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201210549 <br /> sentences ahall n��t apply to the presence, use, or storage on the Property oP smnll quanCities ��f Hazardotts <br /> Subsfances tl�at are gener111y rccob��ized Yo be appropriate to normal raside�itial use9 and to maintenaiice of <br /> tihc Property(uicluding, but not IinvCed W, ]�azardous snbstauces in conaumer prod��cts). <br /> Borrower ehall prompfly give Lender writtcn notice of(a) any investigalion, claim, dema��d, lawsuit or other <br /> action by any govermnental or regulatoty agenoy or private party iuvolving [he Pro��erty and ury Hazarclous <br /> SuUstanca or L�nvironmantal Law of which Borrower has actual lnlowledge, (b) viy Environmcntal <br /> Condition, inclucling but not limited to, any apilling, leaking, discharge, release or threat of releaso of a�ry <br /> L-I�zardous Substnnce, And(c) any condition caused by the presence, uhc or release of a Hnzardous Stibstance <br /> which adversely afiecta tlie vnlue of Ihe Propc�-iy. lf Rorinwer learns, or is nolified by airy governmentnl or <br /> regulafory authority, or aaiy private perty, that any removal oi other retnediation of any Ha�ardous Snbstance <br /> affecting the Property ie necessuy, Borrower shall promptily take�ll necessary remedial aGtione in <br /> nceordancc evith Envuoimiental Law. Notlung horein sl�all create any obligation nn Lendcr for an <br /> EnvironmetrtAl Cleni�iup. <br /> Non-Uniform Covenants. Borrower aud Lender covenant and agrce as follows: <br /> 22. Acceleration; Remedies. Lender shall give no[ice Co Borrower prior to accelerntion toDowin� <br /> Borrower's brench of any wvenanC or agreemeut in tLie Secur•i{y Instrnment (1mC uot prior Co <br /> acecicration uuder Sectinn 1R imless A�plienble Law provides oCLerwise). Tlie uoticc ehnll specify: (a) <br /> �lie defuult; (b)thc action reqnired Co cure the default; (cj a daYe, not lesa fhan 30 dxys fi•om the date <br /> Che notiee is given Eo Borrower, �iy wlticL the de1'aulC must be cared; and(tl)that failure Co cure the <br /> defnnlC on or befm•e the dsite specil'ied iu fhe notice may resnlC in acceleration of tlie eiune secured by <br /> this Sccarity Bistrmnent �nd st�le of the Property. Thc noYico shall fiu�Chor inf'orm Rorrowcr of'the <br /> rlght to reuistate after nccclornNon ancl tl�e righC Cu bring a com�t netion to assert tlie��on-existence of a <br /> defaulC or nny other defense of Borrowcr to acceleratiou �nd sale. l{'the defnidt is not c�u�ed on or <br /> before tlte date specified in Che notice,Lender at its opCiom m�y reqnire in�mediaYe p:�ynlent in fnll of <br /> all smne socnred by tliis SecariCy I��sCniment wiUiout f'nrther demand nnd may involce kl�e pu�ver af snlo <br /> and any otlur rcincdios permitEed by Applicable Law. Lender el�all bo entitlexl to collect nll expenses <br /> iucurred in pm�naing the remcdica provided in Ylue Sectimi 22, including, bnt not lunitcd to, reaeonni�le <br /> atlorneys' feea and costs of f�itle evidence. <br /> If the power of s�le is involzad, 'PrasYee sh�ll recm•d :� notice of defanlC in eacL com�Cy in wl�ich any <br /> part of tl�c Property is located and sLall m�il copies of such notice in thc manncr prescribed Uy <br /> Applicable Law to Rurruwer s�ud to tho othcr pereone preacribed by Applicxble].aw. Affcr tlic Eime <br /> reqnired Uy�pplicable Law, '1'rnstee shall give�i�blic uoGec of snle Yo the persons an�13n the manner <br /> �rescribcd by rlpplicaUle Law. Trustee, withonl dernand mi Burrower, ahnll soll the Property at pnblic <br /> aucHun to tlie highest bidder at Ehc timc and place and nnder the ter�ns desi�ated in khc notica of sale <br /> in nne m• mnre parcels xnd in :uiy order TrasCcc determittes. Trustee may posCporie sale of�Il ur any <br /> pflrcel of the Property k�y pahl9c annomicement xt tl�e time suid plaeo of nny previonsly sched�ded sale. <br /> Lcndor or ite desiguee may purcl�ase the Properly af any sale. <br /> Upon receipE of pnyment of the price bid, 'CrusCee shall deliver to thc piurol�aeor T�•nstee's deecl <br /> wi�veying the Property. Tho rccitnls in tlte'I�nstee's deed shall he primx fs�cie evidence af the YiuYh of <br /> l�lie sfaCemenCs made Lherein. 7'rnstee shall appl,y the proceede of tl�e sale ui We Pollowh�g order: (a) to <br /> all costs and expenses of exercisv�g the power of sale, and fl�e ssile, inclnding tlm payment of tLe <br /> Trastee's f'ecs acta�ally inenrred aud reasonaUle nttorneys' feea as permil:ted by Applicablc Lnw; (b) to <br /> all smns aecured by this Secm•ity Inst�•ament; nnd (c) any excess to Elie persou or persons legallp <br /> enLiUed to it. <br /> zaooaooa <br /> NEBRASKA-Bingle Pamlly-Fennle MeelFreddle PAec UMFORIvI INSTROMENT Fbrm 3028 If01 <br /> VMP�C9 VMPA�NF)(7t06 <br /> Wolte�s Kluwer Flnencial9ervices Page 14 of 1� <br />
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