4y wartants and represen[s that there is rtq dafauii under the provtsto� of arty' ,.. . �`.•.
<br /> .. .��.�`'��.T
<br /> . •,j mortgage,Qeed ot Vust,tease or purehase cont►act desa�'bing all or any part of ths PropeRy,or othsr com�act,insuument or � �r,;;r�;.-
<br /> � � � agreement eanst�tuBng a Gen o�encumbrance agafnst a3 cK anV Part of the ProPerty�Pa�tive.'liens•).e�dsting as of the date of r+'��="
<br /> r �.9Y
<br /> this Oaed of Trust:and tF�at any end alt existing Lieas famaln unmoC'�fled except:�disctosed to Lender tn Trustar's wrhten . L-_
<br /> — � d�sciestufl af Gens ettd eneum�YenCee proviQeQ ta her�n.'irustor si�a$i+�naiy p�torii► n{f uf Tccstor's obC�gatio�, wvertarets:� . ,:.
<br /> ' �F�^� representattons and warraMies under any and ffiI existing and tuture lier,F.ahall prompUy forward to Lender coptes of all notices a1.; �' . °"
<br /> � . • :' defauk sent in eonneciton wRh any and a11 existtng or Lr,YUre Uens, 8nd sAall not without lendeYs prior written conserti in e�.• • '�'•�"'
<br /> '� ', � manaet modity the pravfsiarr.�of or attow any tuture adva:.��i vnder any euistfig or tututa Uens. � t'�`'
<br /> , • � fi��`°
<br /> � nj Appftcation of Pa�mu+sts. Uniess otherwise requfr�by Iaw, eums paid to lender heteunQet, inefuding wi�TMaut limkatio� w�,•
<br /> ' payments oE pdnclpal��.1R:erest.tnsurence procaeda,eondemnatfon trryceeds anA rents and prafits,aha11 be applied by Lender to � ��;:�°
<br /> :: ':; t�e amount9 due and ov�irom Ttuscor and borrower in sucfi order as timder In its sote discretion ds�ms deslraDfe.' � . �-
<br /> � lK) SeverabII'rty. If any provisfon af tF;s Deed of Trust confitcts.with apylicabte law or is deelared {nveiid or otherwt�? . _
<br /> • • � unenforceab(e,sucA confltet or invalidity 6N�;1�ot ettect tha other provfsians of thta Qeed of Ttust or tAe Note which can be giver�" �, -
<br /> � • ' ` eNact without the conflictur�,provision;�aad to this end the provisfons of tAis �ee�ct'Trust end the tVote are dectared to be %`��
<br /> ` . � severabla. '. . w.�°
<br /> L!4�"
<br /> • � (I)term�.'fho temns'Tnisior'and'Barsower°shaQ inctude 6oth singutar and pku�f„�mE wtien Lhe Tnistor end Bor�ower are the `=•""
<br /> , � ;t • �s�ne person(s),those tertns as used tn tfTl��esd of Trust shall ba interchangea6fe. • ' �• . �:`°
<br /> � . ' (m3 Qovomirtg Law.Th1s Deed of truat cttatl be govemed by the taws of the State o}Nebr�Jca.
<br /> .. ', � Trustor has executad this Qeed of T�ust e9 0!tha dste written ebave. • �
<br />_ �:
<br /> :. ..` .. : .. . i��(/�� ��
<br />-- . :<,J�� � . I J �/ Trustor Trustor ,
<br /> - ' `.'1y�iF� •/ V � .
<br />-- ' `'Gj:��.�?� � . .
<br /> _, "t�'�� L SA R. TBAY$R Trustor • Trustos
<br />- ,. � � i .
<br /> • , Trustor Ttusta �
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<br /> . . ;,
<br /> ..:.... �� „
<br />,�,:.i. . � � �
<br /> +%' �� ' NBC 345�C tNonagrieuttural Ooed)Rov.8195
<br />• 19II8 NaUnnal BnN of Cammereo trust enA Savuigs Assonauon,uneou+.Neflrasti
<br />• . . . ., . . - _ - -
<br /> , .. � � -
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