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._ � 'v ... ' : \ �4` : <br /> �. <br />� �4 �.c� y . I ., c.` . 'T , ` � ,4 �v ``F ,f' '��tG � . <br /> n . � �., c't, _ c n 4 r <br /> 1 <br />. . -- t � .,` � `. ' _ _''1-� _ <br /> - . - 'p .S,s Cp .�. <br /> - ti�� 4.-l:. . 'L � �-.a(. � L �S •k_ � . <br /> _ � ._ ✓. — F1�a <br /> . ~�. . <br />.`.� �f .�t:[" ' � — <br /> .k 1.. ",.ti�. .. •.1���f'. <br /> " � . • <br /> � `<_ <br /> .,'.; :t p pairoftheFmPertY <br /> _ .. . ' ��E,' at!insuraace ds�all be apptied�ihe��ttfia� .�; "�y` <br /> - Un2e�othe�ar�a�d m w�it�, , : . <br /> ����,° ',.' f„ �:, or tothe Se�red Deb�whether ornot theadue.��e�soption Any appl�atioaof pro to p��Qat <br /> ' ' . `'�` � eatend or postpone the due date of the sctiecluled Pal►ment nor change the amount of anY paymen�Any eacess wi111�e <br /> . � ' . pai�w the Csranwr.Ff the propettS►is ac9t�red bY Lender.Graator's right m aay insurance Qoliaes and proceeds <br /> =,J'�,��` ` , resuiting from damage to the Propeity before the ac�quisitian shall pass to Lender to the extent of tlie 5ecured Debt <br /> /' ... im�ediately before the aog�siwnn- �� ` <br /> .. ' ?A: F��O�iY FOR TA7�5 A1vD�1511P�PI�.tTn�atftenvise provided'm a seQarate agreemen�Grantar wU not P.�E: <br /> -_.: . �• Y <br /> � • :' ..�` �..:`` `� be requir e d to pay to�.ender faads far tases and ins�uaaoe ia escrow. [r . <br /> -�-'-.=--��_. 2!. E�1A1�I��.R�P'O�S A11IIZ ADIDTIIIONa�L D��tJ14�Ni'S.Granwr w�l provide to Lender upon►y • <br /> . �.¢,�--�-� Grantor a ees tu deliver,aa��e '-- -�-` <br /> . , 6naacia�statemeat or inforn►ation T�ender may deem teasonabiy uecessary• � � <br /> en <br /> �,;.: any additioaa!doauaents or certifications that i.ea�der may cansider necessary to perfect.contiaue.and preser�e �., ,. <br /> Grantor's obfigations under t1�s Secvrity�ent a�d Leade�s fiea statas an the Property. : <br /> u <br /> ,. ` ` ZZ. JOINT AN�iPT�DYVmUr41.i.IABI�.T�1i;��,SIGNERS;Si1�SSORS ANID ASSIGNS�OUND.AU duties �;i. �_ <br /> - s mder this Seauity Insttument are joint and individual.If(irantor signs ttus SecaritY I�strwneAt but does not sga an <br /> � `^ evi+dence of debt,Grantor daes so only to mortgage Grantor's interest in the ProPerty to se�aue PaYme�af the �° : <br /> �•_'.`.:,'..�' <br /> tnatn+m�n_t <br /> �s. . �� S e c a re d D e b t a n d G r a n t o r d o e s aot a g r e e w be peisonally liable on the Secured Deb�If tlus Seauity =___._ <br /> F.�:. , .� �.�'„ ''` seca�res a gaar�atY between Ixader aad Cnaator,Giantos agrees to waive any ri g h t s t h a t m a y p z e v e n t L e n d e r f r o m � � <br /> 4 ., m d e 6 t e d u n d e r t h e o bh g a t i o n.'Ihese ri 8'M s me Y inclndQ•but <br />��'y:� _ - b�m8ng anY aaron or elaim agai�t G r a ntor az anp P�N� � : <br /> ,,,}LL � '' � , are not t�ited to�anY anti�efuxeary or one-actioa laws.Grantor agrees that Lender and anY P�S►to this Se�city � ; <br /> Ins�am.ent may extend,madify or make anY ct�aaSe in the terms of t�is Seauiry Iastrument or any evideace of debt �.m�3y;, <br />� .: '�; .� -,:,'� ° iastnmient�e <br />.;: ,t arithout Gr�ato�s cansent Such a change m'll not retease Grantor from the terms of th�s Secucity <br /> � : �:'1:�.,:''' �=(,�;` duties andbenefits of this Security I�swment sball bind aad benefit the succe.ssois aad assis�y'1s of Grantor and Lender. �%x"-=: <br /> t�•�x .-� ' g�g�gp,TTy,II�iTE��ATION Tlsis Sec�srtY Iasdrament�s govemed by the laws of � ', <br /> y�..�; Lz :. � �IdCABE,E LA�V; to the extent otheta�c��ired b1►the laws of the jarisdiction �. , ... <br /> -F.;,. <br /> �,;:. :.._:.�:.:..:.. :.:.:: `: tbe juessdictioa ia whid��.ender is iocated,excePi. ted T�is Se�uity Iasbument may ���-�_ <br /> �_ ,., . ,. _. .•. . . � wi3ete the Pmperry is tacated.Tii's Security lnstrum�ntis complete and`�,r''�'' � ,� f-�. <br /> �,.. ., •�: .,... ..,., <br /> ��. . <br /> not be amended or modified by oral agreemen� Aay ssctiaa in r,���rity Insuunsent,.atta¢hmeats,or any <br />___, . , •�. agxeement retated to die Seared Debt thai coa8icts cvitb�app' '�' law��sot be effed�+e.antess that law espressty � _ <br /> . •. . ,;. or imp&edty permits the vaiiatiflns by writteu agreemen�If any searon of tYscs SecuriYy Insuument canaat be enforced _ V �'. <br /> �;: .�..��. �., �.. . <br /> �-.f;.�._., to its temns,that section will be severed and w�1!not affect t�e enforceability of the re�ainder of this , �: <br /> �� � . . .. Seauity Iastrament Wheuever use�1,the singular shaII inchide the plurat aa@ We plural We singular.'I�.raptions and �::."':-' <br /> ��:,.•�.., . 1nsWment are for oomenieace only and are not W be used�o intespret os '�`;� <br />.�� .._ � headings of We sections of Wis Secasiry .�•P. <br />�-,.�:� : ' � define the teims of this Serauity�Insta�meni.3'ime is of We essence in this Serui►ty Instnrment �:;,. <br />�, � .:,.�- � ?A.g�JCCESSOR TRU3TE�.L.egd..'r.�at Lender's optioa,may from time to time remove Trnstee and appoint a - ' <br /> �. F � ' � snccessor tnistee witS��uE aiay ather formality thaa the designation in writ'sng.The successor trustee,withaut . �_- <br /> � ;,`f;�5;. ` ����,'.. conveyaace of the Frcr�rt9.shaPl su�ceed to aU the tide,pawer and dutir��conferred upan TnLStee by this Se�uitY —_._- <br />:�';;"�'���� �5¢��� Iastrument and applicab2e law. � . __-_ <br /> - �`.,� � � . ��f;��� law,an notice s�aII 8�n��n h��l:ayeiing it cys by ma�ing it by fitst cl� '�'��_�. <br />:�-:.,�.,,':t.?` � .!�',+;.�� ?.� NOTiCE.Unless offieiaise required bl+ Y �,or to azry ather address designated%� =- <br /> -s� .. :.,`,f' •_ � : :• ma�7 to the a riate pany's address on page l of this Sec�aiTy. �,-r:,� <br />��. .�:}�/;',� , rS`�.� . <br /> gs,,. ,;;�9}��. :. ; .-� writing.Nutice to ane grantor w�l be deemed W be notice to aU gcantois. —_-- <br />� .`�.�., � • � �•� t6r �ANERSo.Escepi to the extent prolu'bited by law.Crautor araives aIl�ment and hamesuead exem�rtiun rigMs __- <br /> . � retatiag to the Property. `,�"°�` <br /> 29. �R TEAM3.If c�ec�ed.the follawiag are applicable to tl�SecuritY Tns�menx . _ _ <br /> ��� , ' � Idne of Ceedi�The Secured Debt includes a revolvia�I�uf credit Pravisio,:fllthougi�the Secured Debt _ ` <br /> .�. ; this Secauity Insuuaier�cu�l re�,�n in sffect unt�reieased. <br />�. � ,�� m a y be reduced to a ze:o balance, <br /> � �Ons�aaton 3,�r�n.This Security Inswment secures aa obig��+�a incuaed f o r t h e c o n s t r u c t i o n o f a n <br /> . .. � improvement on the Properry. �- <br /> � � F�ur�i�in�Graator pants to Leader a security iutetest in a11 gaods that Crantor owns aow or in We <br /> ��.`�`�.'r•: '•�'".':;'°' . r wiU become fixtures related tathe Property.This S�►InsWmeat suffices as a . � <br /> �.. • .- . � future and that are o <br /> ' � 5naacing statemtnt aad any casbon,phowgrapthic as ay�er repmdusKian may be filed of reco=d for ptuposes <br /> � , , ,` .: � `',`".� of Article 9 of the Uniform Commercial Cade. --- <br /> ,�.`. p liidere.The cuvenaau and agreements oi each of the riders checked below are incorporated into and • � . _ <br />�. ` • � supplement and amend the temos of tWs Security Instrument.[Aieck ali apglirabte boxesj MN••�M �. � �,� <br /> . .. 0 Condominium ltider ❑Pianned Unit Developmeat Rider ❑Other..........».»........»........... - <br /> �. �`' . ' ❑ Additlonaf T¢rms. "��� <br />�� � ... , • �� �.. � HSi"175..:. <br /> Fr.�ih` <br /> - , , . �'/�� E.•.�-.;. <br /> E�- <br /> • �� : <br /> r` _ . — <br /> . Ch _ <br /> . � � . � SIG1a�pTVRE�;By�gnia� eloa►,Crrantor ag�ees to the terws aad covenants aontained ia this Secauity Qs�ment�ad in �-- <br />:�. .,. �� gni <br /> , • . anyr a tt a c h ments.Grant o acTmowl s recaeipt oi a capy of this Security lnstrament on the date stated on page 1. <br /> �.�,. , � , � :,.. • ; <br /> � ,�•..' ; ::-�'' ' ..» ............................ .................»..«................».............................. � � . <br /> 10/08/9? »»........... .;. <br /> . ,. ............ »...»...... <br /> ' �, '' (s; (�r:e) (s��) Date <br /> J S H TR L <br /> � � � .� AC�IOWLEDGN�I,P1:N .. <br /> .: . .. ��...,: . �: STATE OF......�8............ ....... ........... . .. ......... . . <br /> RASKA . ..... .. .......,COUNTY OF...... HALL»..................... 1� <br /> ���- , � . -� � n�a;�e„n ' '� w cknowled�e�d betore me of......OCTOHER.,,..........19.�7.»».... <br /> �i.�', ,� . . � . b����E9.B.�1���,�l1�)HIABflIED YEH80A................. .......................... ... ._..»..........................«......... <br /> �_ . � ' IV�y cammission espires: • � ����� .«............�...�.....�.�..... - <br /> , . ........». <br /> . .... :• seal • • <br /> . .. <br /> � ,� •. .� . ............ ..... . .....� � ..�».... <br /> � � 6fliFRAtH01AAY•St�teatHeDnsb No vut'L` • <br /> ;�"'`- ' : OAVt�f.00NMfN <br /> .i��.:; • � E'�COmm E1p.Ru84.2000 . <br /> ;�- • _ . . �; . <br /> ;�`.I� , - ---_--� (p�4of4) <br /> .;�� . O��e�ms s���e�r�zta�1 km,aear+r�era�a <br /> ''�� . . �;. • ' _ <br /> ,� <br /> �', , ' ..' � '_ <br />__��� . <br />