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<br /> . : .' . Ioc�d therean Qr im a n y w t s e P e R ainin g ther..�and the rents.fssues an¢Profits.reversions and re:r�inders lhereo9.and sud�pec e_�'_
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<br /> . sona{OroPB�Y�is attached to the(mPm�'r'�cus so as to constiWte e fu�re.inctuNng. *�t_
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<br /> . tn ths artginal P�apa!amount of S �,a
<br /> '` thereof or theretm and any and aB fvNte edvances an0 readvances to Borrawer(or any�them it moT3i�t°ne)hereunQec pu�s�si ' P "
<br /> " (b)the paymeni ot oUs�r sums advaaced bY���� _
<br /> • t o o n e or maro 6�mfssory natw or aedit a�eements(herein called'Nate'j: . _ ;
<br /> ... pmtect the secL."'�Y�the Note�(e)the Pe�ance��o!t h e m H more tha g n o n e to Le derwQ►eti�er dtir�t.indi c6 absotute o�r a�:- _ �
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<br /> thfs Oeed of Trust ar�d��ny and a1t other documenb �a t ��,f,•::
<br /> �. g«�and whether aristng by note.guaranty.avebraft or othetwise.The Note. !
<br /> - �ce the Note or atherwise executed in connectton therewlth.including without Iimitallon guarantees.secudry aSreements and G 9 _
<br /> , . . � ��nments c f t eases an d r e r�t s.s h a t l b e refemed to here,r��s t1►e'Loan Instruments'. ,�v
<br /> • Trustor oavenants artd agrees wlth LersEer as foltows: �
<br />