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<br /> . � . � g�— c��'��
<br /> � th a ti of Lender if mnrt e inswraace covera e(in the�emuunt�ar the
<br /> '� paymeats may no Yonger be requtred.at e p an . gag S ��
<br /> - � � that Lende* �e4uims)Provided by an insurer approved by I.ender again b�+ames avail.ble and is ahta�ned.Borrower sLall pay ,
<br /> _`; .: �- the premiums required to maintain at�rt�e instuance in effect.or to provide a toss reserve.uatil We requiremeat for nrortgage
<br /> �• � insuraace ends in acoordance�vtth aqy wiitten agreemsnt 6etween Borrower and Lender or applicabfe Iaw.
<br /> �� �"•�� ( 9.Ic�s�Cttoa.Len�der or its ageat may make ceasonabie eavies upon aud inspections of the Praperty.l.ender shaU give �
<br /> `�``:.^%'� Borrower not�ce at the t�me of or prior to an enspectiaa sgecifyin8 reasormble cause for Hte iasperxiun. -,
<br /> " ``r�'.��� lfl. Conde�ttoa.'fhe pmceeds of aay swand or claim for damages,direct or consequemial. in wnuection arith any
<br /> ��� . �• a�ademnauon or oiker taking af any part of th�e PropeAy.or for coaveyan�in lieu of oondemnation. are heieby assigned aad
<br /> . shali be paid to Leader.
<br /> � ` �� ;� in the es�ent of a total tatdng of the Property,the pmoeeds shall be applied to the sums secured by this SeWrity In�tctm�ent. '
<br /> , , - .v .
<br /> � ; �; • whether or aot then due.with any►excess,paid to Borrower.In the event of a partial takiqg of the Property ia which the fair �-.��
<br /> , market vaiue oE the Propeity immediately 6efa:e the mking is equal to or ge�e�c tdan the amouni of the sums secured 6y this• ��_�;
<br /> , Secnriry Insuument immediateTy before the taking,unless Bomnerer and I�ader otbetuvjse agree in writing.the sums secured by "-
<br /> �• ' ... dtis Searrity Instrumeat shall be reduced 6y the xmnunt of the prnceeds multipiied by the following fraction: (a)the•tota! � _-�
<br /> , mn
<br /> � `:� ,.,�: ,; amount of the sums secvted imme�iauly before the taking.divided iry(b) the fair market vatue of tQe Propeny iva�mediatety
<br /> .. .�. •. ...
<br />, << , 6efore t6e taldng. Auy batauce shall be paid to Borrower. 1n We event of a pasda! ta4�ag af the Prnperty jn whirh the fair
<br /> • meTket vatue of the Property imm ; rP1y�efo:e We taking is tess than the amount of t&a suaas secured imm iar�ty befoie the
<br /> L�fA
<br /> . ' ' uales�Boaower and Lender atherwise in writin or untess a licable law otheradse vides,t6e slydU ��.'�
<br /> , _.•,�..:.•:.' : �g, a� � PP Pro Pr'oc.eeds
<br /> . . be applied to the sums secured by tbis Sec�utty Iastrmnent whether ar not tbe sums are then due.
<br /> � .�' If ti�e is abandan� Borrower.or if,atter nouce b Lender to Bonower t6ffi the conde�zor offecs to maTce an � '
<br /> - �F�Y �Y Y
<br /> � award Qr seWe a claim for damages.Borrower faits to respond m I.eader within 30 days after tiie date the ttotice is given, �:,__�
<br /> Lendec is aathorizad W eolteet and apply We psnceeds,ac its option,eiWer to mstoiation or c�epair of the Propeaty or to the sams
<br /> < ��. secure�by this Seciuity Insmunent,whether or not then due. . �, .i
<br />. -�F ..,:!�,, `� Untess I,ender and Borrower othervvise agree in wciting,aaY aPPUcation of proceeds to priacipal s4all not extend or �-,.
<br /> -:.;.,..� �.:r - postpone the due date of the monthty.paymetus refened w in paragraphs l and 2 or change the amount of sucL payments.
<br /> ' • + il.Borrower Noi Reieased;�qrbearauoe By Lender Not a Waiver.Fxtension uf the time for paym�E or madlfication • �;,:',�
<br /> :. , :�;:` . of amorti7�tion of the sams sewzed by this Se�nriry Insuument granted by Lender to siry successor in intenest of BorroWer sAall � . �•'-'-
<br />-� , . '�:'� • aot operate w releas��liability of the orig�nat 6omower or Bor�ower's�u��s ia►inte�st.Lender s3�aU noi be reqaired to -�_.
<br /> • ;:�... �;-.
<br /> , commence prooeediTg�agaiast any successor in i�z�est or refuse to exten�:re�e for payment or otherwy,.�modify amortizadon
<br /> •�• �f of the snn�s s�,vred by tUia Sacurity Instrunient by reason�1 any de�aarid made 6y the original Botrower or Bomawer's �:.�
<br /> '•,'�.' ' ��� suocessois In interest. Any forbe�ance by Lender in ea�erci��ay right or rea��sball riot be a waiver of oz preclnde the f,
<br />, �`isr;. ��; exercise of any right or temedy. . � , . �'`
<br /> . :.. .�.,, : '
<br />_ ;. -;; . DZ. Sueces�ors an8 Asstg�ps Botmd;Jo�iaY gad Severa! Liabilityt Co-signe�s. T5e cavenants�aast agreements of this : �'.
<br /> ,� -";; S�uitp iasuumeat s6a!!birsa and beae�it the suceessois and sssigns of Lender end BESrrower, snE;��ro the prov�om vf �
<br /> ..�.'.7;`,T �
<br /> ,,;,` ,:— ..:t paragraph 17. Bormwer's oovenants and agreements shall be joint and severat.Any Borrower who w-signs tius Se�vrity . �:.;
<br /> � -�3'`F ,`� Inswment but does not execute the Note: (a) is co-si this Securi Insmuneat onl c�,xno e,gtant and comr that
<br />_ `��� Borrower's int0rest ia the Property nnder the ternis af this Security Insm�ment:(b)is not persona�U a�ligated to pay e sums ��'
<br /> . .;�=;, ; s°-,
<br />- ::,.� ; secw�ed by this Security Iastroment;and(c)agre�eLat Lender and any other Borrower may agree to��tad,madify,fotbesr or. _ _
<br />- '. . '`F inake any accomrrwdations arith regard to the ter��f thIs Security Instrument or the Note without thai�3rrower's cansent. °_�
<br /> ° ;:'�; 13.Loan C6asges.If the loan secured by tlus Security ELLstrument is subject to a law wiuch sets�n�xlmum loaa charges, �-_
<br /> � � ` �� and that law is finally interprcted so that the interast or ot�x3�oan charges collected os W be wllected in wnnection with the --�
<br /> '.. .E!F'.�_:
<br /> . .aw;f,�`': ,�... : � �; loan eareed tl�e pemutted Ilmits,ehen:(a)any such loan charge shall 6e reduced by the aiuount necessaiy to mduce tha charge �°:<,
<br /> ,`�:i��':yi :� .
<br /> `:•s to the pemuued limit;aad(b1 any sams already�aSlected fmm Boaower which exceede�permitted�will be refuaded w �-
<br /> , '. Borrower. Lender may chooSe to ma�e tius e�f� by reducJns the principal owed undes the Ncre vr 6y making a dire�t �`�
<br />- ;��'� ��, �• payment to Bnrrower. If a refund reduoes pr.�scipal, the teduction will be treated ag a partiai prepayment wlthout e�r =___��
<br /> ;�`,•, . c sci __ .
<br /> _ ;;;�•;,• . . � �° PrcDayment charge unQer the Alote. _-
<br />_;��,;tl;?j.' :,. � j 14.Notices.Any norice to Srn+rawer prusi�d for ia th:�:�curity lnstivment aha11 be given by delivering it or by mailing ��_
<br />_ • � it by fitst ctass i►sail e„�^.tess applirable law req�aff�s rse of anat2ier method.TI18 tWt�OE 817aI}�C ditlOCiB�C1?t118 PIOFETt}�Ad�IC53
<br /> _ ,., or arry other address�orrower designates by �x:� to Lea�er. My notfo�to Le�der shall be gh�en by 8rst class mall to �;.j�
<br /> - t Lendes's addmss'stat�cl herein or any other address i.ende��[..[�sagnates by notice to Boaower. Any norice provided for in thia e''.;
<br /> '°�•��� '�;.. Securi�Insuvment sha116e deemed to have been given to E�a�awer or L�mder when give�as pmvided in this paragraph. . , � ��.;
<br /> , _ , � � ' 15.Goveming Law; Sever�blBty. This Security Inswment st�all�6e governed by federal taw and�the law of tlte '����•
<br /> - � ' .. : jurisdictian in wlucb the Pmperty is located.�n tt�ee eveat that any�provision or�clause of this Seauity YasWment or the Note —�•�
<br /> i conflicts with applicable law.such wnfliet shall not affect other provisions of this Secvrity lnstnunent ar tiie Nate which can be ��-
<br /> . �� given effecc without the cont]iaing provision.To this end tAe provlsions of this Security laswment and the Note are declamd
<br /> _ • � s to be severable. ,
<br /> . � } 16.�iorrower's Copy.Bonawer shall ba glven one conformed copy of the Note and of this Security Instrumen� _
<br />- � � � "; wnr►aose 9I90
<br /> _ ; ��oo�a
<br /> _ _. �: .. . .i � � � . .,
<br /> .
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