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<br /> ` *� � prirtdpal8msunt af Bie(r.deDtednBSS seaired by this Dead of T rto!ittduding sums&dvBrtCed Oo protect Me of t5ts Deed Ot
<br /> T r u s t.e x w e d t h e o d g i n a t p d n d p a t a m a u n t s�t e d hera i n.or S 1�,000.00 .wt�i�►aver ts g►�er
<br /> .. , t8.EgisaoRancvais P�ovtsto�. •
<br /> �.`<:i,,� . • (a)Batro�er f�lot FtetQASg�.Extsns[an of tha tUne fcr paymeni or modifica�on of amoR�[an of ttte sums ssaued�y tttis
<br /> �.'�< � _ Oeed of Tr�t grat►ted by Lender to arry saocessor tn irrtenest of Barra«ershalt noi apstate tn retease.tn erry m�er,the HaDHt
<br /> . . ry of the odginal Bormwer end Bortowefs sttaessots In tn�rast Lender sha(!not be re4ufred to oommeaoe prnoesdings �-n�Y� ,
<br /> � � .• agaInst sud�suxessor or re�se to e�etend ttme for payR:ent cr atMemfse madit�►amarti2aUon ot the sums se.aued by this
<br /> . .`,. Oeed af Trust S1►�easun of er►y demanda made by the originai Barto�rrer and 8onawer's suaesscra in interest
<br /> " ;:..t (b)�endaPa Powe�.Withcut sifecttng Ne llability of any other p�rson IlaDto tor the payment oi any oD�Battcn herein men- =.
<br /> " doned.and wfthout eBedtng the Qen or ctrarge ot this D�oi Tnist upon et�t porifan ai the Pcoparcy na!then or iheretafore
<br /> _�'�!_.(,..�'�f.. ��� releassd as seauity for the t�di amc�sn!ci all unpatd ohUgaUons.Lender mayi.tmm tlme tn tlme and vulMaut naStoa(�reiease • -.
<br /> � � any person so Itable.(i�extend Me ma�l ot alter any of the tam�s of aey sut�obtiga8ons.(��grant other inQuigertces.(hr) .
<br /> ' ap � .
<br /> , -, t�`�` " < retease or reoomay.or cause to be reieased or rsaomfayed�at arry flme et Lendefs ap�on arry paroeL Ra�or sU of the
<br /> ��:�---:?��:. property,(v)tske or retease srn►omer or aQdiUonal security tar any obpgatlan heretn mentioned,or(vfj make oompcs�tons ar ;�•,
<br /> � •;� -.: other arrangements with debtors i n re l a t ion t here t o.
<br /> -r- (c)For6aaranw by Leader Hat a IR►aive►Any torDearartae by LenQer in exerdsing ar►5►d9M cr�emedY hereundsr.ot otih-
<br /> • 4 • �=` emise aftoNed by appticabie taw,shali not be e waiver of or ptedude tfie exe�ise ot arry such right or remedy.Tha ptoc�re-
<br /> . <_ � `�=. �' ment of 6►surartw or the payment af taxes or other Itens or�aCges by Lender sha11 not 6e a vyaiver or Lendera rfght ta accetar-
<br /> . • � - aL�the m�uicY of the indaDtedness sec�ed by tlJs De$d oiTn�st :
<br /> :'�'4 ' ` (d}Ssce�so�s aad Aaslgns�ocutd;doftR and S3voral!lEtbflity;CepHons.Tha oovenanis end agresments hereiri oma
<br /> .. tatned sAa1i btnd.and the 8ghts here�mdet sha11 ir.ure ba.the respe�Ive successors and assfgns oi Lender and Tn�star./8� - -
<br /> - aovenar�ts artd agteeme�af Tn�r shaU be joint end saveraf.The capt�Cns artd hfladings of the pata�ephs of thts Qeed oi
<br /> Tnist are fir oomrenienoe onty and are not ta be used tu imerpret or define the pm�isians hereol �,
<br /> ., a! noUoa oi defaufl hereunder and a oopy of any noUoe �'�:;
<br /> .'_ �} ,._:. ,.'i;:,,_ (e)Request for NaBce�.The partles hereby reqaest that a coAY arg► o o —
<br /> __ uf sale Aereunder be ma�ed to each party to tliLg Qes�!of Tnist at the address set foM aDrnre in the manaer presai6ad by "
<br /> . � ;: appQpbte taw.Exoept tor any otAer notice required under sppffcabta law to be given!n another manner.anl/�oSuce Provtded tar ` ���
<br /> '�� in 8ds Qeed of Ttust shall ba given by mailiing such aottc�by�rtffisd matl sddressed to fhe other paRtes.at the addtess sei �
<br /> `::�'..: �onh abpve.qrry natice D��ed for in this Qeed of Tnut shail de eftec�ve upan ma3lin�tn�ta manner desfgnated herein.If �.� '
<br /> - �`;.:.�_��� Tn�r i�more than ona gersoc�.notic�sent to ths address set fortl�above shaU be noUce to a0 sucfi p�arsons. �_-:`:
<br /> . � . ,- (�pu3geetion.Lender may make or aat�se Era 6e made raasonabta enMes upon and Inspections a!the Propectfl.pro��
<br /> , '`•�� "::.-; that I.ender sP�aU give Tnistor natic�prfior to arry such inspectlon spec8yfng reasonabta cause fherefar reta�e0 bo Lendefs fatiet- .{
<br /> _�`:`..: 8St�101t18 Pf0 8 ��';
<br /> . D rh►.
<br /> � � � (g)Reconveyanse Upon paymerd of a�svms seaued by th[s Dee d o f T n�s t,L en Qer s h a 1 t requ e s t T n�s t e e L o r e o o n v e y tl�a
<br /> ''��` : � PropeRy and shall s�mender this DeeA of Trost and ail notes evidencing indebteMess secuted by this Deed of Tr�st to
<br /> � � . TnisOea Trustee shaU teocnvey the Property.rvithout watranry an0 wRAout c h a r ge to the petson ot persons IegaQy en5it80 -
<br /> . " �•.:•.;. there0�.Tcus�or shail pay a0 msb af reaoNatio0.�any.
<br /> ,. .. . ,;�,. :`"
<br /> ,. '..:;:.h�.. (b)petsoRai Property;Security AgreamOtiR.As additianal seqtdty for the payment of the Note.TnisKor hereby�rants ,;
<br /> � � �".ii 4�;;��. Lender under fhe Nebraska Unifara�n Gommerdsi Code a securiry in�erest in all fi�ures.equtpmeni.and atR��rsnnal proAerh►
<br /> ~"�,�,`� A��� used tn oonnectton v+fiUi fhe reaf est�or improvements loc�ted thereon,and not otherv�ise dedar�eQ arE�tc 6s a pati ot ��a:�
<br /> • �����t%• tAe oeal est�ate sedired hereby.Th�instrument shaU 6e construed as a Secudty Agreemen4�s3id C�CCIIe,aM tttta E�tQBr ��'.
<br /> '`?{�; sha11 have ail the rig4�ts and ramedies ot e secured pady unQer sntd CoQe in a�d'�lon m the a�Gs and r�as creat�amde►
<br /> - �. • end atx�orded the Le�er pursuant to this Deed ot Tnis�Provided that LenQets rtghts and�entedfas un@�r�'s paB�apA slraQ ='"°-
<br /> ' '`l� '` be cumulativve with.and in no way a limitatton on.Lenders dghts and�emedtes�nder any other se�urity agreement signed by � �
<br /> . , a
<br /> .. .,. �.,'.,� Borrower or Trustor. �
<br /> .. . (i}O,d�s and Eneumbrances.Tnastor hereby warwnLg en�s�resents that fhere is no dsfautt unQBr fhe pravlsias�¢��r►y
<br /> ,i ;; mor�e,�deed of trust.lease or piuchase oontract desc�ibing aU�F em►paR oi tAe Pmp�j,os ott�er oonUac:t,ir�..•zoEmt or �V
<br /> . �"+.�,,-;; agrezrar�t wnsUtuting a ften or encambrarsce against aN or a:ay.I�art of ths PraAertll(co0z�vaty.'Uens�.extsti�g�of the � -
<br /> �� '•�`���r:� daGa at tt�ts Oeed a f Tms;.an d t hat any an d a f l e�d s�ing L t ens c�a i n u n m o d i fi e d e x c e p t a s d i s G a s e d t o L e n d e r i n T n i s O o r's w r� __ -.
<br /> � ' � "�`%'': ten disciosure oi liens and encnmbrancas provldea ior herein.Tn�slor.sirali timety pertorm aU oi Trc,�stors obligaUons. _Vv_
<br /> � ,��' wvenants.representatfons and warranUes under anyr and aU exfs8ng and fuL�re Uens.stia0 promptly fann�d b LenQer ooptss
<br /> .., . r,..,..,.
<br /> � ' ' � `;���j��•- of afl rratices ot defautt sent in canra�iton witl�any and all e�or tu�re Uens,an0 shat!not Withnat Lender's pflor wrttten —
<br /> '. � .''�-:. conserit in any manner modtiy the provisions ot or aitow any fu'^�advanoes unQar arry existing or ft�N�e liens. '�"`'.
<br /> ' � �'�`�� ` �Apptieatton oi PaymeMs.Untess othervAse required try faav.sums paid to Lendar hereunder,inctuding wiihout Ilmitatton �"-�
<br /> ` . �;` payments of prin�pal and interest.Insurance praceeds.oondemnatlon proceeds an0 renta and pmfits,shat!be applied by ---
<br /> .. � LenQer ta ihe amotasi�due and ov�(ng from Tnistor and Borrawer ia su�a�-�r as Lender in ita sota Ais�xatlon deems desir• _ �_
<br /> . ;.: ,, abt9. '
<br /> ' :, (tc)sevorabtitry.tf arry pravtsion or thts Oeed ot rn�st conmt�wtth appnc�te taw Ar 1s Qedared Inva1W os othe�wtse urten� �
<br /> � �''.,;• •. tor�e�1�.such conflid or InvaQdiry shatl not afteet the other�ristans of thia Oeed ot Tn�2 or fhe Note wtitGl can ba given _.;
<br /> . � %'�.` effect�hout the co�lidirtg pro�n,and to this en0 the proti��ot this Oe�d ot Tnrst���►e Note ffie Qec�red to bs sew '� _
<br /> erabie. �^} .
<br /> • � . . � (�Temta The terrs'Trustof asi�'Bomx�ver sha11 Irtctude bo9h singuiar and pturat,and when the Tn�siar and Borrawer ata
<br /> �. ffie same person(s),�tose tem►s as used in tP�Is Oeed of Tnist shafl be inter�fiangeabta. �.����
<br /> � ;:� (r:u�G o v o m i n g La�y This Deed of Trust shall be govemed b y tl�a Iaws ot the State of Nebraska. ,
<br /> �,l;,�::-• �.:"�_=-
<br />, �.,:,(„ L
<br /> � .. . _ I�T..
<br /> . - :1: ..
<br /> _.. , .�1.;�� .,F
<br /> , . . .. . ..'+�: , . . _. .. � .
<br /> , Tru .:h� exe'aiteitt�.',9,R:�d.4fY(ust otthedatewrittenabove.
<br /> . . .. _ .. ... � � ..
<br /> � ' . _ l � � .
<br /> � • . JE . R A) Tn�swr (aJENDY J. Tn�stor .
<br />_ `�,
<br />_ .: � " Tnistor Tn�star '.
<br />- , . . ,� . . � . �---�: .. . . � :, .;.,-,;., ,.
<br />