_Gc�i� . ,- . Z_� �i- '.w�_L:.....1,.-.._--. ..�
<br /> 4.'_�._��,� ._ ' _ __ _' �� . . . _' _s _ — _ � ,�Ys9.:
<br /> � ��y�� . ' �t: -t), .
<br /> �"' . . . .... - � �t ' . . . \"� . .��� _�..
<br /> � r .
<br /> .2. 0.�._".� �aQ ".
<br />.. ,' " � l. , .�. �- � _.S.. �r ' �� . � • .. /�
<br /> 5 �lF
<br /> �. . 4'.• '
<br /> �� .;:y`_'`
<br /> � � r takin of the Propettf►or part thereot,or for wn�j�noe�in��oo�nation. ��:��:.
<br /> � -p�ooeeds°)in oormecdon with aondemnatian cr otAe 9 , . ,,
<br /> . l.ander sttall be eMitted et iis optton to�mrrtenca.apPear in and p�seCUte in its own name any acGon or praceedings.and sha�aiso • --
<br /> be entiUed to malce any oompromise or set�efnaM in coanec�On with sud�talcin9 ar damage.ln tha event a�ry Rortlan ot the PropeRy is - .4,
<br /> , ;��`... so tahen or damag e d.L en der s h a t t have tn9 o ptlon in its sole and ebsatute discnedon.to appty all such Proceeds. after dedud3ng
<br /> ' • therefmrr�etl oosts artd e�enses incurred D11 it in canne�on with such Pcooeeds.uAan any indebtedness secured hsre�y a n d t n s u c h
<br /> • . � orcter as Lender may de0em�e.ar tn aDpN s11 such Praoeeds.after such deducttans.to the restoratlon of the Prope�ty u�on such aQir �
<br /> r
<br /> orte Me Que daie of any paY-
<br /> �itto�s as Lender may QetemJna Ar►Y eAPUptbnn ot Procesds to indebtedness shall not extend or pastp � a• ,;
<br /> . fied funds shaU 6e paid to Tt�tstot.
<br /> • ments under tRe Note.or c�ue any dstault tl►erennder or hereurtder.My anapP� . . ..
<br />` • . 8.Performance bY I.ender.Upon the aixurtenoB af an Event�Qetault Ae�u�ndown disaeUon,but wHhaut obCg Uon�sa � .
<br /> '•,� ,, �-,: oommence0 wl�tch m.�teriaUY affects Lenders tnYerest in the Properh►. �Y .
<br /> ___,�;.��r an6 y�thcul notioe Do or Qemand upon Trustor and wi#haui relsasing Trustnr from any obqgation.do any act whtd�Tn�stor has agreed
<br /> -. :F._ , 6ut faited to do an8 may aisa da any other act�deems n�oessatY W Protect tl►e seamty hereof.Tnistor st►a0.immedtatety apon - i
<br /> _ �-�
<br /> - deman0 tttetefar by Lender.pay to i.endet sU costs and e�cpenses inatrred ar►d sums expended by Lender in oonneWon wltA tlse er.er- ,
<br /> dse by Lendsr of 1he foreSofn9�9�tcgether wfth interest U�ereon at the default rate pravided in the Note.which shalt be addad to _, .� .
<br /> ' . . ` ths fiQebiedness secured hereby.Lender shall not inar any QabTty becauss of a�rything it ma_I�DIe taws. nar�ces�aad regutatior�s }' , .
<br /> ' • ' ,t 9. EtardrdouQ t�$Cerials-Trustor shail keep the Pmperty in oompiiance wfth a11 appl •
<br /> C
<br /> -- - retaUng to Industriat hygiene or emtronmentat pm�ectlon(wAecUvety retemed m he�e��'E^'��0nmentai Laws�.Tn�stor sdaU keeD . `
<br /> ' . .� ', the PropertY free from att substances deemed W be hazardous or toxic under any Envlronmental Laws(coUectivety referred ta heretn ..
<br /> ,,; as'Hazardous MaLerial�'?-Trusmr Asneby vrarrants and reprasards to Lender tha3 there are no HazarRous Materiafs on or under the .�.i R_
<br /> ' . . Properiy.Tn�stor heteby agsees to{ndemniTy and had Aamdass Lender,Ns ditac0ots.offaers.empt�yees and agents.and anY sar�' : :1.
<br /> sots to Lender's interest,hom and against any and aU daims•dama9�'��o�and Iiab�ities arising in connec�ion�viU�the presence.
<br /> , ; � _
<br /> . .. ��.``�a u�,��i or transpoR ot a�ry Hazardous Matertats on.under.ftom or ahout the Property.THE FOREGOtNG Y1tARE2ANTIES AND
<br /> _ � :��:« RECONVEYAAtCE OF T H I S D E E D O F TRiJ3T. m�ender.and grasrts Lender a securit�►intesegt in.all presen�fi s�r e and ' ��:
<br /> se.
<br /> . � � 10.Asstgnment of Renffi.Tn�stnr heceby asst8ns _
<br /> after srtsing cents�issues and pmfits ct the PmPBRY.Provtded that Tnistnt shat6 u�the ooa�rtence of an Evert mf @tefauR.tsere�n►der. � .'`f
<br /> . � have trie dght�o coUea and�etain such�erns,issues artd prof�ts as they become due and payabte.Upon the o�.���E���
<br />.',• --- �'- Refautt.lender may,efther in person or by agenL with or without brtngtng anY actlon or proc�n9�or by a�ceivsr aPRcinted by a ; t
<br /> � court and wiMout regard to the adequacy of fts secutity.enter upon and take pnss
<br /> ession of the R'�'-eiY.or arry�art theteafr,+�a�ds own - -
<br /> or desirabte t��Sreserva the vatue.marke5�l�►ar ��-:.;
<br /> � '��-;� name or In the oame of the Tnistee.and do arry ads vfiich it deems�tSl ..- -
<br /> rentability of the Pr+npertf/.or any part thereof or interest therefn.or to irn�se tis��came ther�i�n ar pro�cE the sewrihl�ereai ans. �,.::
<br /> _ � ' esston of tha PropeRy.sue far or othenvise caDect�e s�ts,tssuas a�d profits tfiereo9.Inc�ding thnse past
<br /> .. . `• w3th or v�lhout tafdng poss m Lender.Lender may�?y��'s•i�ras and prafits.les,s oosfs snd e�ens� '
<br /> -, � . " fi •' due end wpmid�Y no��9 tenaMs t4 make payntents indebtedness setx�d hereby.a3 in such arder as Lender may Qefer- ':=--
<br /> � �
<br /> �. •'��, es ai operatton artd coliecdon induding attome}�s te�.to any
<br /> mine.The e�.tedng upon and taking O��ton oi fhe Propsrt�►,tlie oollectIon of such rents.ia�es end Profits.and ffis appticatton = L_ �`
<br /> �• • - �e����saId yhaU no!cure or wahre any deteult or noUce ot deiawlt hereunder ar invalidate any act done in�sponse to su� .::•:�. ;
<br /> detauft or Wrsuant W suah naUce ot detaut4 and.noMrithstanding tha oor�3nua-��ca in possession of th»propeR7l m�►8 ooUectJon. •;1_ w
<br /> . receipt and appUcaUon of rents.issues or profib.Tn�stee and Lender shall be ent�:d to exer�fse every r�gfit p�O���r in any o1 tl►e 6�;,_-
<br /> 'Loan tnsauments or by taw uPon acxurrence ot any Event oi Oefaul�inciuding wfthout Umitation the dght to exen�se tha Dawer oi�e• �;
<br /> � � �uMer,l.eFrBafs�ighb and remedies unQer this paragreph shali 6e cumulative with.and in no way a Itmita8on on,Lendefs dghts artd �_`
<br />' ._ .-��;,r,,� cemeQias�sv�ar eny assEgnmem of teases and rents reoorded a9amrst 4he Property.Lender.Tc�tee and the recefire�s�aU be liabte to ��_�.
<br /> .. ,.., ,
<br /> : - acxaurrt onTy�Yor those rents actually reoeived. �.
<br /> �-`..
<br /> • 11.Events of�ut�The foQowing shali constlwte an Event oi Oefault under thfs Deed af Trus� f-_•_
<br /> • � (aj Fatture ta pay eny tnstallme�t of pdncipa!or inbarest or any other sum secured hereDy wt►en due: @��=-
<br /> (b)A breach of or defauR under arry prov(sion contalned in the No�.thl�Deed of Tn�sl.arry of the Loan Instrumenis.or a►ry ���-�._.
<br /> � � • otl�er tien or encumb�ance upon the Property: �+�.��y==�
<br /> .� � (c)A writ oi execuUan or attachment ar any slmSlar prooess shail6e entered against Tcustor whlcfi shal�beoome a lien on _ °
<br /> . . fhe PropeRy or amI portton thereoi or tnterest therein: � ;�'���
<br /> ` (�There sf�atl be fited by ar against Tnutor or Borrower an actien under amr present or tuWre federal,state ar other statute. � :-
<br /> . .: ��, taw or aeguTatlon retattng to bantaupte.y.Insolvency or other reliei tar QebUots:or there shall6e appolnted any trustee,reeelver o►
<br /> .��,,:.,.•- iiquldator�tTnisWr or Bortawer or of a11 or arry peR ot the ProDsKY.or Me rents,issues ar profits thereof.or Tnistor or Bortower � __:__
<br /> • `�'Y� shati maKe arry general asslgnment tor Ne benefit oi cr�ditors:
<br /> � :`�s'= . �� � (e)fie sate.transfer.tease.assignmenf.oomayanoe or tuMer enwmbranoe ot aD or any paR ot or arry int�rest tn the _ __
<br /> Pr�perty►,either voluntari ry or involunterity.without the express wdtten oonsent ot Lender,provided that Tnistor shaU b�e permlt
<br /> � ted to execute a tease ot the Proparty that does not contain an opUon to pun�ase and the term of v�h3cb doe�not exceed ona � -_
<br /> ' � ye81: '�.
<br /> , .. ; , (�Abandonment oithe PropeRy;or or encumbrance ot more fhan(if a :
<br /> . ;:,;�.s,, (g)If Tn�stor is not an ind(viCual,the issuance,sale.hansfer.assignrnenl.convey�c� �...:
<br />- . ,.� �, .. � r Pei ,,.
<br /> aorpo�afilon)a cotal ot pe�cent oi Its issued and autsfending star,k,or(�f a paRnership)a Wta1 ci�_ ;;.
<br /> � .. . cerK oi P�rsnip(ntsresb.or(ii a timited 1ia411ity compa�a total oi percent oi the Rmited liabi�ly aomP�- r�,.
<br /> � ' ny i n t e re s t s o r v o U n g r i g h t s d u r i n g t h a p e d c d @:'s C e ed oi Tnist remalns a Iten on the property.
<br /> � � t2.Remedles:Aeesloratton Upon Qefau:3.tn the event oi any Event oi Oefa�ilt Lender may.w i t ho u t no t t c e e x o e p t a s r e q u i r e d ___
<br /> _ . � � .,. by Iaw,d�re all indebtedness secute0 hereby to be due and p3yabie and!he same sha0 thereupon became due and payabfe with-
<br />- ' out any Dreser�Une°1.demand,profest or noUce ot arry k1nd.Th2r�'Rer Lender may:
<br />� (a)Oemars�tAa1 Trustee exer�cise ths P�1N�R Of SALE granted herein.and Tna'?�a shall thereaftar cause Trustm's Intsr-
<br />`'�• � � est�n the Pro�°rty to be so10 and the prooeeQs to be distributed,8!I In the manner pmvided tn the Nebraska Trust Deeds Ack
<br /> _ • � • • (b)Exer�any and atl�ghis provida0 far in any at the Loan Instruments ot by taw upon ocaiRence o!arry Event oi
<br />=° � OetauN;and
<br />- • (c)Commence an actian to forecdoss tn�s�eea o1 Tnut as e mortgaBe,appoint e recelver.or specifiarity enfare�e arry ot fhe `
<br />- . covenantshereW. ;:�%,,.
<br /> � No remedy hereln conterred upon cyr reserved to Trustee or Ler+*.+�r is intended to bs exraus:�e W any other remeQy he�+,in U►e Laan .,,�;
<br /> � ' �nstrumeMs or by Iavs►provided or permftted.Cut eac�shall be amutative.shaU be in add:�o.z*.�eveN other remedy given hereunder. '� :��,;.
<br /> .' in the Loan Instrumer�ar naw or hereafter exis�g at taw or tn epuity or by stahrte.and may be exercise0 cnncurrenty.Independentty
<br /> _ . or succeslvely. 1nt e sua .
<br /> `�� , � 13.Trustee.The Trustee may reslgn at airy time wtthout cause.and Lender may at any Ume and withnut caT�r or erty pur-
<br /> 2� � � cessor or subsliWte Trustee.Trustee shatl not be tlabte to any paRy.inciuding withoN Umiffition Lender,Borrower.
<br /> chasar of the Pr+cpeRY.tor any ioas or damage unless Que Lo recktess or wilitul miscandud.and shatl�ot be required tn�any action
<br />_ � � �• in conneetlon with Ute enforcement oi this Deed ot Trust untess indemn�ied,in wriUng,for all casts.oompensatlon or expen,es vfiich
<br /> ,_--.— .:;_.� may be assodated therewi one the sate ot alt or aay portl oof the Property.as pryovtQe�by ta:P o�ssly!8aie�ProDerty as +n�hotelor in __ �
<br /> � sate granted heceln),p tp
<br /> - separale O��g ot lots at Trustee's discretion. •
<br /> ; ��. � . . � 14.Pees and Eupertsea.fn the event Trustee setts the Property by exerdse oi power o1 sate.Tnistee shalt be�el�n���nd
<br /> = any sale proceeds first to payment o1 all eosts and expanses oi exercising power oi sale,irtcluding all Tnistee s tees.
<br /> •� Tnistee�s attomeys fees, actualLy incuRed tc extent pertnitted by appiic�te taw.lo the event Botrawer or Tnistnr exe�cises eny dght
<br /> . • provlded by IsuU to wre an Event of Detault,Lender shall be entiUed tn reoever from Trustor all oosts and expenses sctualN incurred as
<br />..,
<br /> . .
<br /> ... . •
<br /> a result ot Trustors detaul�indnding without IimitaUon all Trustee's and attomeys tees,to tho extent perm(tted by appilcabte
<br /> � . ----' -_.— 15.Fu4ure Aavancea.�tpon request�i Barro+�rer.L,e+�dss=�aY.et"sts ogi#on.ma&e addiUonal anA future adv8aCes and fead-
<br /> � � . vances to Bomower.Suc�advances and readvances.with interest thereon,shall be secured by this Oeed ot Trust At no time snatl the
<br /> i�J ' .. .. , . O • � . . � .
<br />