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201210549 <br /> designated a eubstitute nofice address by notice to Lender. Borrower eh�t11 promptly uotify Lender oP <br /> Borrower's cl�ange of address. If Lender specifies a prz�caliEro for reporting Borrower's ohrmge of�ddress, <br /> then Borrower shall only rcport a change oF addrese through th�t spccific;d procedw'e. <br /> There n�2y be only onc desi�iated nolice addrese under tliis Security h�strument at any one time. [�iy notice <br /> to Lender ahall he given Uy delivcn'ing lt or Uy mailing iE by first class inail to I.cnder's address sYaCed herein <br /> uvless Lender hns designated cuiother address Uy uotice to Borrower. Any notioe in com�eckiou with thie <br /> Security InstnunenC shall noY be deevted to havc bcon given to Lender mitil actually received by Londer. If <br /> any noficc rcquired by fliis Seciu�ity Instrument ie also required under Applicable LAw, the Applioable T aw <br /> requireinent will sl�isfy tUc coi responding requirement under this Security instrnment. <br /> 16. Goveming Law; Severahility; Rules of Construction. This Security lnstrumcroi shall Ue goverued by <br /> federal law and the law of the juriadiction in whioh thc Property is located. All rights aud oUligations <br /> oonfained in tl�is Sccnrify �nstrument are sttbject to pny tequireinente and limitations of Elpplieable Law. <br /> Appliea�ble Law nvght expliciCly or implicitly allow the paz'Cies to agree'by contract or it inight be silent, but <br /> such silence sha11 vot be construed as n prohibiCion aga'rnst agreement Uy couk�nct, Isi the eve�rt tl�at vry <br /> provision or cl�nse of tlris Sectuity Instrumenf ar the NoCe covflicte with Appliceble L�tw, such oonfliet shall <br /> noC a�FfecC o[h�r provi5ions of tliis�Seourity Instrument or the Note wl�icl� aaz1 be given effect without the <br /> conflicting provision. <br /> As used in ihis Sccurity instruinentc (a)words of the mnsculine gencicr sha11 mee�u and include correspoizding <br /> neuter words or warda of lkie Peminine gcnde�; (l�)words in the singuler ahnll mcan avci include the pltual <br /> uid vice versa; and(c)Yhe word"may" gives solo�discrction withouf any obligation Eo tiake any action. <br /> 17. Borrower's Copy. Borrower shell be given oi�c copy of the Note a�id of this Security Instr�imcnt. <br /> 18. Transfer of the Property or a Beneficial Interest in Borrower. As used in thia Seotion 18, "Intorest in <br /> the Property" means any legal or beneficinl intereat in Cl�e Property, inciuding, buti not limited to, those <br /> bevcficial intcreste haiisforred iu a bond f'or deecl, conh act for deed, in�tallmcnt sales coutract or escrow <br /> agree�nent, the intenti of which is the transfet of titile by Borrower at a fiiture c1�te fo a purcha5cr. <br /> If all or any part of the 1'mperty or any Interest in Yhe Property is sold or traneferrcd(or iP 13orrower is not a <br /> iiatur�l persou and a beneficial intcrest in Borrower is sald or transferred) without Lender's prior writtcn <br /> consent, Lender may requiie inunediake payment in fn11 of�tll sums secured by this Security lnshument. <br /> Howovcv', fhie option shzdl not be�xcrcised by Lender if'such exe.�roisa ie prohibited by Applioable Law. <br /> If Lcndcr exo��ciecs this option, Le�ider sUall give Borrower notice of�ccelerntion. The noCice sha11 provide a <br /> period oP not lese thnn 30 days Lton�Che datc tho iioCico in givon in accordance witih Section I S withui wlrioh <br /> Borrowar inust pay all sums secured by this Security Insh�ument. IP Borrower faila to pay Yhese sums pr'ror to <br /> the expiration of this period, Leuder may invoke aiiy remedias permitted by this Secnrity Instniment wiH�out <br /> fiu Cher notioe or deniand on Borrower. <br /> 19. Borrower's Right ta Reinstate After Acceleration. lf Borrower meets certain conditions, Bonrower <br /> shall hnve tihe righ[to have enforoeinent of this S��curity InsU�umcnt di5continued at any tiine prior to the <br /> earliest of. (a) five daya before enle of the Property piu suant to any power of a�le containcd in tl�is Security <br /> Inshument; (b)snch ot7�e��period as Applicable Law inight specify for the terminetion o£Borrower'a right b� <br /> � rcinelate; or(c) enh�y of a jtitdginont onforcinb khis 9ecurity instrument. Those conditioi�s u�e thek Borrower; <br /> (a)pays Lender nll sums which then would be due under this SeouriCy InFtrumc�rt and the Note as if iro <br /> acceleiaCion hTd occiured; (b) ctiues any de�fault of any otixer covennnts or agreements; (c)pays all expenscs <br /> incurrod in rniforcing thin Security]nstr'�tment, inc1uding, but nok liinited to, reasonable attorneys' fees, <br /> property inspecCion nnd valuation Peea, a�d ofher Pees ii�cu�•rcd f�r tl�c purpose ofprotecting Lender's intierest <br /> zaaoaoaa <br /> NGORASIU-Single Famlly�Fzmiie Mae/Fretl01e bl ec UWFORM INSTRUM FNT Form 302A 17ai <br /> VM P(y VM Po(NE)�(7106j <br /> W ol�ers Kluwei'Flnanclal Servfoes Pnpe 12 of 1 J <br />