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<br /> � , � ke Secured Debi.A aad faitb�'hef b�I.en
<br /> � � � egecuted[ar the parpose of creating,securing or gua�aatyu►S t 8 ` : :,
<br />� '.• . . .. ' � I.endrr at any time is insettue wiib respect to any person or entity obt�gated an the Secured Debi or that thc prospect
<br /> "' • ; of any payment�o-r the vatue of ihe Property is impalred shaU aLso wnsdtute an event of dciaul�
<br /> ` �� 1S. IaEMEDIFS ON UEFAUL'�in some instanoes.[eder�l and state law wiU require Lender to pravide Granior with �
<br /> �� � •`', � , . amtice of the right to cure or other nouces and may establish time schedutes for forectasam actions.Subjed to these _
<br />- `` • � • timitatiuns.if a�y.Lender rteay accelerate the Secured Oebt and foreclose this Security Instrument in a manaer
<br /> � ', ` pruvided by law it Grantor is in defaulG �
<br /> - --- . , At the option of Lender,aU or any part of the agreed fees and charges,accraed intemst and principaf shall betame •
<br /> ���'-�--= imr�ed'eately due aitd paysble,after giviag notice d requirgd by law,upon the occurreace ot a default or anytune __
<br /> , � •-�, , ,,f .. thenafter_ln addition.Lender shall be enutled to all the remedies provided by law,the terms of the Secured Debt, , `°,
<br /> . 3_ '°. - ; this S¢curity Instrument and any related documents.inctnding withont limitation,the power to seIl the Property.
<br /> ` � �-�,;_f. .` If there is a deiauJ�Tnutee shall,in addition to any other pem�itted remedy,at the requ,est of the Lender.advertise •
<br /> .: and seq the Peoperty as a whote ar in separate parceis at pnblic auction W the bighest bidder for casb aad oonvey
<br /> � � a6sotute tiUe ftee and ctear of ali right,tide and inteeest of Grentor at such tirne and place as Trustee designaies.
<br /> ' ' ��� ' Tnutee shaU give notice of sa2e inetuding We tune,terms and placc of sate and a description af tlie property to be sold
<br /> - as�equited by the appticabte taw in eHect at the time of the proposed sale.
<br /> . , ' " Upon sale of the property aad ta the extent not probibited by law,Tnistee shall make and deGver a deed to the Property
<br /> - � .' ,..�s� = sold which coaveys absolute tiUe to the purchaser,and aftec fust paying ap fees,charges and costs.shall pay to Lender alI
<br /> . t �
<br /> = � moneys advaaced for repaiss,taxes.insurance.liens.assessments an d pnor enaun brances an d in te r e s t t t t e r e o n.a n d t h e �
<br />.s • - " principal and interest on the Secured Deb�paying the surplus.if any,to Grantor.Lender may pur.,hase the Property.
<br /> � " �:<��
<br /> �• • �.<��. The reataLs in any deed of oonveyance shall be prima facie evideace of ihe facts set forth therein. .
<br /> � ' � � � All remedies are ciistiact.cumulative and not exctusive,and the Lender is eatitied to aD remedies provided at!aa or '-
<br /> , • equity.whetlter or not expressly set fortt�.'Ibe aoceptance by Lender of any sum in payinent or partial payment on the ��'"�
<br /> =='� s`� Secured Debt after the balance u due or is axelerated or after tarectosure pmccedings are fited shatt aat constitute a 't;
<br /> . �---
<br /> , � "����. waiver of Lendet's right to require complete cure of any existing defatil�By not exercising aay remedy on Grantar's • �
<br /> , defautt,Lender daes aot waive Lender s right to later conszder the event a default yf it continues or happeas agaia
<br /> � • �'•',���; 16. �FCPENSE�;ADVANCES ON COVENANI�S;ATTORNEYS•FEE§;COdLEC110N COSTS.Except when
<br /> prolu'bited by law.Grantor agrees to pay all of Lender s expenses if Grantor breaches any oovenant in this Se+airity
<br />� . `-�.�� � . = Iustrument Grantor w�ill also pay un demand any amaunt incurred by Lender for iasuring,inspecting.preserving or =
<br /> w
<br />' ,.,��.�' � ', ��``�`'�� otheiwise protecting the Property and Lendei s security interest.These expenses w�bear interest from the date of
<br /> :' •;: the paytnent unUl paid in ful!at the highest interest rate in effect as provided in the terms of the Secured Debt. , :
<br />- � ' ���r'.r� � Grantor ag�s to pay aU oosts and e�cpenses inctmed by L.ender in eollecting.enforcing or pmtectiag Lendes's righ�s
<br />-.;.;�,. ;�� ' . . aad remedies under this Security IBStrumea�This amount may iaclude,but is not timite�to.attomeys'fees,oourt ��:
<br />- r . � •,:;.�.�.`� costs�and other legal expenses.This Secwiry Instrument shal!remain in effect unt�7 released.Grantor ag�ees to pay -
<br /> °,.'� �, for any reoordation c�asts of suc6 releaze. , �.
<br />- . :.:���:;;>,:' 17. �NYIItONME1VTAL LA�dS�#PIID I1�ARDOUS SUBSTAIVCES.As used in th�s section.(1 j Environmental Law ,.,.,.
<br /> _ .�,�Y~.: means,vvithaut timitation,the G�nmprehensive Environmental Response,Compensatian and Liability Act(CERCLA, ��='
<br /> .'.. ;�,�.�
<br /> � •.�;,���fit'�� ' 42 U.S.C.9601 et seq.).and z�other federal,state aasl tocal taws.regulations.ordinances,coun orders.attomey
<br /> ". . �� � ����• � general opinions or interpreti�e lettets wnceming the public healt�,safety.welfare,enviroa�at or a hazardous �:
<br /> , �� � substance;and(2)Hazardo�na 8ubstance means any toruc.radioacti�e or hazardo�s materiax,waste.pollutant or =_
<br /> � .; :%;�:;�•: contamiaant which has c6�tia wbich render tDe substance dangerous or pca�entially dangerous to the public �"-
<br /> � :�. � •"�''` - health,safety.welfare or enr W=�amen�The term includes,wit�out limitation,any�ec�stances defined as"h�ardous `
<br /> ��L'S�y�' raaterial,""toxic substances�"�aza�cdous aaste"or"hazardous substance"under any Znvironmeatal Law. . �:'
<br /> °+.;�:y�;- '° . � Grantor represe*_�'�.s;warrants a.-�d agrces tha� � -- -
<br /> s��' � , A..Except�C:eviously d�closed and acknowledged ia writing to Lender.no Hazardous Substance is or will be —_
<br /> .�`'`�..�� , lotated.stored or re�e.�sed on or in t�e Property.This restriction daes not appJy to sma11 quantities of
<br /> �:� , �,; � ' Na7ardous Substances tIs..�i are generally reoognized to be appropriate far the nom�al use and maintenance of _lT.
<br /> - , ' ' �� . - � the Property. R.-__
<br /> � ` , B. Except as previously disctosed and acknawledged in writing to l.ender�Grantor and every tenant 8ave been.are, ____
<br /> _ ��,'' � �• � artd shall remain in full compliauce with any applicable Environmental Law. -���
<br /> � �.. C. Grantor shall unmediatefy noti[y Lender if a release or threatened release of a Hazardous Substa�ce oavrs on.
<br /> ;�.. ` ' ' - under or a6out the Property or there is a viotation of any Enviromnental Law oonoeming the F�aperty.In suc6 �__,_
<br /> � an even�Grantor shait�alce all necessary remedial action m accordance with any Environmedtal Law. �-_
<br />= ' D. Grantos shall immediately notify Lender in wriung as soan as Grantar has reason to believe there is any �::•
<br /> _ ' : . pending ox threatened investigation,claim,or proceeding refatiAg to the retease or thr�.�ned release of any F��-.
<br /> �� Hazar��Substance os the violation of any Envrronment�E.;�a�. e
<br /> '. . i�'�r'
<br />� ' ��•'�.�•; 18. CID:�iDEMNA'iYUN.Grantar arill givc l.ender promQa r.otice o�any pending az threatencd actian.by private oi -
<br /> � �';�' ' �.ir errities to urchase oa take an or all of the Pca ttnoL rondemna��n,eminent domain,or an other
<br /> — ��.;`��::' ,�.: p�' P Y ��Y � Y �'_:'.
<br /> ;� ,, means.Grantar authorizes Lender to mtervena in Grantos's nan:e in any ot th:.a�ove descn'bed aciions ca daims. �_�
<br /> — " Grantor assigns�2o Lender the proceeds of aay award or claim for es connected with a cezadeautation or other �"- -
<br /> � � ..`,`�; takin of all or an art of the Pro Such occeds shall be wnsi��re a ments and will be lied as rovided in �`='k'�
<br /> . S 9 P F�Y• PT P Y �P P .
<br /> --- ' � � this Sccurity Instrumen�This acsignment of procceds is subject to the terms mf any prior mortgage,deeti of trus�
<br /> -- . �• ���•��•�'� '; security agreement or other lian�document
<br /> '°�.<,�.�,
<br /> :;��- �' 19. INSURANCE.Grantor shail keep Property insured against loss by�re.tloadC t�efi and other hazards and ristss
<br /> - � :. . � �:�� , reason�bly associated with the Property due to its type and location.This►nsurance shall be maintained in the amaunts
<br />� � and for the periods that Lender requires.The ins�rance carrier providing the insurance shall be chasen by Granior
<br /> - � subject to Lender's approval,which shall not be unreasonably withheld.If Grantar faiis to maintain the coverage �
<br /> - � described above.Lender may.at Lender's opt�on,obtain coverage to protect Lender's righu in the Property according •
<br /> = � � • � oo'the terms of this Security Instru:nen� :�
<br />- � � � All insurance policies and renewats shall be acceptable to Lender and shall include a standard"mortgage clause"and.
<br /> - . : _ where applirablc."loss payee clatue."Grantor shaU immediately notify Lender of cancellation or termination of the
<br /> ' �� insurance.lxnder shall have the right to hold the policies and renewals.lf Lender requires.Grantor shall immediatety
<br /> � � � g�ve to Lender all reccipts of paid premiums and renewal notices.Upon loss.Grantor shall give immediate rtotice to .
<br /> . the insurance carrier and Lender.Lender may make proof of Ioss if not made immediatety by Grantor.
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