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201210549 <br /> 23. Reconveyance. Upon pAymenC oP all sLnns secured by this Security iiishmnent, Lender ahall rcqLieyt <br /> Trustae to raconvcy the Property nnd shall suerender tlus Seom�ity Instrinncnt and all notes evidencing dcbt <br /> secm�ed by this Security Insh�ument to TrusYee. Txustee shall reconvey the Propex[y without warranty to the <br /> person or persons legnlly entitled Co it. Such persan or pexeona sl�all pay any recordation coaCr, Lender may <br /> chArge such persoit or persons a fee for reconvcying the Property, but only if t]ie fea is paid to a Cl�irci party <br /> (such as flie Trustec) for seivices rendered and the charging of Cha fee is pennilfcd utlder Applicahle Law. <br /> 3a. Substitute TrU5tee. Lendar, at its opfion, may fi�om tiine to time removo'I'rustee vid apponit t�suoccssor <br /> h�ustee to any Truetco appointed hereuncler by an instrinnent recorded in flie cuLmty in which thie Seourity <br /> lusGmnent is secoxc3ed. WitUoLrt coirveyance of the Property, the successor hustee sliall succeed Co all the <br /> CiHe, power and duties conferred upon T'r�stee herein and by Applic;�ble i,aw. <br /> 25. Request for Notices. Borrower requeats that copies of the notice of d�+fault and sale be sent to Borrower's <br /> address which is the Property Address. <br /> zaaoaoan <br /> NE6RASIO{-Single Pemlly-Fannlo MeelFreddla Mea UNIFORM INSTRUMENT Farm 30'LB 1/01 <br /> VMP� VMP6(NE)(1906) <br /> W oltera Kluwer Pinanclal Services pnge 15 of 7l <br />