<br /> rn the Property and righCs under this Security Inst�u�ent; and(d) takcs siich actiou as Lender may
<br /> reasonably require Co xnsurc that Le��dei's inferest in the Property and rights undcr this Secw•ity Instrwnent,
<br /> end Borrower's obligation to pay Clre snntis Recurc,d t�y fhis Sccti�riry Iust�ument, shall ooi�itinUe undittngcd.
<br /> Lender nu�y recluire that Borrower pay auch reineentement aLune avd cxpenses iu one or more of the following
<br /> forms, as selected Uy l,euder: (a) oaslr, (b) money order; (c) oertified cl�c�cl<, Uauk check, Ueasueer's oheolc or
<br /> eaehier's chcok, }3rovided any s�ich cbeck is dr��wn upon au institution whose deposits are instin�ed by a
<br /> federal agency, instrnu�enCalily or entity; or (d) H1eckronic Funds Transfer. Upon reinstateinent by Borrower, �
<br /> this Security Instrumeut nnd obligations seoured hereby shall ro�nain fu11y ef'Fective as if no accelern�ion had
<br /> occuared Flowever, this right to reiiistate sha11 not apply in the ease of ac c:cicration under Seetion 18.
<br /> 20. Sale of Note; Change of Loan Servicer; Notice of Grievance. '1'l,c Note or a partial interest in the
<br /> Notie(together with thia Seccirily InsCnunent) can bc sold one or more times withont prioT notice Co
<br /> Borrower. A sale inight result in a ch�tige ui the entify(lrnown as thc °I,oan Servtcer") that collects Periodic
<br /> Payments due under the Note and this Security Instrument and perfortiis o[�her mortgage loan servicing
<br /> obligations under Che Noto, this 5ccurity Givrttiiment, and Applicable LAw. There 11so might be one or inore
<br /> changes of the Loan Seivicer mu�elaled to a salc of the �rote. lf there is a cliauge of the Lou� Servicor,
<br /> Borrower will be given��n•itten noflce of Yhe chnnge�vhfch will sYate the name and addresa of the new Loan
<br /> Servicer, the addcess to wluch payments ehould be made and auy otl�cr informakion RLSPA raquires in
<br /> connectic�n with a notice of traiisier oFservicing. Tf the Note is solcl and thereafter the l,oan is seiviced Uy a
<br /> Loan Servicer oYher fllan thc purchascr oFthe Note, the morCgage loan servicuig obligations fo Borrowcr will
<br /> remain with the Loan Servioer or l�e transferred to zi euccessor Loan Servicer Taid aa•e not assumed by the
<br /> NoCe pm�chaser m�less oUierwise provided by the Nole purchnser.
<br /> Neiiher Boirower nor Leuder may ooirunence, join, or be joined Co anyjudicial action (as eitlier an
<br /> individunl 1itiganY or thc�me�nber of a class)Uiat arises from the otlier paxty's ncCions pucsuan[to this
<br /> Seem'i�y InsCrim�enf or Chaf alleges that tho otl�er party has brcached vry provision of, or any dttty owed by
<br /> reason of khis Security Inshnment, until snch Boirower or Lender has notified the otheir�Arty(wiUi sucli
<br /> noYioe given in complianca with the reqan•ementa of Section 15)o�f such�llegeci brcach and afforded the
<br /> oYlier paaty kereto a reasonable�eiiod after 4he giving of suoh notice to tnke corxeotive flotion. Pf Applicttble
<br /> 7.a�v providos a ttmo porio4 which i��etat olapso lrefore certain aotion cau ba taken, Cl�at time period will�e
<br /> cieeined Io be renaonable for pm�poaes oP Lhis parngra�h. The notiao of accc1cration and opportuniCy to ctixe
<br /> given to Bmrower pm�suant to Section 22 aud the notice of accelaration given to Borrower pursuant to
<br /> Seoti�n 18 shtdl6e cleeined Co aaCiefy Che noCiee�nd opportimiCy Lo take corrcctive action provisions of this
<br /> Section 20.
<br /> 21. Hazardous 5uhstanees. As uaed in this Section 21: (a) "Huzardoiis Substances" zre those subetavccs
<br /> defined as toxic or hazasdous suUsta�ices, polluCanta, or wastes by Envirom�ental Law and the following
<br /> sttUstaaices: �asoline, kerosene, other flennnntble or toxin petrolenm producYs, toxia pesticides vid herbicides,
<br /> volatile solvents, in�Ccriale containing aebesCos or Lonnaldehydo, and radioactive mate�ials; (b)
<br /> "L'rai�lronme�atal Lavv"menns federal laws end l�wa of the jurisdiction wh�re ilie ProperCy'vs located that
<br /> relate to he�lth, saf'eYy or environmental protection; (c) "Er�vironnaentad Cleanup" includes any responae
<br /> action, xeinedial acrion, or re�noval action, as defined in Rnvironmenfal Law; azid(d) an "E�2virortrrt�errtad
<br /> Conclidion° moans a eonciiCion LhaC ean eause, conCribuCe[o, or otherwise Criggej� an L�nviro�vnental Cleantip.
<br /> 13orrowcr shall not cause or pern�it Lhe presence, nse, disposal, sforage, or releqse of�ny H�zardous�
<br /> SuUst�iices, or tlue2ten to releAse any IIazardous Substazices, on or in the Propercy. Bonower shnll not do,
<br /> nor allow aaiyoue else to do, anytl�ing affecting the Property(a) tl�at is in violcttiou otaary P�,irviromnenYal
<br /> La�w, (b)which crcaties an Environmcntal CondiCion, or(c)whioh, due to tho presence, tiisc, or rclease of a
<br /> Hazardous Siil�s[ance, creflEes n eondiGon that aclvera�ly Affecte tihe vahie oF the Pxoperty. The preceding rivo
<br /> znoosno4
<br /> NEARASI<ASinglo Famlly-Fannle M ea7Fretldle M ac UNIFORM INSTRIIM ENT Form 3020 1701
<br /> VM P OO VM P6(NEI(1105)
<br /> Wolters I(IUW a�flnanclal SeYvice9 Pqge 13 of 17
<br />