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<br /> �� ` �`��' ader to Grantor or other future obtigauas�s of Gra�nt�to i.e��un er nny�romissory _
<br /> � B. A11 fuuue advaaces fmm i.e :.:�_°_
<br /> .e
<br /> '�����`"'�` �' ' note.eontract.guar'daty.ar other evidence of d�bt executed by Grantor in favor of�.eader exectlte�aft�;this
<br /> . . Seauity Instrumeat whether or not this Security Insuument is specificaUy refe�aced.It mom tban one persan �,.
<br /> • signs this Security Wsttumen�each Gfantor agrees that this Secucity Instn�ment�vill�ecure all future advsnr�es and 's•�
<br /> . m
<br /> � `.w future obligations that are givea to or inc[ured by aay one or more Grantor.or any one or uiore Graatos and �.�,� .'
<br /> . r- r '� � othe�s,pp future advanoes and other future obligations are secured by this Security Inswment even thoug6 till or .
<br /> • . ' part may not yet�e advtinced All future advances and other futute obligations are serured as if made on the date
<br /> of this Security instrumen�Nothiag in tlris Security Instrrment shall�on5dtute a wmmitment to make additional , _
<br /> � - ` �� or futuie toans or advanoes in any arnounL Any such wmmitment must be agreed to in a separate writing. ,.:
<br /> .•.�� C. All obtigations Grantor atirres to I.ender,wLid►may tater arise.ta the exteet noi prohbited by law.includiag,but ti,:.,
<br /> �' '" `�• . noi limited to.liabilities far averdtafts relating to any depasit aa:ount ageement between Graator and Lender. �
<br />' t`. '-' '' ,� ' D.�All additional swns advanoed attd expenses ittaured 6y I.ender for insuring.preserving or otitern�ise protecting .
<br /> � � F` �, the Property and iu valae aad any other sumc advanced and expeases incvrred bY Lender nnder tbe terms af
<br /> . `:��..
<br /> " . • this Security InsWment_ <.-
<br /> � '[i�is geciuityr Instrumeat w�l aot secure any other debi if Leader faiis to give any required notice of the rig6t of�ion. � '=; '
<br /> ����' a�<�.1::.-.
<br /> � 9, ppYMEN15.Grantor agxees tlzat aI1 paYments under the Secured Debt will be paid when due and ia acoordance _•
<br /> .. - with the terms of the Secared Debt and this Security Instcumem. ,T
<br /> � 'z 6. NAR�tA1�Pr9t OF T1TLE�irantor warrants that Grantor is or m']1 be lawfuliy seized of the estate conveyed by this .`v-,
<br />. +, :% � �' .. _.� ge�uityr Insmimeat and has the right to iaevorably grant,wnvey,and sell the Property to Trustrx.in trast..�+ith
<br /> ' - ''�. power of sate.G:antor aLsa warrants thai�e PropeAy is unencumbered,eacept tor eacambranoes of record. <<`
<br /> ' -`', `t'y� y-"
<br /> ' , 7 p��g SECURY�y 1PP�Eg�iS.With regard to any other mortgage.deed of lrus�security agreement or otlter Tcen
<br /> • � - docxnment that created a prior seauity interese or eacambrance on the Property,C�ior agree� - -
<br /> �-� ,.. °.. . .�.' A. To make all payments when due and to perfosm or comply with all covenant�.
<br /> . --.-... B. To promptly detiver to I.eader aay notices that Giantorreceives fram the hotder. '��`'..'=
<br /> - C. Not to a1Iow any mndiSc�tian or extension o�aor to rcyuest any futuie�ivances under an}r note os agreemect'•,, � _-
<br /> _,"' secured isy the lien document without Leuder's prior written consent __
<br /> :,.:
<br /> .,�..;,;; . � CLAIMS AGAINST TiT1.E.Grantor w�l pay all taxes.as�sments.liens.encumbrances.lease�ayments,ground _
<br /> ' rents.utiiities,aad other charges selating to the Property whea due.I.ender may requ'ne Grantor to pravide to Lender �
<br /> .._.. cop'�es of all notices that sach amounts are dus and the receipts e�islenang Gsanior's paymea�Grantor w11 defead '`�:�'
<br /> � 6de to ttie Property ag�aiast any claims that would impair the tiea af this SeciuiL�Instnimen�Grantor agrees to assign ,
<br /> , to I.ender,as requested by Lender,any rig6ts,.claims or defenses Crantor may have against parties who suppty Iabor
<br /> . �-
<br /> _ . � . or matenaLs to maintain or unpr�ve the Properry. �,�_
<br /> • " ' 9 DUE ON SALE OR ENCUMBRANCE.1�ender�naY.at its op�n..declare the entire balaace of the Sectued Debi W =_
<br /> - ; .s`•.�. be immediateiy due and payable u�on the creation o�or coatrr.���r the creation o�aay lisn,encumbrance,trasbsfer �__
<br /> • or sate of the Property.This nght is su6ject to the restrictions'vriposed by Pederal law(12 GF.R 591),as applicab2e. �:�
<br /> . . � . . 'Tdis covenaat shaU rua with the Property and shall remain in effect until t��Secured Debt is paid in full and this �'-`'_
<br /> ' Secuzity Instn�meat is released. �_-
<br /> � � 1Q PROPER'i7t CONDITION,ALTEttATI0AIS AND Ir1S�ECriON.Crra�tor wi11�C�ep the Properiy in gaod. __
<br /> • condition and make all repairs that are reasonably necessary�.+Orantos s�na11 not cc�»t or aUow anp waste.. �-«
<br /> • ` � � zmpairment,or deterioration of the Froperty.Grantor will ke�g t�e Property free of noxious weeds and grasse�. m__
<br />- " ' � ' Grantor agrees that the nature of the occupancy and use w�l aati s.r►sstanti�Il�%o�ange without I.ender s�'ior writ'� . ,�,_��'
<br />- consent.Grantor will not permit any change in any license.ressiiatire ca�er'-�or easement without Ux�w^z s�ricr �,;-,.�
<br /> �.. .�� •-" . ' � a�ritten consen�Grantor w�1!aotify Lender of aU demands.pra�y:-�+ing�,ci�::.*-�s.and actions against Gr's'��,�Ead eF �=�_-_
<br /> � . -� � any loss or damage to the Property. _r.
<br /> " � . Lender or Lender's agents may,at Lender's opiion,entes the Property at any reasona6le time for the p�ose ek -- -
<br /> ';•,� ;� - inspectiag the�oe for the inseecti a�An insr eetion of he Pro erty shall be entirely for Le der's��bs�nefi aand
<br /> ,; . reasonable purp P Y , P P . .°:--
<br /> Grantor will in no way rely on Lender's inspechon. �. • -
<br /> . ` • ' il, AUTHQItiTY�'O P�ORNY.If Grantar fails to perform any duty or any of the wvenants contained•in this P_,.,
<br /> - � ' ' Security Instrument,l.ender may,wrthout notice.perform or cause them to be performed.Grantor appoints Lender
<br />� `^` ' as attorQey in fac!to siga Grantor's name or Qay any amouat necessaiy for performanoe.l.ender's rig6t to pedonn fes � =
<br />��.° � ' �. Grantor s�all not creaxe an obligation to perform,and Lender's failure to�rform will not prectude�ender&om .
<br /> ` . . exercisiag aey of Lender's other rig6ts under the lavr or this Security Instrumen t.I f any co n s t r u c h o n o n t T�•w P r o p e rt Y i s �' ;-_
<br /> •�<•� � discontinued ar ntrt carried on in a reasonable manner.Lender may take all steps necessary to pro.e��Lender's r.F -
<br /> _ � ` ' security interest in the Property.inclnding oompleGon of the construction. �::.�=-
<br /> �;- �;::�t�• � �2. A�SIGNMENI'OF LEASES AND RENI'S.Grantor irrevacabty gants.canveys and selfs to Trustee,in tn�st for the l����''
<br /> AS
<br /> � . ' benefit of Lender,as additional security all the dght.title and interest in aa�to any and a11 rtian oi th�pro�es, �`'�_
<br /> � ' � , subleases.and asty other written or verbal agreerrtents for the use and a�u�,:.ncy of any p P nR __ ._.
<br /> • � � including any extensions.renewals.moditications or substitutions of such agreaments(all referred to as"Leases")and —_-_
<br /> - • -�. rents.issues and profits(all referred to as"Rents").Gr�tor�vill promptly provide Leader with true and correct
<br /> �� � ,. ,`;`: wp�ies of a�esisting and futwe Leas�s.Grantor may collect.reaeive.enjoy and use the Reuts so long as Grantor is ttot
<br />- � ` in defauT�c:�der the terms of this Security lnstrument. ',
<br />-- � - Gra,.tcsr acknmvledg�s that this assignment is pedecied apon the reoording of this Dced of Tnut and��at Lender is
<br />- "~ ° . ' entitle3 to nolify any of Grantor's tenants to make payment of Rents due or to become due to Lead�r.However� ��,-�
<br /> � � .,�' �,. Lendes agees that only on default will Leader notify C3rantor and Grantor's tenants and make demand that all future
<br /> . Rents be paid direcUy to Lender.On receiving notice of default.Grantor will endorse and deliver to Leader any
<br /> - . . � �. � payment of Rents in Graator's possession and will receive any Rents in trust for Lender and will not cammingle the
<br /> - • Rents with any other Ponds.Any amounts collected wiil be applied as provided in this Security instrumeat.Grantor
<br /> -� warrants t6at no default exists under the LeaSes or any appticable landlord/tenant law.Grantar also agrees to maintain
<br /> � • . arid require any tenant to comply with the terms of the Leases and applicable E3�w. �
<br /> - ' �� 13 LEASE�OWS;CONDO1dIll�T1UMS;PLANNED UPtTd'DEVEIAPME11iT5.Grantor agrees to oomply with the �
<br /> "" -- . ' � provisions of any►ease if this Security Inswment is an a leasehotd.lt the Property includcs a unit in a condcsmYnium
<br /> � �� or a planned umt development.Gr�ntor will perform aU of Grantor's duties under the covenants.by-laws,or
<br /> . �" regulations of thc coadominium or planned unit development. •
<br /> -- � . � �. YQ. DEFAULT.Gtantor wiU be.in dciault if any party obligated on the Secured Debi fails to make payrttent when due.
<br /> - � • �`• � Grantor will be in default if a breach oavrs under the terms of ihis Security Instrument or any ot6erdoc7tment
<br /> . ,.
<br /> � � � � (Ara9e2af4)
<br /> • ' o,ss�e.vu��sy�e�m.mc.sicw�a.ra,�usoa�•z�m�co�m�t-r�era�ae
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